Craig Glazer Talks The Weekend

TKC Note: Here's a quick update from our pal Craig on what he's up to this weekend . . .

Nick Vatterott: Star of ‘Mash-Up’

Rain, rain go away, come again some other day. Well, fellow Kansas Citians, between the cloudy, rainy weekend nights and the Royals thirty year losing streak, we could all use a fun night out on the town where we can all get some great laughs, sit back and relax. You know, let the other guy do all the work.

That surely would be the case this weekend at Stanford & Sons at the Legends. Nick Vatterott began his early career in stand-up comedy by driving from Saint Louis to Stanford & Sons in Westport to do Open Mic on Mondays in the early 2000’s. Some of the people Nick got on stage with were other area budding stars like Nikki Glaser, Greg Warren, Iliza Schlesinger and James Johann. Ten years later, Nikki, Iliza and now Nick Vatterott all have their own television series. Nick is the star of the Comedy Central TV series ‘Mash Up’. The show caught on quickly this fall and has just been picked up for a second season. The comedy series is based on an unusual premise; wherein both Nick and his co-star TJ Miller do stand-up routines on air and then both act out those routines as sketch comedy to show you what the joke would look like in real life. Each week they have special comedy guest stars come on the show. It doesn’t hurt Nick’s show that his co-star is TJ Miller, who is the hottest comedic actor in the nation today. TJ’s current projects include Mash Up, the Fox series ‘The Goodwin Games’, his own HBO series this fall that he both produces and stars in, he just finished filming ‘The Rescue Party’ for Universal and is now beginning primary shooting on ‘Transformers IV’ with co-lead, Mark Wahlberg. TJ also finds time to stop in and do Chelsea Lately twice a month or so. Yes, TJ even will make an appearance here at Stanfords in September, his only comedy club appearance for the coming year.

TJ and Nick became fast friends on the road and have worked together extensively, especially in New York and Chicago over the past several years. TJ quickly recognized the unique talent of Vatterott who has a morbid but undeniably funny take on such things as cell phones, answering machines, social media, newscasters and of course everyone’s love life including his own.

Vatterott has had a big year, recently appearing on Jimmy Fallon, Conan and also filming a half hour Comedy Central special which is airing currently. He and TJ Miller have also been contracted to do an animated adult show for Fox this fall.

We first met Nick when he featured for TJ Miller a couple of years ago. Audiences loved his stand up, this will be the second time he has headlined Stanford’s in the past two years. Come see the talent of this young comedy star whose career is already on fire. You will also majorly enjoy his co-star Roy Anthony from BET’s ‘Comic View’ and also from the MidWest. For further information call the club at (913)400-7500.


  1. FINALLY...

    at long last...

    somebody we've actually HEARD OF.

    Vatterott's shop-courses have prepared millions for jobs as welders, nurse's aids, etc!

    who knew he was a comic , too?

  2. Zzzzzzzzzzz.............

  3. Lolz. More top shelf comedy offerings from Stanford's.

  4. Another advertisement from a rat thief.


  5. Another Glazer Fecal Load on this blog.

  6. Jonathan Witherspoon is at The Improv at Zona Rosa this weekend. And KEVIN NEALON is coming in September.

    And remember ladies Craig might not be able to give you free tickets but he can give you herpes.

  7. Barf, another shitty nobody

  8. Told to us by another shitty nobody

  9. Neil Hamburger5/31/13, 4:23 PM

    Norm Macdonald interview clips are always on YouTube, and 'Louie' episodes on Netflix.
    So really no need to go to Chuckle's or Yuk-Yuk's.

  10. Tony,

    Thanks for running my ad ... oops, I mean, helping your readers find out where they can see some of the hottest comics in the business. Should I send the check to Rita's house, or to your basement apartment? And is Botello spelled with one L or two?


    Craig "Man Boobs" Glazer

  11. These comment people are mostly losers. Nick is great, his TV show is damn funny with Miller. Both are names, TJ is a massive star. Why do these people bitch? John Wetherspoon, saw him at STanfords Westport years ago. I think he's cool but I don't think Stanfords does the urban shows. I see they have Chris Katan, Mencia, Louie Anderson and Winslow coming. Guess they aren't big names huh. Oh well.

  12. Doesn't this guy Nick have a TV series? So he's a nobody? How many TV series have some of these hateful jerks had. None.

  13. The wacky eccentric next door neighbor5/31/13, 5:50 PM

    Agreed. The true measure of a man's worth is having filmed a shitty unwatchable pilot episode.

  14. I flunked outta Vatterott, the comedy was over my head.



  16. Say Comedy Guy ummm errr I mean Glazer stop post shit pumping up your snooze fest.

  17. Love Mash Up. Funny as hell. I saw at least five of the shows.

  18. Comedy Guy is a dick chugger5/31/13, 9:20 PM

    glazer you really are pathetic. Comedy Guy comment was so blatantly written by you. You fuckin retard, you arent even smart enough to at least make an effort to switch up your crude clumsy syntax. (look it up fag). No wonder you had to switch teams and become a rat. You are so fuckin stupid it takes you three hours to watch 60 Minutes.

  19. "Here's a quick update from our pal Craig on what he's up to this weekend"

    Let us know when he doing something interesting. He act at Stanford's is not news.

    I read the mess you call a blog because you seem to be able to hold some people's feet to fire on issues the Star won't take on and link to sites that have several different versions of the same story so we can judge for our self. Glazer just cheapens what you do best.

    In fact he is the anti-Tony. Do you really care that he wants to talk up Woodsides new pool. Is going to take you with him and hook you up with some young white skank?

    I would think a write up about the new Woodside pool would be the last TKC would care about.

    For the record, Woodside does not have the best pool in nation, mid-west or even the city. It is just the only place they let Craig in.

  20. never heard of this person.

  21. Queue the dramatic entrance music Harley is on the way.. What say thee Hardly?

  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Never heard of this person and who the fuck is TKC?

  23. @10:33 TKC is my mouthpiece, er, receptacle, er, shit. You know what I mean.
    Thanks again Tony for letting me blow another load all over your blog.


  25. Who is Craig Glazer? I've lived in Kansas City my entire life and I have never heard of this clown. Just that crazy old Glazer guy who kept trying to run for Mayor.

  26. See when Glazer and Harley don't post you get a true count of what people really think of this column by King of Stink. So Tony wake up get rid of it.

  27. As promised Nick delivered an outstanding show all weekend. Roy Anthony the costar also lit it up. Its always fun to find the next big names in the industry, I'm sure Nick will continue to do well with TJ Miller as his main man, as well as his own talents. Getting picked up for season two on Mash Up was a real boost to Nick's good fortune.

    As for the comment guys on here that want fireworks, well not right now. I think we have covered most of your hate mail before basement boys. When you hide behind fake names, make up insane b.s., well its just hard for anyone to take you seriously. I can't. Each week I will be reporting what comic or comics are at Stanfords. Simple as that. We've gone over this. As you can see we have a wonderful mix of household names, new stars we introduce to the city each year who have or will have TV series or movies, and we give some new talent a shot when we can. Overall the shows have always been well received for decades, in Westport, OP and at Legends. Thank you Kansas City for coming again and agin over the decades. We appreciate that, and will do our best to continue to find the best talent in America for your enjoyment.


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