Just a few moments ago I concluded a conversation with the woman who is at the center of a sexting scandal involving a Kansas City Council member.
She sounded frustrated yet hopeful but still scared.
This post is simply an attempt to document EVERYTHING we discussed during a brief chat where she did not provide her real name and called via an anonymous number.
And now . . .
First of all, she says that she encountered the Kansas City Councilman in question via social media and the relationship started as a friendship. There is a faith-based connection here and the lady says her involvement with the Councilman was initially to seek spiritual counseling. Through the course of the relationship the woman and the Kansas City councilman grew closer and that's when their messages to one another became more intimate.
Background on the woman at the center of this story: She was previously the victim of an abusive husband and no longer lives in the Kansas City area. She hopes to start a new life out of town but realizes that this controversy continues to haunt her.
The relationship with the Councilman ended abruptly and in the process of breaking up she sought out the assistance of Kansas City community leaders in order to help her deal with the loss and ongoing emotional distress. Those leaders didn't believe her story so she sent just a few of the photos she has in her possession in order to provide proof.
As is the case with any scandalous digital photo . . . The images were shared with parties who may not have been so sympathetic to the woman's plight afterall. The lady at the center of this story also says that she sent the images to the wife of the Councilman in question in order to confess and ask forgiveness.
And so . . . The Councilman found himself under pressure and right now there's an important question as to the motive for one of his financial decisions that might or might not be based on this impending Kansas City sexting scandal.
Additionally . . .
The lady says, "I just think that it's horrible that someone might have attempted to profit from my suffering."
She says that she warned the Councilman that other parties had also taken note of the relationship and his response was to cut off contact with those local leaders.
At the conclusion of the conversation, the lady in question offered the following sentiment: "I'm just telling you this because I would never be involved in any kind of activity that would attempt to profit from a relationship. I was emotionally involved in this situation . . . And I feel like some people are using that for their own gain."
I encouraged the woman to continue her cooperation with authorities and maybe think about giving KCPD a call if she hasn't already.
Some of her story is still part of an active investigation in KCMO and all of it checked out with details that this blog has garnered from trusted KC insiders, sources in mainstream media and even critics of this blog.
Before I got off the phone I told the lady that I was praying for her and now I'm thinking that those prayers probably need to extend to our local government that seems hopelessly corrupt and compromised.
Hope the lady comes forward and tells authorities all of the details. KC Council has enough problems without this one too.
ReplyDeleteC'mon T, don't play dead tree media. Was it a white guy or a black guy?
ReplyDeleteDid you text her a pic of your cock, just to break the ice?
And the low life creep is?
ReplyDeleteI'M CALLING BLUFF. If there was any story here a legitimate and professional news story would have carried it by now.
ReplyDeleteSly James just texted Omaha his resume
ReplyDeleteKC is for shit time to move away.
ReplyDeleteCloses the door a little doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteThink! Think! who on this council would seem qualified to give spiritual council?
aside from Russy.
Mr. Brooks
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have been Russ, he is gay.
ReplyDeleteTru dat.
ReplyDeleteMEL BROOKS?
Reverend Dick Photo
ReplyDeleteRon. Hunt girlfriend moved to Lexington Mo after he kept beating her she turned to Brooks for counseling and the affair and began. Ron Hunt finds out blackmails Council man Michael Brooks.
ReplyDeleteAnybody with gold teeth probably does mistreat women. Women who date men with gold teeth... that's an example of low expectations.
ReplyDeleteohh, but he didn't need to scam. No "felon box" on city applications lets him try for a legit job!
ReplyDeleteyeap,Councilman Brooks car was seen over Rons girlfriends house rregularly before she moved to Lexington Mo. She is very unstable, years of abuse from Hunt. She is the woman a couple years back that went. to jail cause she,won't get off the school bus cause her son was being attacked by white kids.
ReplyDeleteThe ol' "let me counsel you in my chambers" bit. Typical Baptist line if I ever heard one!
ReplyDelete" her son was attacked by white kids."
ReplyDeleteYeah right. And my parakeet just beat our cat's ass. For good measure he bitch slapped the dog. If a group of white kids, ANYWHERE , beat a black kids ass it would be on a continuous news reel. Let's try this on for size. This married woman was greasing a married council dudes johnson. Shit went south, now she is a victim just trying to do the right thing. That's ass believable as the white on black crime.
