Let's not forget that Jackson County legislator Crystal Williams recently lost her bid for State Senate.

However . . .


As always, Crystal keeps looking forward to the weekend.

Here's her latest campaign announcement.

And so the question remains . . .


- Amid the PROPERTY TAX HOT MESS THAT HIT HER HYDE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD THE HARDEST . . . She offered nothing but sound-bytes and no info for her constituents.

- She has wasted most of her time in office running for higher office.

- She has few allies on the Legislature and spends most of her time advocating "girl power" while the adults conduct serious biz.

For these reasons and so many more . . . We'll support just about any challenger to this lady given that her accomplishments in office her ever present attendance at all of the good Midtown Democratic Party Cocktail parties.


  1. She'll win. No challenger.

  2. Whats her views casual sex?

  3. Wow the good ole boys she complained about are now supporting her. How times change when you at pork barrel yourselves.

  4. All those names are great but you still have to run a race.

  5. I hear her opponent is already out there after the property tax mess.

  6. Richard Speidel must have absolutely NO taste whatsoever. Can you imagine living with that Chrystal pig on purpose?

  7. Who knows what Richard tastes after all the cocks that have been in his wife.

  8. Rally to be held at JaxCo Park Facility5/28/13, 8:19 AM

    Mrs. Williams needs to clearly state where she stands on racial issues before she earns the votes of White citizens.
    I would invite her to attend a celebration of the Confederacy and a lament for the Niggeredization of America by hosting a memorialization to spit on the memory of Order Number 11 and its horrid attack on White culture and pride. Those who treasure the memory of Traditional America and want to see it restored, please come and rally at:

    Saturday, September 14, 2013
    Missouri Town 1855 (near Lake Jacomo)Enforcement of Order #11. This will be an all-day event at Missouri Town 1855 (9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) and it will be followed by a candlelight tour during the evening scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more ineformation on the ideas and ideals behind this rally, I invite Mrs. Williams to visit the web site www.stormfront.org.

    Do not let the Nigger-lovetrs pervert our glorious history!

  9. Important Follow Up5/28/13, 8:21 AM

    The event discussed at 8:19 is a Whites Only event thank you.

  10. Henry Rizzo had her when she was much younger and her tits had not gave way. Then she turns around, (yes) and beats him in a Democrat primary.

  11. Look at the Jigs on her invite list, I am surprised she has not attacked the JaxCo Parks and Rec staff for approving the Sept. 14 rally.

  12. Thanks for clarifying 8:21, but please clarify further. It is a Dumbass Whites Only event, and quite a sausage fest I'm sure. What time is the cross burning? Don't want Chuck and N-Word guy to be late.

  13. Order Number 11 was signed on the last day that these United States existed. A niggeredized excuse stands in the place of that once proud compact of independent states!

  14. 5/28/13, 8:57 AM

    Agree totally! See you there. I will give credit to the County parks for granting the permit to hold this event.

  15. Crystal is playing insider baseball well.

  16. The voters are not going to forget she is just using that seat for a stepping stone and will be gone when she can move up. She has lost my vote.

  17. That September 14 rally will be an awsome display of the power of this White, Christian Republic.

  18. Inverted nipple
    Vaginal stench

  19. It's amazing who she will get in bed with to get elected. Amazing

  20. She got her ass kicked in conservative South KC in her senate race, so she will look the other way on events like the one scheduled for Sept. 14. I am sure it kills her because she likes to wear he bleeding heart on her sleave but she does not dare to say a word. I love seeing Libs like her with tape across their mouth! LOL

  21. She lost her last election so I am sure she will have a someone run. She has not kept one campaign promise its still the status quo. Good luck Crystal you are an insider now.

  22. A Simple Inquiry5/28/13, 9:59 AM

    This Crystal Williams woman, does she have a daughter who turned tricks in California before she was caught and came home?

  23. Come to Missouri Town September 14, 20135/28/13, 10:10 AM

    "The George Zimmerman second-degree murder case will proceed to trial June 10, after his judge today denied his defense team's latest request for a delay."

    Gee I wonder why White people are mad? There is no justice for White people under Nigger rules!

  24. Tony, you couldn't be more wrong about her assessment response. I'm on her mailing list and have recieved THREE emails from her about what to do, how to do it and how to reach her personally if I need more help. My neighbor said her office personally did their assessment online with her office on the phone walking her through the process step by step. Who else has done anything close to that? Where is Mike Sanders? Where are the other legislators in our area? (I live in Coleman Heights) She is at large, but so are two others. And my personal county rep Scott Burnett asn't helped anyone as far as I can tell. I don't know about the other issues, I'll be looking into them, but as far as assessment goes she's been the ONLY one to help. You really shouldn't lie about it. If you want, I will email all three emails to you so you can see for yourself.

  25. Where is Calvin "Creampuff" Williford, who is really County Executive.

  26. I agree that you are wrong about her assessment response. I am on her mailing list also and received those same three emails. She sent one out almost immediately after it happened offering guidance and how to appeal.

  27. Crystal does not have a daughter.

  28. Miss Sweetie Pie5/28/13, 11:17 AM

    Mr. Tony,
    What is "summer fare" Has it anything to do with the above mentioned sausage fest?
    And why is Skippy listed as host? Keeping friends close, etc. is a bit passé with this kooky legislative body. Not one of them is worth a damn. They all approved the shoddy software selection by the flawed Coons creep. As a skein of geese they look the other way as Tindall and Nunnely raid ComBat funds.
    Not one of these losers said a thing when Skippy pulled the Combat functions into the County Executive office. Why, it's a cozy comfy place for Skippy to bend over and let Tindall have his way.
    Please SOMEONE explain this to the tax payers: http://records.jacksongov.org/imgcache/opr2013E0035777-1-3.pdf

    Dear Skippy, what was the amount put on the COV at the time of transfer?

    ps. N word guy, Good Morning Chris.

  29. Huge, multi-passenger vangina.

  30. How can Jackson County Parks and Recreation approve a "Whites Only" event? Does Michele Newman have a brain in her head?

  31. Cupid Stunt

  32. There's no such thing as a 'Whites Only' event. What are you going to do, arrest people of color if they crash your party? Expect a lot of protestors.

  33. The girls don't realize how much their girl power cutesiness is watering down their message. They all come off like a bunch of fake bitches. Get real ladies.

  34. Why is Beth Low listed as "Honorable?" She is not an officeholder anymore, and a state rep does not retain their honorary title like a Governor, US Senator or Ambassador.

  35. Why would Jackson County approve a celebration of the Confederacy even if it is not a celebration of White Supremacy -- and there is no difference between the two?

  36. Liberals are filth bring on the confederacy


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