TKC Note: Tonight, our pal Craig Glazer shares a thoughtful story from his younger days which offers perspective on the current efforts on marijuana law reform.

One Toke Over The Line

‘One Toke over the line, Sweet Jesus,
One toke over the line…’ ‘One Toke over the Line’ – Brewer and Shipley

I must have been at least fourteen years old when I asked my mom, ‘Hey mom, what’s marijuana?’ She asked me where I heard about marijuana…and not in a casual tone either. I responded, ‘I was at the Drive-In movies and saw Clint Eastwood in a picture called ‘A Fistful of Dollars’. My buddy said that the stubby cigar he was smoking was not, in fact a cigar. It was marijuana. He told me if you smoked it, it would make you drunk, or dizzy or just feel really cool.’ My mom went off, ‘I don’t ever want to see or hear anything about you and marijuana, Mister! You stay far away from that stuff,’ she screamed.

It was the late sixties and after my brief conversation with Mom, all I could think about was trying marijuana. I was a ninth grader and nobody in my school had ever tried the ‘demon weed’. I know, because I asked around. I went to my best pal, Jeff who had an older brother named Doug, he was kind of a beatnik, or what people were just beginning to call a ‘hippy’. You know, long beard, long hair, army jacket. My buddy and I ponied up and bought one gram of hashish. Yup, we were going to start out big-time. We went to the dime store, bought a corncob pipe, grabbed some aluminum foil, covered the pipe, poked pinholes in the foil, I took that little chunk of hash, busted in half and stuffed one of the halves into the pipe. I lit a match, lit the hash and took my first big toke. Doug had not given us very good directions. Then Jeff took a big toke and the garage was full of smoke. We hit it again. Jeff said, ‘I think we’re supposed to see the colors on the walls and ceiling melt, or maybe the cat will look like a lion, things are supposed to look really weird.’ I replied, ‘I think we’re really supposed to feel kinda drunk.’ What did I know? I had been drunk twice in my life at that point. As it turned out, we went through the entire gram and felt nothing except sore throats. See as it turned out, neither me nor Jeff smoked cigarettes, so neither of us knew to hold the smoke in our lungs and thus get high.

We complained to Doug about losing our eight bucks on that worthless hash. Feeling bad he gave us about a quarter bag of Mexican pot, or what we called in those days a quarter of a ‘lid’. (As in the old Cheech and Chong bit, ‘How Many Joints are in a Lid?’) This time we would do it right. We bought rolling papers, Zig Zags. We bought tickets to the big concert, Paul Revere and the Raiders, in fact my little brother Jack got the last ticket available to the sold out show. As memory serves, the show was at the Music Hall and me and my friend disappeared to the bathroom where we smoked an entire joint to no effect whatsoever. I thought, ‘Dammit, this whole getting high thing might be bull shit.’ In those days, I didn’t know anyone at school or elsewhere who had ever been high.

A few weeks later, I was at my favorite hang out, Winstead’s on The Plaza, I was fortunate because I had an older buddy named Marc whose Dad owned a car dealership so he had a brand new sports car. I’d sit in the back seat while the older guys were in the front as we’d cruise Winstead’s, Allen’s and Waid’s back in the day. Always hoping to pick up hot chicks, the truth is that almost never happened. What did happen one cloudy cool evening was that I spotted what appeared to be a US Soldier leaning against his muscle car (back then, they were all muscle cars). He was long past his military release date as evidenced by his weather-beaten army jacket and nearly shoulder length long hair. He stopped us as we passed by and asked if we had a light for his cigarette. Vietnam was still a fairly fresh battle of good versus evil, this time those ‘dirty commies’ of North Vietnam who were clearly plotting to take over America eventually and had to be stopped. The guy told me his name, confirmed he’d been in ‘Nam, and then proceeded to tell me about all the good drugs he brought back from overseas. Bottom line, he had weed for sale. I figured third time’s the charm and this time I went all out. I spent fifteen dollars for one entire ‘lid’. The soldier told me the weed was from Vietnam and would knock me on my ass. He said it was ‘killer’. Up to now, all I had killed was my wallet. I ran home and called my buddy Jeff and this time he was going to bring over two more buddies, O’Flynn and Fogel.