ReplyDeleteViolent offenders never change their stripes. It's a personality defect.
And we want the council to control the PD?
ReplyDeleteHard to pass up a nice piece of ass. Good to see Brooks is still a player.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't married ,Ron Hunt was she was his mistress along with Pastor Brooks.
ReplyDeleteHunt took all of their lovie dovie pictures off his facebook page.HaHa
ReplyDeleteThe woman reached out to other city leaders for support????? WHO does this if not trying to simply embarrass or even extort money from him. Not buying it.
ReplyDeleteTypical dumbass she-boon cunt.
I want to play!
ReplyDeletea new bedtime story.
Not so very long ago in a tiny mind a voice was heard urging a very special man to take up the inevitable mantle of leadership outside his normal area.
Presto! The man was now a council member after enduring an arduous political campaign against worthy opponents. all bedtime stories have this part!
Zip forward a few months. Our guy is just one of many, not so important after all. Plus the new job requires some minor mental work. Damn. who knew? But our guy does like the fawning from desperate people trying to get a leg up in this city.
Now comes the cautionary part of our tale. Our guy believes the fawning.. he is enveloped in scandal! oh no! there are too many months left in this guy's term if he leaves too early. Many council members urge him to hang onto his least until there is only 18 months left. Then this council can anoint a replacement person to their club.
no, wait, I got that mixed up with the switcheroo between a County legislator and her very best girly friend on Council.
Fine upstanding shitheads we have here in KC, eh?
ReplyDeleteDis she lick his asshole???? If she did...then it's OK!
ReplyDeleteSo did Hunt punt the cunt to the council runt?
Did I miss something here?
ReplyDeleteIs there a crime committed here? Cronyism?
Or is this just another case of a right reverend minister leader doing exactly what lay people do?
One in four hetersexual men is a rapist. The rest are perverts.
ReplyDelete^^^^^ He said, "lay" people! ^^^^^
ReplyDeleteFour in four homosexual men are fags.
ReplyDeleteAnd the councilman spent $15K of OUR money to cover up his infidelity.
What's a fag, dumbass? Go rape your mother.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when sexuality is oppressed & perverted by religion.
ReplyDeleteOnly a gay priest is qualified to give a woman 'spiritual advice'.
No more Pussy
Be careful with the stuff you wish on other people, it has a way of coming back on you.
ReplyDeleteHetersexual African American men are more likely to have AIDS than homosexual white men.
ReplyDeleteHetersexual men are rapists & perverts.
ReplyDeleteHeter O'Sexual
ReplyDeleteBrooks O'Sexual
ReplyDeleteWhat if its not Brooks?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's Circo with a fake dick.
ReplyDeleteCirco is likely better hung than Brooks anyway, so a prosthesis would be unnecessary.
There are other men on the council.
ReplyDeleteDo you have to be ordained to do nails?
ReplyDeleteIt is Brooks you guys are late everyone knows that M.Banks was getting the sh¿t knowed out her by Hunt so she left town but her and Hunt took turns going and forth until Hunt found out that Brooks was hitting it more than him. Thats when the $15,000 black mail scheme came about. Brooks,kicked Ms.Banks to the curb after Ron confronted him.
ReplyDeleteMore useless criminal nigger bullshit sucking KC dry.
Use your big words, small boy.
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious how the NIGGERS continue to make a mockery of everything moral in Kansas City. If they're not stealing, it's a sexting charge or something. Yup, those NIGGERS are so wonderful and we're so lucky to have them as our masters.
ReplyDeleteI wanna hear more about the allegations of amateur porn featuring a certain council lady being shopped around the net.
ReplyDeleteI don't see much difference between white men & black men. You're all disgusting animals.
ReplyDeleteWhoever he is, he needs to move to NYC & run for Mayor.
ReplyDeleteThe young lady has never been with either of the guys mentioned intamitely. She has never met the councilman face to face. This was all done via internet and phone and texts. However it isnot Ron Hunts ex girlfriend. She was threatened by the councilman and his government authority however and that is why she is staying secluded.She feels as if the city is covering up for the councilman and the information provided however was used by sources to get them paid.
