We start this morning by hoping that can avoid more killing during this historically deadly 1st month of 2013 and throughout the rest of the year . . .
To wit . . .

More . . .
Like him or not, year after year Alonzo Washington has garnered success in helping to solve Kansas City murders, building community cooperation, helping wanted suspects safely surrender to police and raising awareness.
This meeting with Mayor Sly is an encouraging sign that Kansas City is getting serious about crime and violence prevention by way of grassroots community outreach.
Check it:
Topic: Crime solving activist meets with Mayor Sly James next week about KCMO murders!
As the body count grows Kansas City's only activist who has provided numerous tips that have helped law enforcement agencies solve various murders all over the metro prepares to meet with KCMO Mayor Sly James. Alonzo Washington sent Mayor Sly James a open e-mail to express the fact that the city of KCMO funds too many anti-crime groups and efforts that simply don't work last year. 15 murders before the month of January is over and 7 murders in 36 hours is proof of this fact. He also gave KCMO's top elected leader some suggestions regarding solving more murders in KCMO.
The meeting is next week. The actual date of the meeting will be released a day before the meeting. In response to Alonzo's open letter the mayor's people sent Alonzo a e-mail requesting a meeting. During the meeting Mr. Washington will do what none of these other so-called anti-crime groups can do. Instead of a another useless meeting, forum or a prayer vigil Alonzo will give the mayor 4 murder suspects from his binder full of killers. These are suspected killers from some of KCMO's deadliest and most publicized murder cases that his grassroots tips program has obtained. Later, he will reveal the names of the suspected killers and the murder cases involved to a few select media sources. He will continue to point out to the mayor that the city's efforts are failing and that more must be done to address this problem. The press release is simply FYI for the media since the press continues to cover anti-crime organizations & efforts that have no possible chance of doing anything to impact crime. The Ad Hoc Group Against Crime, Aim for Peace and all these meetings and prayer vigils are pure jokes that are only good for wasted city funds and a weak sound bite in the press. Criminals don't fear prayer vigils and meetings that wil not produce any actions against them. Read the following e-mail to Mayor James and the city's response:
Good afternoon Mr. Washington,
Thank you for contacting the Mayor's office. Our staff will follow up with you on the issues you raised in your email; in the meantime, the Mayor would like to set up a time for the two of you to meet. Are you available on Feb. # at #:## pm to meet at City Hall? Please let me know at your convenience. Thank you.
January Proves Deadliest Month in Recent KC History
Police hope efforts like Operation Clean Sweep reduce homicides to 80 annually
No Violence Alliance Rolls into Action in Kansas City
If Sly is smart, he'll listen intently.
ReplyDeleteSly should have brought Chris Moreno in at the same time. The young man is a brilliant problem solver.
ReplyDeleteMr. Mayor, I believe the pansy-assed, cracker, butler did it in the library with the candle stick!
ReplyDeleteWanna play again?
Again, this stupid nigger has conned another stupid nigger (Mayor) into going along with his ruse. While these animals play human, the killings will continue unabated and committed by yes, more animals.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the black community protects these killers the problem will not ever be solved. Wait I have a great idea: if you snitch and it results in a conviction you get extra money on you ebt card!
ReplyDeleteAlonzo, Moreno, Rizzo- bring them in closer Mr. Mayor. They know how to fight crime!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the jungle. No morals no restraint. Utterly Godless in its essence. The Bible speaks of the consequences of the above. Man cannot solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteThis will certainly stop the killings in KCMO. Alonzo the cartooning pimp and the Mayor will sit down and determine how they both can get maximum media exposure.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of air.
Hopefully these clowns won't fuck up the self-cleaning oven.
ReplyDeleteGood luck in your meeting with the mayor, Mr. Alonzo!! I hope he listens to you!! Some other city's homicide stats for Jan 2013: Wash/DC (at least 50% bigger than KCMO): 3 homicides; NYC (16 times bigger than KCMO): 23 homicides. Notice to "Ruckus" and "KC Week" participants: On the odd chance that you discuss the KCMO crime issue this week, please do not insult the intelligence of everyone in town by pretending to believe that our crime disaster is due to national problems like the recession and lack of gun control. If these national problems are not causing homicide surges in Wash/DC and NYC there is no reason why they should be doing do in KCMO. Time to face the truth. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans
ReplyDeleteI see Chris Moreno is on here today, extolling the virtues of Chris Moreno. Hey Chris, you should get together with Craig Glazer. He loves himself with fake comments almost as much as you!
ReplyDeleteChris Moreno said: I'll have you know I never read this blog nor do I post on it. Thank you. P.S. be sure to vote for me.
ReplyDeleteYep, this will work.Alonzo and his pasted on hair will make 2013 better. It's starting off great with a record number of killings in January. Don't you think it's about time Alonzo mentioned that it's his freaking black people that are the problem?! He always blames whitey. Typical Jig!
ReplyDeleteBullshit. Alonzo would have been knocked off waiting at a red light or ended up in cement boots in the river a long time ago if he was really seriously turning people in.
ReplyDeleteWell then, I guess all our problems are solved!
ReplyDeleteCrank up the BBQ and the Hip-Hop shit - an let's paarrrtay!
Shame on KC for letting things get this bad.
ReplyDeleteShame on KC for letting things get this bad.
ReplyDeleteHow many informers working for law enforcement in the dark underworld of murder and violence actively promote what they are doing?
