Just another bit of evidence that the drug war isn't working . . .

Heroin use is rising across Missouri, report says

Couple this with the fact that Missouri is STILL the nation's meth capital . . .

And it's pretty obvious that DECADES of strict drug laws have failed to show any progress.

Another fun fact is that the new wave Missouri heroin junkie is a young, white broad who looks more like Lindsey Lohan than a denizen of the urban core . . .

And now . . . Given that we're probably not going to start locking up white ladies en masse . . . Look for "treatment alternatives" to arise after years of disproportionately imprisoning people of color for drug offenses.


  1. More chicks to work in the sex trades.

  2. Freaking typical. I can't get an inhaler when I have a cold and you can get Heroin at the local discount cigarette store. That just sucks!

  3. Using heroin means supporting the tablian. No joke. The taliban runs about 90% of the world heroin trade. So not only are these people risking their own lives, they're actively supporting terrorism with their drug use.

  4. It's because the kids are hooked on oxycontin and now the oxy costs more than heroin. They are basically the same thing, only oxy can be prescribed by a doctor.

  5. 11:43, well you SORT OF got it right.
    Yes, Afghanistan displaced SE Asia as the world's king of the poppy (byproduct refined into heroin).
    Why do you think Uncle Sam invaded the country and poppy cultivation and harvesting skyrocketed every year (exponential growth)since we've been there? MONEY!!!! Untraceable cash from the black market drug trade helps fund American intelligence services (the CIA within the CIA). Do whatever the hell you want in he world, without having to ask Congress for a budget! Billions in cash every year!
    Oh, and by the way, before the U.S. invaded, the Taliban had nearly eliminated the poppy harvest! You've got to read more!

  6. active user, it is growing by leaps and bounds, im sadly seeing younger and younger people at the methadone clinic

    in the last year the availability has skyrocketed..


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