Previously, Kansas City Activist Toni Bones wrote a very thoughtful passage regarding the greatest threat to personal liberty in Kansas City.

She generated a great deal of interest and discussion about the state of FREEDOM in Kansas City . . . Sadly, there were also a great many d-bags in the comments who only sought only to attempt to intimidate the young lady with some rather rude comments.

Now . . .


It really is my pleasure to post this response that should put so many comment trolls in their place . . .

"How is this for air brushed? My skins broken out, my eyebrows are waxed half off and not drawn on. They are also not darkened so they match the dark blonde roots growing out of my briefly unmaintenanced hair. I don't wake up in the morning without dark circles under my eyes and meticulously arched black eyebrows. I'm not a cookie cutter mom and I will never have society's traditional family. I am flawed, I have baggage and I live humbly. I am far from perfect and I don't say or use that as a cop out... and pardon me, sincerely, if I ever gave someone the impression that I thought I was or wanted to come off like I was with mildly edited photos and posts of optimism. However, there will always be those insecure people that feed off of negativity and try to bring others down to their level. So pardon me, even more sincerely, if I ever gave one of you types the impression that I have or ever will give a flying fuck what you think of me, who I choose to be and how the fuck I got here. Xoxo"

Again, SPECIAL THANKS TO TONI BONES for permission to use this . . . It looks like this young, Kansas City activist has what it takes to stand up to anonymous haters while keeping her mission in mind.


  1. bout time somebody stood up to these d-bags.

  2. So she can cause trouble but not take it?

  3. I'd still fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits. I'd get some in her hair too, so that she has to wash it.

  4. This pic sucks. Can't we have a tit pic?

  5. Keep giving this cunt time on your blog, Tony, and I and a bunch of others won't be reading your blog. This stupid bimbo makes Glazer look like the Dali Lama.

  6. She seems pretty cool to me.

  7. She's Tracy Ward's replacement. She will have her 15 minutes and then another will come along. Scroll along there will always be one. Get over it guys - women are used to it.

  8. Man,you are one cool bitch.good thing nobody gives a fuck bout ya.


  9. When you are and want to be controversial, you will draw controversy to yourself. Some good, some bad, it’s the risk of wanting to be out there on the lunatic fringe with your ideas or thoughts. But I strongly say to people if you want to point fingers at people, one best be sure their own house is free of the same or expect reality remarks and finger pointing back tenfold.

  10. It is obvious she doesn't care. She just had to respond to let us know. You win Phony Bones. You win. Now we will just move on to someone worth more than an Independence Ave hooker.

  11. I mostly agree with Super Dave but I have to say that when wanting to protect Liberty becomes "the lunatic fringe" than this nation is really in trouble.

  12. Her mission as I recall is to be Miss High Times. Her primary skill is that she can out smoke anybody. Her points of view are as fresh as bong water. How many kids by how many baby daddy's? How much dole does she get from the taxpayers every month. I can appreciate the lunatic fringe but prefer fringers like Soros, Bloomberg and Turner. Guys that have actually accomplished something in their lives who can pay for their own soap and soapbox. Toni Bones is a fame seeking whore, just like Glazer. There is no I in team but there is "me".

  13. someone already came on her face and she rubbed it all over

  14. You are a boorish wind bag lady ..go smoke one and be edgy with your dult friends ..

  15. I think I agree with most of the comments on here. She IS a publicity whore and she needs to accept the good with the bad. Or if she can't take it, get off workin the street and get a real job.

  16. Most of the guys that make these disgusting comments are either fat, old, ugy with bad dandruff and worse skin or just sad sacks with no one who loves them.

    Toni seems like she has a good heart and she is concerned with the city. Also, none of these guys could ever stand a chance with her. So I think she did the right thing by telling off these losers who would rather face death than show their own faces to the camera.

    Go Toni!

  17. Trolls would be a step up for these pisants.

  18. She's one bad bitch. Flipping people off while with all that white stuff on. Wow.

    1. kinda looks like a ghetto Joker...

  19. soo...tony post a response from ms. bones. in itshe goes into a minor yet subtle tirade about the objectification of women and how she doesn't give a shit what you may think about her.
    I get it..
    what I find ironic is that sir white knight tony...ever the gentleman willing to hold up the silent and oppressed for the world...he's got a set of gorgeous kuboobs right below ms. bones stand for a woman's justification for being more than eye candy.

