Finally somebody in Kansas City stepped up in opposition to the toy train silliness of Mayor Sly and City Council . . .
To wit . . .
A few of the names Kansas City denizens might recognize but CLEARLY this is a welcomed challenge to a despicable plan which attempts to railroad local voters and taxpayers.
Expect more details from other newsies but remember you read it FIRST here on TKC.
UPDATE: Lots of VERY serious people on this lawsuit . . .
Also . . .

Much more to come as concerned residents work to keep the city from making a $100 mil+ mistake.
Bout time!
ReplyDeleteIs it Clay Chastain?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't live in Kansas City (by Kansas City I don't mean Johnson County, I mean actual Kansas City) then none of this concerns you. Stay out of our affairs and stay in your ever shrinking county populated with an unthinking populace hell bent on enforcing their agenda.
ReplyDeleteIt is about time. This lawsuit should have been filed after the phony vote.
ReplyDelete@11:25 Most of us opposed to this silly toy train do live in KCMO and did not get a vote on the project. We are being impacted by higher taxes. It is our affair.
ReplyDeleteThat is AWESOME NEWS!!! Screw Sly James for this folly. Fix our infrastructure: water, sewer, roads. THAT's what city government should be doing for the people FIRST before any goddamned toy train. And the persons paying for this aberration should have the opportunity to vote on its existence.
ReplyDeleteFUCKIN A!!!!!!!!!! Alright!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood to know someone has the balls to take on the local development cartel. Hope it's someone with serious clout.
ReplyDeleteMake it a class action and I'll certainly jump "on board".
Heroes as far as I am concerned. This train is nothing less than madness.
ReplyDeleteWaste of time! It was ruled legal by circuit court.
ReplyDeleteI wondered what took so long. This is sleaze to a degree not seen since Pendergast. And FYI 11:25, I live in Kansas City, so this is my business.
ReplyDeletewas ruled legal by circuit court
ReplyDeleteROFLMAO good one!
Don't start giving Stretch, or whoever he is credit for this the last thing this suit needs is a credibility problem before it even get's under way.
ReplyDeleteGood news!!
ReplyDeleteWe can remain hopeful, but I'm documenting Sly's "Train At Any Cost," lifestyle in Retorts Illustrated, and he will fight until the very end for that thing.
ReplyDeleteShort of not re-electing him, which is very very very unlikely, he's gonna build some kind of stupid rail car in some capacity or another.
I'm glad the suit was filed. We don't live in KCMO but pay earnings tax. Our money should go for better roads, traffic signals, city services, and protections. Not crap trying to build up value for downtown property owners.
ReplyDeleteIF they spent that money on public transportation, especially to outlying areas (east and west of KCMO) where the jobs are, that would be acceptable.
I remember afew years back, my Leawood executive foolishly told his hundreds of employees at a national association that the reason they don't hire many black people is that they can't get to the building from where they live. No buses.
Curious to know.... how many east west bus routes through JOCO originate across KCMO? We should have them at all the major streets in JOCO. SM Parkway, through Mission, 67th, 75th, 87th, 95th, College blvd. 119th. With transfers to the JO's North South lines. And out east too, through Lees Summit. If they want to reduce unemployment in the innercity, they will help people who want to work, get from here to there.
Needs to be inexpensive...those jobs hinge on minimum wage, certainly not enough to support cars and insurance and gas.
Why doesn't MARC design a plan to get people to where the jobs are?
And advocate for a HEFTY increase in both Mo and Ks to raise the min $10-15 an hour. That would SOO reduce Foodstamp useage, health care mooching and other poverty problems like unemployment insurance. The minwage has NOT kept up with grocery store and transportation costs.
Corporations need to quit whining about it. Raise your prices a little, it won't cost you that much business...and if you can't make 18 percent return on your investments, well maybe you SHOULDn"T at the expense of America's workers. You're keeping this country right and barely on the threshhold of collapsing.
If Stretch can stop this monumental waste of money and assets, I'll change my opinion of him and his antics. For now, give 'em Hell Stretch!!!
ReplyDeleteWill fail. Sorry amateur lawyers and suburbanites who are mad they don't get to vote where they don't live.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty tired of subsidizing unnecessary highway lanes in Johnson County that I didn't get to vote on too.
If I buy and Ed Hardy shirt at Oak Park Mall and pay taxes on it, does that mean I get to vote in Overland Park city elections?
ReplyDeleteHow can one get a copy of the lawsuit?
ReplyDeleteThey beat this bullshit obstructionism in Cincy, and they'll beat it here too.
ReplyDeleteYou want to know what's an even bigger waste of your tax money than proven transit infrastructure that has been democratically chosen...frivolous lawsuits drummed up by out of town interests and cosigned by a minority of local business stakeholders (many of whom have profited directly from downtown government investments).
@2;26 or...if I own a commercial building in kansas city but live in Mission Hills, do I get to vote on the KC school district levy? A: NO!!
ReplyDeleteFunny..."lots of serious people"...oh, and also Stretch
ReplyDeleteFACT CHECK....
ReplyDeleteHighest metro employment density, aka "where the jobs are": KCMO urban core, from the river to the plaza.
I-35/435 corridors in JoCo are the second.
source: pg.63
Highest residential density:
ReplyDeleteUrban KCMO, River to Plaza
source, US census.
So connecting jobs and people = streetcar from the River Market to the Plaza (aka, phase 2 streetcar)
The path to being a real city is clear, the teat suckers, leeches and naysayers are still dragging us down.
ReplyDeleteLuckily most of them live in JoCo or the Northland.
ReplyDeleteHighest metro employment density, aka "where the jobs are": KCMO urban core, from the river to the plaza.
ReplyDeleteRight if you consider waiting on tables, making coffee, pimping clothes and gadgets jobs I suppose so.
Right a whopping 550 people turned out for this boondoggle. 344 of them obviously total morons who bought the scheme lock stock and barrel to the approval of our local psychopaths getting some big payoff in one form or another through various crony schemes.
ReplyDeleteSo when do we get the details on this lawsuit so we can join the effort.
ReplyDeleteTime is of the essence. Snooze you lose.
I was opposed to the toy train, but if you say Stretch is against it, fuck it. Now I love the idea. Bring on the train!
ReplyDeleteI want the ally behind Stretch's bar clear for traffic again.
ReplyDeleteThe 344 morons are probably tenants who didn't realize their rent would go up because their landlords' taxes would increase. I hear several are looking for space elsewhere.
ReplyDeletePlaintiffs are not JoCo residents. Plaintiffs are KCMO residents.
ReplyDeleteI'm very disappointed that no one showed any interest in a METRO KC transportation vision. It sure makes sense to me, based on what I know.
ReplyDeleteSo do you not really care about getting workers to the work, or do yu have a better idea?
Crash this proposal. It makes NO sense! Mayor, swallow your pride, be smart. Save yourself! Find a way to save your face!
ReplyDeleteJoCo won't participate in METRO KC transportation or anything else.
ReplyDeleteThey don't understand symbiosis very well, likely because it is not taught in the "bible school" version of science classes there.
Which is fine, because JoCo is rotting from the inside out and KCMO and the even some of the Missouri suburbs are on the upswing.