We waited til the following Friday night, me and the rest of my friends went down into the basement of our apartment complex. I was going to do everything right this time. I put on a Moody Blues album and cranked up the black lights so the posters would look cool, and I had even smoked so I could practice holding the potent smoke in my lungs for longer than half a second. We ground up that Asian green grass into a fine smokeable powder. We even used a cigarette rolling machine to do it right. We rolled three marijuana cigarettes as I started to light the first one for all four of us to partake, Fogel blurted out ‘You guys are crazy, my older sister told me if you smoke Mary Jane, you can jump out a window and kill yourself.’ ‘Yeah,’ O’Flynn chimed in, ‘My neighbor has a friend who smoked some of this shit and wound up in an insane asylum and is still strapped to his bed to this day!’ Truth be known, none of us had any idea what was going to happen because none of us knew anyone who had ever done this. We were Shawnee Mission pioneers in the true sense of the word. Well, there was Jeff’s older brother Doug, but he never told us shit about anything.

Fogel and O’Flynn decided to go upstairs and wait in the living room just in case Jeff and I both died. They didn’t want that on their conscience. I figured the good news is, we’re in the basement, so if I want to jump out of a window, I’d have to climb up on a washing machine to even reach one and I couldn’t fall any further than about twelve inches. Jeff and I were alone with three marijuana cigarettes, I lit the first one and began to inhale.

As we passed the joint back and forth, I noticed we both had trouble keeping the smoke down for any length of time in our lungs and this time we were able to hold it longer than we ever had before. Jeff and I laid down on the couch and the strangest thing began to happen. We both began to laugh uncontrollably for no reason at all. We just couldn’t stop laughing. Every sentence we spoke was the greatest joke I ever heard. The music sounded fantastic. The basement had the perfect lighting. I felt kind of dizzy, but also still in control. I turned to Jeff and said, ‘This is going to be the most fun weekend night we’ve ever had, let’s go out, get some girls, get laid, share this smoke with the girls and get some pizza on the way back. We are going to have the party to end all parties, but before we go, let’s take a few more tokes…for the road.’

It must have been about one in the afternoon Saturday when Jeff and I woke up, the black lights were still on, but totally ineffective since the sun was up. The needle on my record player was broken and with the record still spinning, it had become scratched beyond repair by the broken needle. There had been no girls, no party, no pizza. The two of us had fallen asleep in our clothing and had gone nowhere and done nothing but sleep. I said to Jeff, ‘Was that cool or what?’ He said, ‘Moron, we missed the entire weekend, we lost the weekend!’ I said, ‘Jeff, I think we’ve discovered something really huge here. I still have most of the weed left. Let’s wait til next weekend, invite two girls over and see what happens next.’ Jeff thought for a moment, then a big smile came over his face. ‘Yeah, brother,’ he said, ‘I totally see where you are coming from. Next weekend. You. Me. A couple of girls and our green little buddy from Vietnam!’ On that first Friday, my buddy and I had truly gone more than one toke over the line. Little did we know the adventures that would lie ahead for all of us.


  1. Nice story craig

  2. Nice story, rat thief.

  3. A former thief yes, a rat, never, hate'em, used em...thanks for sharing though. Name one person I ever gave up, can't never happened. Never will, dude if you had half my guts, but few do.

  4. Fun story Glazer. Oh those were the days, where did they go my friend.

  5. Craig, you are one Hell of a storyteller. nice work man.

  6. King Douchebag blows his own horn once again. Yeah, he's got guts. It takes a lot of guts to force a drunk chick into a bathroom stall to bang her, doesn't it Craig. Real tough guy. Regular Charles Bronson.

    1. give it a rest hater and crawl back to your hole.

  7. I've been smoking since January 1972 when my first lid cost $15. Now I spend $20 on a gram of chronic, though the quality is so much better now. I used to smoke two joints by myself just to catch a buzz. Now, I can share a bowl with the Mrs. & catch a nice one. One thing I miss from the old days: the red necks didn't smoke. You either smoked or drank. No one did both. The wife & I are seriously considering moving to one of the free states. I lived in Alaska when it was legal there. When its legal, its a whole different buzz, no paranoia, no anxiety.

    Nice story Glaze. I'd give my left nut to be a good writer. Don't waste that talent. Keep writing.

  8. If TKC wants to run this crap -- fine -- I just scroll past it--

    But I do want to commend TKC for the lead pic-- being the usual hot babe--and NOT a pic of disgusting CG.

    disturbing imagery like that is hard to "unsee".

  9. Funny stuff Glaze.

    Paul Revere and the Raiders!!

    Freddy BOOB BOOM Cannon!!

    Jesus I'm old.

  10. Great story and probably the best content I've ever seen on TKC.

  11. Chuck, remember 'Cherokee Nation'?

  12. .......GLAZEAMAZING.....