  20. I think she is even pretty with the mask on. She could use a little refinement to not come off so hard, but that would take away from her rawness. She is obviously not trying to be refined and pretty. I see someone that has been through a lot and had a hard life growing up.

  21. Nothing wrong with clevage. Juvenile but kind of funny.

  22. Who is this Toni Bones?

    I like the cut of her jib!

  23. Uhhh, let's see.what to say??hmmm.well, goofy bitch will work for now. Actually, enough said, ever

  24. yummmmmm...she's VERY face fuckable!

  25. Fuckin Tony just trying to suck up and get laid!

  26. the doctor is in3/31/13, 11:23 PM

    when you take the time and trouble to tell everyone how little you care of their opinions, it says just the opposite. Those comments cut to the quick, which generally means there is at least some truth to them. Lastly, the contrived "I'm a freedom fighter" garb in her previous photo, untouched or not, is evidence of just how insecure and fragile this womans self esteem is. In conclusion, Ms. Bones suffers from a TKC comment affliction known as Alonzoglazeritis. The symptoms include, talking out of ones ass. Making outlandish claims. Screaming "look at me" then getting butt hurt when the requested lookers rip you a new one. In conclusion, Ms. Bones is a white trash, trailer dweller, who attempts to elevate herself through play acting like an anarchist rebel. I recommend a bottle of Old Granddad, some reefer, and anal sex with a dude with a neck tattoo.

  27. The double standards & hypocrisy we make women deal with is mind boggling. When Tony posts about a woman chipping at the glass ceiling or trying to make a difference in the community he always posts a photo of her, so the lechers can comment on her physical attributes. Our culture objectifies women & half of our culture is women. Do you imagine that Hillary Clinton & Madeline Albright appreciate the efforts of Kim Kardasian?

    You have my sympathy Toni, but I don't know how to fix it for you. I'm afraid to use my real name.

  28. Alonzo In Whiteface?4/1/13, 1:10 AM

    Tits and a big attitude doesn't make you an activist. It makes you a bitch. Smoke another bowl and chill your dumb ass out.

  29. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................

  30. Where in the hell do you scrape these people up, Tony?

  31. I heard she is fucking a cop and its all a show....

  32. 11:23



    She reads every comment and disects it.

    I really don't think she is so bad, but the Aux Barricades conceit she and Lynn Bratcher wear on their sleeves is a patina covering a Death Star Tractor Beam of need and insecurity.

  33. The idea that I am supposed to feel guilty about objectifying women on this blog is as fucking insane as multiculturalism and diversity.

    Objectifying women and hating diversity is normal and natural.

    Dont believe the lies.

  34. Anon 4:11 Total Bullshit.

  35. 8:46: Great comment!

  36. What a lovely creature. I'd expect her parents are very proud, IF she knew who they were....

  37. 5:16

    No, actually it isnt

  38. Look posting anything rather its a comment or a story on this site opens you up to just about anything or anyone out there to make a comment about you.

    Has happened to me more than once and to Tony as well, but I think I was well as Tony most times just giggle, laugh about it .003 seconds and go on with our life's. It's a tough crowd over here and even as Tony says, "Please refrain from reading this blog if you don't have a sense of humor and a good looking mother."

    But to be real honest it cracks me up when those who very openly support free speech (Lynne) use freedom of speech to support their causes (Toni and Tracy) but get all freaky and semi nasty when other people use freedom of speech to speak out against them. Being anonymous in here is semi the same as someone being at a speech someone is giving and shouting out a comment. Might not be as crude in person as in here but freedom of speech all the same.

    But as I see it when you make a picture of yourself with white cream all over your face and flipping all the bird you have only lowered yourself to the level of the people you are complaining about. Then again maybe it is all just about wanting some attention no matter what or how bad it is.

  39. AlonzobonesglazerAIDSitis

  40. Why I even waste my time visiting this stupid shit hole of a blog anymore confounds me.

  41. You are one cool, muther fuggin ,self important Go away.

  42. SO whats the deal with the Joker makeup?


  43. You mean if she knew what they were, 6:53.

    I wonder if she finds many humans willing to date outside their species.

