Kansas City hopes for a rain delay amid this fear of more violence from local gangs . . .

Fox4: Truce is set to expire Friday and efforts were underway on Thursday to not let that happen.

KSHB: Police presence spooked gang leaders meeting to renew the city's gang truce, which expires Friday.

Here's what we know . . .

- The gang truce was negotiated by one of the very best people in KC and I don't think they're involved this time around . . .

- For better or worse, a lot of the gang members originally involved in the first truce aren't around given that attrition and the justice system thinned out their ranks

- A bit of media hype is at play here but it's not all talk . . .

- Fear of a Summer Spike in Kansas City violence is REAL and community leaders are noting as much beyond this Summit that seems to be just one facet Kansas City fear.

Developing . . .


  1. Definitely not a joke. Something to watch and it makes me grateful the weather is such crap.

  2. A "gang truce" requires an employment guarantee.

    Employment security doesn't happen for anyone already making 100k.

  3. bullshit you guys,are,so scared.

  4. The body count is more tragic than scary.

    Hillbilly's are scary

  5. Let the Black Hunger Games begin!

  6. The rally scheduled for September 14 at Missouri Town will enlighten young people of the hate and filthy nigger-loving shit that ruined this country in the mid-19th century. We will not go away. We will not be quiet. We will rule again and this Confederation of God Fearing States will once againg be a shining city on the hill.

    It all starts on September 14 at Missouri Town with a proud Rebel Yell!

  7. Will there be beer?

  8. No just free ammo for those on the government teat

  9. Thanks a lot you Nazi a--hole, you're not helping things here.

  10. Let the gangs kill each other off.
    Put them all in one of the stadiums around KC and tell them that the last one standing gets $10 Million.

  11. The Enforcement of Order Number 11 was the first step to a Kenyan "president"5/31/13, 9:33 AM

    To those who do not yet have the information on the celebration of the Confederacy and a lament for the Niggeredization of America by hosting a memorialization to spit on the memory of Order Number 11 and its horrid attack on White culture, property and pride. Those who treasure the memory of Traditional America and want to see it restored, please come and rally at:

    Saturday, September 14, 2013
    Missouri Town 1855 (near Lake Jacomo)Enforcement of Order #11. This will be an all-day event at Missouri Town 1855 (9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) and it will be followed by a candlelight tour during the evening scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  12. So your telling me that if I receive any public assistance, you will give me and my friends free ammo?

  13. The Nazi's are moron's so they can't find their way back from the bar on weekends much less any long term vision for the future.

    Besides, rich white folks hire Israelis to guard their gates.

  14. Emperor of Blue Springs5/31/13, 11:08 AM

    5/31/13, 10:40 AM Nazis had some good Ideas actually. I am disgusted at what the liberals have done

  15. And your brilliance made you Emperor

  16. 5/31/13, 9:06 AM Moron!

  17. Can I get a definite answer,please??
    Will there be a beer garden at the at the old-fashioned heritage days festival, thing? ?

  18. NIGGER gangs at war? Great, maybe that'll reduce the overall number of the fucking animals..

  19. 5/31/13, 12:56 PM


  20. No beer trucks at the rebel fest.

    Y'all will need to sip whiskey from pints.

    And bring a driver.

  21. I can't believe this racist thing is really going to come off

  22. In 1850 the so called White Supremacist were living in mud huts on the Missouri River..

    with swollen spleens caused by the
    swamp devil Malaria?

    I'd like to see them go back to 1850?

    Anybody got a time machine?


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