  13. Paul Revere & the Raiders - Cherokee Nation

    One day when we've learned, the Cherokee Nation will return.

  14. Hey Glazed, write a story about when you sucked your first dick.

  15. Takes alot of "guts" to send a a guy down for three years, camp Leavenworth ..all so you could stay free.NO I won't put his name up on here.he did his time, wants nothing to do with you..he did YOUR. time.

  16. Yep I remember.

    Here are the Knickerbockers, telling "Lies".

  17. Lou Christie, "Lightning Striking Again".

  18. I even had hair back then, well..., a little hair.

  19. Glazed & Confuzed !

  20. Hey fuck at 759, again 10 grand, Tony holds it you fucking little coward puke, name that guy, its a lie and you are the of insect I'd like to step on. Get your friend and come out and talk to me at the club anytime...just call for an appointment. I swear I will not yell or do anything but meet you two and hear this guys story. He doesn't exist, you are a scum liar and a coward. I never gave up anyone, EVER. Nor was I really asked too, I was always the target..3 years, he must have ratted on someone huh. Enough said.

    1. Glaze, you rolled and you know it. That's why 759s remarks pull your fuckin chain .

  21. Craig Glazer, I read your Royals story two weeks back, I hated it, I am a big Royals fan. However much praise from me to you. Your breakdown of who, what and why the Royals would be the worst team in the league was on the dot, the money, perfect. Nobody in the media in KC was close, they all gave excuses. You were the only guy to be honest and accurate. Nobody else came clean and said it, WE STINK. Now we all know, last place, when you wrote it we were in second and I think one game over .500. Now we are in last place and the worst team in baseball. You were right. Nice work.

  22. Take it easy Glaze-

    Here, listen to the incomperable, fabulous JACKIE WILSON!!!


    How fuckin baaaddaaass is that!!??!!

  23. Glazer sucks and Tony is an idiot for letting him shill on this blog.

  24. The Real Harley
    All you haters chill's hump day
    another day I lied about sooing
    sumone....just spread the love
    me and my pal....Craig are the
    Kings of TKC. Always right all the
    time, sorry haters....if
    you think I'm wrong
    email me for my weed newsletter
    and perfessional advise at

  25. If Jackie Wilson and "Higher and Higher" doesn't make ya wanna go out, buy a fuckin NOMAD with positraction, drop in a 427 and burn the fuckin rubber clean off of the back tires in front of your girlfriend's house, well, your a fuckin commie.

  26. Take it easy on the Glaze. No matter what any of us did back in the day, it is a new day.

    Glaze just wants to be young again, like all of us, so we arn't visited in our dreams by regrets and guilt.

    Here Glaze, this is for you buddy, we can be young again, just like James Brown---But, we gotta beat the devil.

    It's worth a shot!

  27. Fuck off haters. The elders are reminiscing.

  28. Yesteryear Stoners got plenty of fiction.

  29. Ten large ain't the only thing of Glazer's that Tony likes holding.

    Glazer's most redeeming quality is that he's 60, and the life expectancy for men born in 1953 (according to the Social Security Administration) is 66. That means that if we're lucky, we'll have at most another six years of putting up with Glazer's shit before he keels over and takes a permanent dirt nap.

    Nighty night, Craig ... 2,190 days and counting.

  30. Glazer you are one of this cities most entertaining members. Thank God we have at least one. Thank you.

  31. Know what I see here readers, a bunch more compliments and fewer and fewer cry baby hate mailers. Craig continues to prove he is a man for all reason and seasons. This story hits most of us in the chest, we all lived it. I bought my first bag of weed at Freedom Palace. Remember that place. Fun times.

  32. I can out hate any of you guys in my sleep, but, listening to all this old music has me feeling exceptionally expansive, so, in honor of Glaze's article and with the best of intentions, I give you, LUTHER VANDROSS and "The Power Of Love".

    Lets all hit some fuckin high notes together with Mr. V!!

    Nighty night kids.

  33. The Real Harley5/29/13, 9:01 PM

    Glaze I see Super Pooper and Smartman and Paul are up to their old tricks. Trying to piss on a good times tale. Isn't that just nice. Can you three just have mommy make you some 'kool aid' and go to sleepy land. Don't make me come after you three and make all of you cry again.

    1. Make us all cry again? We missed the first time you fucking douche. We have you number and identity. Little by little, here is comes. 8:17 posted your IP, it's comin from everywhere.

