Kansas City Kemper Arena Renaissance

Remember that not so long ago Kemper Arena and the West Bottoms was the epicenter of Kansas City eco-devo hope for change that never really happened.

And now . . . This town clings to the outside chance that the expensive place won't be completely scuttled:

"Kemper Arena has struggled as Kansas City's dowdy stepchild arena. Events fled from Kemper, and it seemed destined for the scrapheap of history. But a growing number of preservationists and architects say it has a lot of good years left."

And while Kansas City developers have become this town's worst class of snake-oil salesman . . . Let's not forget that the Kemper clan have plans for the place along with the hope of arena football . . . And all of the eco-devo posturing is more interesting than most of the acts at The Sprint Center now that AEG wants out of showbiz.


  1. Build a toy train from Kemper to...

  2. Turn it into a whore house and let the Command cheerleaders work there.

  3. Let's not forget that the "civic leaders" all lied again during the tax election to fund the Sprint Arena. Over and over they said Kemper would remain viable and would never be torn down.

  4. More standing proof that the city of Kansas City is ran by morons.

    I remember back when this building was announced to be built people saying "Why the fuck is it being built there?" But the idiots in city hall didn't listen. Guess what the idiots in city hall still don't listen.

  5. Kemper Is City Hall Giving You A Goatsee1/18/13, 10:06 AM

    Yep, that looks like a hemorrhoid alright!

  6. Kemper's a way better room for concerts.
    Sprint Bunt Cake Center acoustics are lousy.

  7. They should turn it into a huge indoor water park like they have in Europe that is open year round.

  8. Miss Sweetie Pie1/18/13, 10:51 AM

    Mr Tony,
    Can't they lease this arena to regional college Basketball schools. seems those rabid alumni have tons of money. A whole lot of games and practice sessions go on for MONTHS.

  9. I heard the city manager promised the american royal $20M to year down Kemper.

  10. Typical KC spin. Place was worthless when the city drama queens wanted to build Sprint Center. Now when AEG and friends might be able to squeeze a few more croanie bucks out of it, at the tax payers expense of course, here comes another tax vote to fix her up. Any bets? KC is soooo blessed to have the nations highest concentration of gullible dumb asses who will buy into anything.

  11. Would rather go to kemper than deal with the hassle in finding parking at sprint. what a mistake sprint is

  12. Sprint Center should have never been built. There was nothing wrong with Kemper only it was sexy enough for traveling politicians who've seen better arenas. Always reaching out when we need to reflect in.

  13. Kemper isn't even paid for yet. Do you remember a few years ago when it was "upgraded"? Well, the city issued bonds to do the upgrade, and they are still out there.
    Also, the city has promised that this venue will be available for the American Royal.
    1:37, you are right. At least Kemper has ample and easy parking. Parking at Sprint Center is a total hassle. I suppose we will have the Toy Train in 10 years,which will be "free".


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