ReplyDeleteRon,learn how to spell. M.Banks was screwing you when you were beating up your babies momma and your wife.
DeleteGuareentee it is not Ms.Banks. Brooks has been linked to several mistresses in Kansas City. But it makes sense now to why Hunt and Bolten wanted to blackmail Brooks with this new ladys pics. Hunt had motive and looks like his right hand man was there to assist him. I hope she does come forward so all of them can found accountable. If I were her I would release the pics!
ReplyDeleteits M.Brooks,I live on 58th Indiana saw Brooks personally over to her house.
DeleteOf course it's Councikman/Pasrer Micheal Brooks.
ReplyDeleteIt's Michael Brooks, and it's highly likely the missing $15k that Brooks demanded be given to POSSE was pay off money. Brooks made staff stay late on a Friday so that Bolton could come to City Hall and pick up the $15k check personally. Yet the address on the check belonged to Ron Hunt. The so-called event Brooks professed the check was going for never happened, was never going to happen, and never will happen. Brooks demanded money for Ossco and Ron Hunt...why? Brooks won't talk about it...why? If the cash was for a legit event, why won't anyone talk? Ossco never had the event, the money was supposed to pay Floyd Mayweather who never showed. So Floyd should not have been paid. SO WHERE IS THE MONEY??
ReplyDeleteOssco and Ron Hunt got the $15k and blew it and Michael Brooks gave it to them...why? I think the lady with the pictures who called TKC has the answers. And now so do we.
I empathize with the lady. If she does go to the authorities that also are paid through the city how is she promised that they wont turn on her. I mean seriously you cant tell me that Mayor James did not know about this. $15k check comeon seems like he had to have the final ok on this amount. So I see a lot of people in this coverup and I do believe she has been threatened. This story has been in the air for a while now. If she does call back I would hope someone has numbers for higher authorities for her to call. This is another Kwame Kilpatrick(Detroit) story and she has the right to stay hidden till she is promised safety. You are dealing with 3 hoodlums who have all connected to crime in their past. So what one of them made it to the city council they are still capable of hurting someone especially when at risk of losing everything. Who is the victim here. I say her and the CITY! Give the taxpayers their money back!
ReplyDeleteM.Banks admitted she had feelings for Pastor Brooks when she told his wife she laughed cause she isn't sleeping with him.
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew the young lady. She has the pictures and that is the proof needed. I honestly think she is afraid. She could have exposed the pictures already but she hasn't. I believe she still is protecting Brooks due to her emotions. Someone needs to let her know that she will be protected if she comes forth. Dogs do run in a pack and they all turned on her someway or the other. So she needs to sing like a bird!
ReplyDeleteTony I know who this young lady is. She is not an ex of Ron Hunts. He is definitely not her type. She is afraid due to the threats Councilman/Pastor Brooks made to her. I will tell you this however. She doesnot trust city authorities. Her biggest objective is protecting herself and her family. She tried to talk to certain respected quality people and reached out for help in this matter but was told to walk away from it because she would be labeled the bad person. If you can help her Tony help her. She now resides in Texas. I will try to have her contact you again but as her dear friend she is really afraid.
ReplyDeleteWow! Can't you just hear the circus music pouring out of city hall? If this wasn't so scary it would be hysterical.
ReplyDeleteSo Tony, are you taking a road trip to TX so you can hit it?
ReplyDelete2:24, James probably never knew about Brooks demand for that $15k from the City Manager. Those requests are run through the manager's office. But Brooks makes his demands and puffs out his chest, and he is one of the manager's bosses. Brooks is big on threats if things aren't going his way.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt how this went down, and I think 12:40 pm summed it up pretty well. Whether or not Brooks used a city cell phone or not, it appears he used his office to frighten and intimidate someone he sexted. If Michael Brooks were any kind of man, he'd resign. He's such a bad council person, no one would care. But he's not a man, he's a coward and a deviant.
Monkey cunt costs $15K in KC?
I know the lady she is so scared to come forward til its not funny. this lady want even come out her house cause she think everyone is out to get her. but Lord I pray For HER PEACE AND HAPPINESS AGAIN.