    2. Ahhhh, it's really cute when you try to comment and look relevant, it's like watching a retard shadow box but that would be an insult to retards. You've lost your steam here and KCC. Guess all you have are your big, national blogs you write for. Too bad that's as bogus as you.
      Just got to preview the first YouTube, shot in front of your place. Nothing short of hilarious. CG is going to want to show this at da club.

  34. The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth5/29/13, 9:06 PM

    Not fewer hate mailers, fewer reading TKC. Glazer the rat is taking it down along with everything he touches. Yes he rats, how he got less jail time on federal charges and got out of two other things. He acts all tough but when the cops start trimming on him he starts naming names and locations.

  35. Glkazer such a loser he fucked up even getting high

  36. I think it was Marc who drove off minus Glazer the night Glazer got his plowed cleaned behind Katz. Man that was great sure love to see that again.

  37. "Our pal" = Glazer's bitch.

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  39. BABY FISH MOUTH!!!!!

  40. I notice all the posts on here with Glazer stories from media. Like newspapers or magazines. Funny there are none that even hint of him cooperating at any time. Truth is HE was rated on falsely by Ceasar and Vince Vacca. They did Leavenworth time and they were both rats. Turned out your boy Glazer was totally innocent, never sold a thing, nothing. He only snorted some blow, back in the day. They had no proof of that either, just him admitting use. That was his big crime. Nothing more. KC Star did write that in the end and said he was not guilty. So did the judge. All official. Your 'give someone up' words are false and of course you have nothing to back it up with. Nothing. In this case our boy Glazer was the stand up guy. A simple and proven fact.

  41. I knew the US asst. Prosecutor in the Glazer 2001 case. Sorry to report Craig was framed by two small timers trying to get their sentence reduced. He was unfairly indicted, an error, they had to convict him of somethng so they let him plead to small usage. That's all it was. Had the feds known they would not ever have arrested the man. A big mistake and Glazer paid a heavy price for it. Yes that is true and the Kansas City Star did report that in the end. Loudly.

  42. OMG the loser Royals just blew a 2 run lead in the 8th inning to St. Louis. Now the red birds are up 5-3. Another loss. Glazer please update your report. I want your insight into whats next. How about the Chiefs?

    ROYALS IN LAST ALONE. JUST a few weeks ago we were in first, ALONE. WE so much SUCK!!!!!!

  43. fuck craig glazer and his dumb stories

  44. 10:30, you're so full of shit.

    If you bitches don't like Glaze then go away. Read some other blog. We don't want to see this whinny shit on here every time Tony posts something from him.

  45. Anything put on this blog by Glazer is like smegma under the foreskin of TKC.

    In other words...get rid of it!

  46. Get rid of you!!

  47. To get back on topic, consider these words carefully ...

    Anon 7:20 said ... "The wife & I are seriously considering moving to one of the free states."

    It really does come down to that.

  48. On the topic of marijuana law reform5/30/13, 2:25 AM

    You know, Craig did a nice on this story and his story reminds us that some of our laws need to be reformed. It's time that people got more involved and stopped supporting a police state.

  49. Once a druggie still a druggie why do you people worship this loser.

  50. just spread the love
    me and my pal....Craig are the
    Kings of TKC.

    I see the two fools think they have stripped Tony of his own site.

    Least we can for most part all go back to KCC where the writing is 100% improved over what it was. Now if only the two fools would stay away. I'm sure HC about to ban them.

  51. The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth5/30/13, 6:12 AM

    I saw earlier that Glazer got busted for lying over at KCC again.

    False posts, lying, who can believe anything that jerkoff says.

  52. Glazer ripped off other people with a gun to support his drug habit. Rat thief that unfortunately survived. Nothing more. Glad I could help.

  53. Boy I think so many of the readers can relate to this one. I got high in the restroom at my high school with a student teacher in the 80's. Never forget that.

  54. Good read with my first cup of coffee today.

  55. MJ why is it not legal again? So dumb.

  56. Went to East, know those names in the story, I think Marc Dubowy, Jeff and Doug Spero? Right?

  57. i went to east too and vaguely recall those spero boys. around the same time, had my first encounter with mary jane. same kind of episode as craig related... blacklight posters in kid's basement, but we had Hendrix playing, didn't get much off of it first time either. not long after that moved to live with my dad in Hollywood. i learned quickly after that.

  58. I take you boys never ran with the Black Panther's out in Oakland?

  59. Well if there was ever a reason to not legalize it this would be it.


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