  44. For the record, this was a facebook post of mine a few days ago to empower myself and my lady friends. I wouldn't want the bottom feeders to flatter themselves with the notion that they offended me or motivated this post. -toni

  45. Anonymous posts provoke nothing but laughter. I support everyone's right to be offended. In fact, its crucial for developing character. Objectify away, hah! -toni

  46. Hey Toni, I don't care that you are hotter than Tracy Ward, only that you are equally ignorant and obnoxious.

  47. "For the record, this was a facebook post of mine a few days ago to empower myself and my lady friends."

    Right, Toni. And we all know how private Facebook is. Only goes to its intended audience, right?

  48. So she doesn't give a "flying fuck" what others think of her, so much so that she rants on her public Facebook page, get's Tony to post it, and then posts numerous times in the comments. Good to see you don't care, you goofy bitch.

  49. "I wouldn't want the bottom feeders to flatter themselves with the notion that they offended me or motivated this post."

    Who's falttering whom? This bottom feeder doesn't give a shit.

  50. Go Toni. Way to take on these idiots. Sometimes they need to be slapped back.

    1. How many people did Toni Bones sleep with in KC NORML before they kicked her out of their organization?

  51. Oh, yes! I am just struck dumb with shame because some street trash, who is so classy that she flips off the camera while made up like Whizzo the clown, has her feelings hurt. Boo-fucking-hoo.

  52. No shit 10:03, this porch ape hasn't the first clue as to her lineage or prospects. Dumb as a day old NIGGER, oh wait, it IS a NIGGER.

  53. Peter Puffer Looker Eyer Seer Sayer Swallow4/1/13, 2:23 PM

    Cock Block

  54. NIGGERS are either speechless or just too stupid to think of a word.....HaaaaHaaaaaHaaaa

  55. Let's Review:
    Toni Bones posted a non-answer to TKC's query of "what is the greatest threat to personal liberty in KC?", but teased that a full response was forthcoming soon. We were left with the single word "dependency" to ponder, as she composed her thoughts.

    I made no comment on her picture included in that first post. Common sense however dictates that if you don't wish to receive feedback on your appearance, you don't provide potential detractors with the fuel to do so.

    So, SURPRISE!....SHOCK!...some readers tore into her post (gee, that almost never happens on this site!) and pointed out their perceived deficits in her writing, picture, etc.

    Now, I still haven't seen her full answer to the original TKC question. Have you? I see another picture (inviting more attacks) which suggests someone, despite her denials, that is preoccupied with her physical appearance and is tacitly encouraging negative responses by flipping the middle finger in this latest post.

    Juvenile impulsive immaturity...thy name is Toni Bones...or whatever your real name is!

  56. Skank Beast

  57. To say that you don't care what people think about you is a total lie. If you weren't pretty no one would ever know or care what you thought. Try to have an opinion without a pretty picture of your face attached to it and see if anyone comments at all. See if TKC or anyone else ever cares enough to read or post any of your thoughts.

    Bottom line your thoughts only unique value are because you have pretty face to sell them with. Without that who really cares what you think about anything Toni Bones.

  58. You are a hypocrite Toni Bones.

    You are most known well known for being Adam Kokesh's escort and earning the title "freedom whore". You have objectified yourself with your own actions and are now mad that people remember your actions more than your words?

    You are not standing up for the OBJECTIFICATION of all women unless all women are also whores like you.

  59. Dude, She's A Skeezer4/2/13, 10:13 AM

    7:38 a.m. - "pretty" ?

    Here's $100.
    Go get your eyes checked.
    Have someone else drive you there, because it's obvious that you are BLIND!

  60. The Tso Of Toni Bones sounds like liberty to me!

  61. I just don't understand what happened Toni and norml? I get it that she slept with a few of their members but arn't they all a bunch of free loving hippies? I thought she was the best thing that ever happened to that organization. Thanks for staying true to yourself and keeping the love free Toni Bones! All them haters just don't know how to put out for real. Like they say it's better to give than receive and you have given so much. You all should be grateful!

  62. She still has a lot of potential and tremendous courage. Regardless of her trials and tribulations, win or lose she isn't afraid to try. She is still young and has a lot of life left to live and learn. I wish her the very best.

  63. The middle finger might be rigid and stiff and her face has cold cream but it's really not a morbid photo?

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