ReplyDeleteHe must be giving law enforcement false leads and false information to still be alive. Of course knowing this city he could just be another useful idiot the city uses to deflect attention away from the crime and focused on toy trains and green zone boondoggles.
RE: Press Release
ReplyDeleteAlonzo's off his medicine AGAIN!!
This delusional narcissist from Kansas City, KANSAS who thinks that he's a real-life superhero cruising the streets in his "crime-fighter SUV" while wearing sunglasses at night and conducting imaginary conversations on his cellphone will be offering such tips as "Mr. Mayor you should appoint me as Chief Non-Resident Crazy-Ass Undercover Crimefighter."
To be serious for a you notice how TKC always includes a picture of Alonzo and Glazer with their posts, but never posts his own picture? I use to wonder why TKC would promote these 2 lunatics, but then I realized that he can't be that stupid, so he's really laughing along with the rest of us! Compared to a wack-job, TKC seems like a hard-working intelligent guy.
The hotspot program along with Alonzo's expert advise and consulting has worked so well KC has produced near record setting violent crime.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who listens to Alonzo's garb is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who spends any amount of time on the internet has seen them. They are America’s new Lunatic Fringe. This is prime example.
ReplyDeleteWhy, oh why, waste time talking with this dipshit?! He's a worthless jig, with no job, no visible means of support and very little real world experience. Self promoting, little nigger and our government is giving him a forum. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteCareful, our President had the same qualifications as Alonzo.
DeleteAlonzo is also a Harvard Law grad?
DeleteAs this nightmare has unfolded over the last few days, the obvious and no surprise consistent factor is the people involved and where this has occurred. I heard a black pastor interviewed last night mention the lack of hope in the black communinity..EXCUSE ME????lack of hope??? I thought that was why the current President was elected 4 years ago, and relected this past November. DUH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat creep wakes up at 6am pretending to be Chris Moreno? Seriously that is creepy. Who does that?
ReplyDeleteWhy would he give the info to Sly rather than the PD.
ReplyDeleteFor promotional purposes. Hey I met personally with the mayor!
ReplyDeleteI don't think it'd be a waste of the Mayor's time to listen to Alonzo, along with lots of others. He probably does get around in circles city government/police don't. Helpful information.
ReplyDeleteBut I expect the COPS, with all the data about violence, shootings, locations on maps, gangs, and so much more, will give the mayor a much better understanding of the causes of all this crime. The issue isn't so much about MURDERS...people who actually die, but ALL the shootings. That increases their database a great deal, unless KCFD EMS doesn't really save anyone.
Don't ya think a policy of not letting paramedics into a scene for several minutes after a call won't increase death rates significantly? Maybe innercity paramedics should wear kevlar, and be armed and trained? Would that save LIVES for those 5-10 minute periods where EMS won't treat the victims? Transfer the EMS to the Police department and not the fire department? Get my drift?
You are an illusional fucking idiot! Go save a whale you Fuckstick!
Delete11:54comment I LOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteHadn't thought of it that way! Yeah, if you call yourself a "community activist" you too can be President.
Alonzo wouldn't need a teleprompter, he hears voices in his head!
This is just a thinning of the herd in KC. Keep killing each other.
ReplyDeleteI thought that when we elected a black Mayor and appointed a black police chief they were supposed to be able to manage their people.
Guess that experiment ain't working.
Hope he's finally bought a better suit!
ReplyDeleteWant to stop some murders lock up the crack and the gin.
ReplyDeleteSly's going to say you got 20 seconds to tell me what you got and why I should care.
ReplyDeleteUp with hope, down with dope. We need more slogans. Yeah, that's the ticket.
ReplyDeleteMake fun at Alonzo all you want but KCPD is a much better taxpayer supported joke! Like what has KCPD done in the last 5 years? Zippo! Just check the stats, Killa City Missouri.
ReplyDeleteAlonzo is an activist. He's not on the taxpayer payroll. He not paid to stop crime. He takes an interest in the community. But he takes flak for trying to do something.
ReplyDeleteHowever KCPD does take taxpayer money and with zero results. So who's the asshole here?
The guy with no pay and zero results but try's or the KCPD guy with pay and health and retirement benefits with zero results?
It ALL ADDS UP TO ZERO! So whats yer point?
ReplyDelete8:17 comment
ReplyDeleteAlonzo will BEGIN to get respect WHEN he quits constantly attacking EVERYONE else, and quits bragging about himself. He's a non-stop trash-talker who just doesn't seem to be able to connect with people because of his vitriolic attitude. And so, he attracts a barrage of criticism back to himself, which begins the next repetitive cycle.
Can you even begin to imagine a humble Alonzo who defers attention to himself, while praising the people who help him and complimenting others? I sure can't! Only Alonzo can change Alonzo.
so what you are telling me is that the gangbanging/niggers that are high on "wet", that will kill another nigger for a $10 rock, ( and who really gives a shit ) are just going to stop killing because they realize that the mayor and AW are having a meeting, they will actually stop shooting and start cleaning up their streets, yards and homes, start cleaning up the blight, help little old ladies across the street, and maybe even start being a parent to their kids all because of a meeting. wow that's amazing that just like that these gangbangers and niggers will change their murderous ways and be productive members of this city...right!!!!these stupid fucking gangbangers live to kill and no matter who has a meeting or what hot spot program you put in place they will always be out there shooting, and killing other niggers, and like i said who really gives a fuck