Fear As Kansas City Gang Truce Ends

Fox4 picks up an important story about fear in the urban core over what some proclaim as the threat of upcoming gang violence . . .

Fox4: Truce among gangs set to end; KC leaders work toward another

Kudos to the newsies @ Fox4 for their translation of a horribly written presser that the TKC couldn't really make sense of last week.

Nevertheless, writing skill isn't a prerequisite for insider knowledge (OBVIOUSLY given the relative winning of this stupid blog) . . . So, it's important for local to consider what could be an upcoming gang violence problem ramping up this Summer.


  1. By definition a "gang Leader" is the head of a criminal enterprise. They enforced the RICO statute on the Mafia. Why can't they enforce it with these clowns who are even more dangerous than the mob ever was?

  2. All this is because criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens.

  3. Let them kill each other off. Every last one of them.

  4. You really think they want to replace their current "economics" with a job??? HAHAHAHAHA. Seriously.

  5. For starters are we to believe that the same shit bums who routinely kill children, old people, and other innocent bystanders, have been honoring a truce? We are also supposed to believe that not a single gang member was involved in any murders since the truce began in January. This sounds Like the poverty pimps, aim for peace, and the urban reverends are about to soak the city for cash to keep this phony truce in effect.

  6. Here's the "deal" they need to make: Free for all with gang bangers. It's on with ya all. Kill all the motherfuckers ya want. HOWEVER - no outsiders. You kill an innocent non-banger and you're gonna fry. Let them kill each other off. But they don't get to kill innocent by-standers, family members, etc. Deal made.
    PS The "Community United" idiots are part of the problem.

  7. Isn't NOVA going to scoop them all up?

  8. sad. here is the product of a poor education. look at the n-word guy. he chose to get a poor education in Lee's Summit. You get what you put in...

  9. I do believe Mark has it right.

  10. How about they round up these animals and put them in Gitmo when Obama releases the terrorists?

  11. Well one thing is for certain KCPD won't be able to do anything about it. This crime wave has been going on for years now.

  12. bwaaaaaaaahhhh...is this for real..once again the only way niggers can solve their issues is to shoot...stupid niggers.


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