Sadly the murder count in Kansas City continues to rise . . .
Two found shot to death in south Kansas City
Police: 2 dead following shooting in south Kansas City
Two people were shot to death today inside a building in the 8100 block of Hickman Mills Drive in Kansas City.
KCPD: ‘Stop the Violence’ as 2 More Fatally Shot
Dead Tree Media follow-up on Kansas City crackdown . . . KC police unleash a different kind of storm on criminals
Again, unofficially, this report marks murders #13 and #14 so far this year . . .
We're in new territory here . . . On the East Coast and in bigger and better cities they've reduced their murder rate. Meanwhile, Kansas City has yet to find an effective solution as politicos start their behind the scenes push for local control.
Developing . . .
Somebody said something in the last thread about involving the community?
ReplyDeleteThat might be a theme worth revisiting.
That's six murders so far this week.
ReplyDeleteNiggers are workin it! That President Obama is such an inspiration! Keep up the good work with that survival of the phittest and the phattest my ebony skinned brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I, and others, would like to know the particulars about the murders so far this year in Kansas City. Exactly how many are blacks? How many are blacks on blacks, how many are whites, etc.
ReplyDeleteHey how about the facts???
If Cathy Jolly had not been hired this week, there would have been 8 murders by now today! WOW things sure are better with the County Executive-in-waiting on the job.
ReplyDeleteShhh everyone. Its time for Jerry Springer and I have never figured out how to use the record doohingee on the box. Shhhhh!
ReplyDeleteHey guys, don't be so glum. Our new Streetcar is going to fix it all!
Black folks are really enjoying the gun law issues. They are so pissed that they are killing each other in record numbers. Keep up the great population control. 1 less thug who can reproduce more thugs.
ReplyDeleteKeep them jigs south of the river. They let one loose at Park Hill h.s. And he got caught. Stay away coon blood!
ReplyDeletecome on niggas, lets make dis a record year in killa city for killin-n-shit YO
ReplyDeleteDear 4:27: You asked about the racial breakdown of KCMO homicides. In 2012 there were 107 homicides--82 black and 25 other races. No info on the racial breakdown of the latest six homicides--but of the other eight in 2013 five were black and three were other races. Nationally, 93% of blacks killed are killed by other blacks. Take care. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans (KCKCC Professor)
ReplyDeleteAccording to KCPD the Hotspot program is a big success. LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe Black Male Monster strikes again and again.
ReplyDeleteIf you choose to remain anonymous and discuss what blacks do to each other then your a coward. Nobody respects your comments. This is bigger than black on black. So many people tend to put down each other and you all aren't helping. god help us. Cause they think it's a joke.
ReplyDeleteLife is precious and not all black want to live a life of crime. Do we fail to realize that some white rape little boys or shoot up schools, but we tend to look past it, some of the people posting don't think about that cause there racists remarks.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Forte just put out a video talking about the success of the hot spot initiative. Of course, Mayor James called him out a few weeks ago and mentioned that "hot spot" policing is a common approach across the country, embarrassing the Chief amid his claims of being an innovator. He continues to flounder in his own incompetence and the incompetence of those he's put around him. He will continue to fall back on race and become more and more entrenched in that position.
ReplyDeleteIt was rappers was one KJ
ReplyDeleteForte cut and pasted his "hot spot" program from the feds. Here are some published results of how that is working out:
ReplyDeleteMilwaukee is among 31 cities where the ATF has dedicated a Violent Crime Impact Team. The teams are supposed to target "hot spots" - small, high-crime areas - and go after the "worst of the worst" violent criminals, according to the agency's Best Practices report.
The agency launched the initiative in 2004 and quickly reported "enormous" success. Agency officials touted a drop in firearm-related homicides in pilot cities and credited the $35 million effort with helping local police departments solve other crimes.
But a U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General's report two years later found no evidence that the teams reduced firearm crimes in the targeted areas.
It is all phony baloney b.s. Forte using failed programs he found on the interwebs and thinking they will somehow work here.
Dead on 5:53. He is the Peter Principle defined.
ReplyDeleteLet's face it KCPD doesn't know what to do or how to handle the crime problem in Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteThey are lost.
Third person fatally shot Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteThe latest shooting happened just before 6 p.m. near Elmwood Avenue and Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard.
Um, let's review, at the recent Presidential Inauguration two of the Obama's special guests were Jay-Z and Beyonce. They sat in the VIP section and Beyonce even managed to lip-sync the national anthem!
ReplyDeleteFor those not familiar with the one-name celebrities:
Jay-Z is a rapper with song titles such as: 1-900-Hustler, 2 Many Hoes, Ain't No Nigga, American Gangster, A Thug is where I From, Big Pimpin', Bitches & Sisters, Dead Presidents, Dope get the idea!!
Beyonce is Jay-Z's wife and while quite attractive is a poor singer who has her own song titles like: Bonnie & Clyde, Cadillac Car, Dance For You, Diva, Ego, Fake Your Way To The Top, Have Your Way, If I Were A Boy....again you get the idea!
So, the point is....these are who the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES chooses to hold up as exemplary citizens who deserve to be rewarded!!! WTF!!! We are f**kin screwed!