QUICK TKC NOTE . . . AMAZING STUFF sent my way from our friend Craig Glazer today . . . Check it:

Craig Glazer Introduces Himself To The TKC Blog Community

‘Please allow me to introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long year stole many a man’s soul and faith…’

My name’s Craig Glazer. You’ve heard a lot about me…the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve come here to Tony’s to share much of that with you. This is our introduction.

I will be furnishing this space with my unique voice and viewpoints. Some of you will like me and the things I have to say, and some of you will not. I’m okay with either.

The Good. I run Stanford & Sons Comedy Club and have for a couple of decades. We have introduced the biggest comedy stars to Kansas City. You ever heard of Eddie Griffin, Bill Hicks, Sinbad, Larry the Cable Guy or Jim Jeffries? We’ve had them all, we gave some of them their first headlining gigs and some even told their first jokes on our stage.

I wrote a book called ‘The King of Sting’; my life story. There were several offers to buy the rights to my book for a motion picture and it was eventually optioned to the Eisners in 2009. I produced five major sports documentaries under the title ‘Champions Forever’ on everything from formula racing to heavyweight boxing, including my interviews with Muhammed Ali. As a group, millions of dvd’s were sold and are still being sold around the world. Reviews, including USA Today, were all outstanding.

My Hollywood career included Vice President, Music Division, New World Pictures (for Roger Corman), On Lot Producer with Dan York at Universal Studios and even acting in some movies like co-starring in ‘Billy Lonebear’.

I have appeared on everything from the ‘Today’ show and ‘Entertainment Tonight’ and have appeared on almost every major radio show in America from ‘Johnny Dare’ to Dennis Miller and G. Gordon Litty.

In Kansas City, you hear me on four local radio shows every week and you see me on local TV from sports to entertainment and you will often read about me or Stanford’s in the Kansas City Star.

One of my favorite calling cards was creating the monster success known as ‘Red Friday’ in Westport when the Chiefs were more successful.

The Bad. While working as a gold badge special agent I was indicted for supposedly framing two low level drug dealers. In today’s law enforcement world, what I did is done weekly, then, it had never been done. It’s called a reverse sting. Prior to that, my partner, Don Woodbeck, and I posed as law enforcement and stung/robbed drug dealers in the seventies’ on into the early eighties all over the southwest. My biggest sting and worse mistake came at the end of my career in 1982/3 in Los Angeles; I set up a money laundering sting against the Colombian Cartel which garnered over one million dollars in a year. I hired actors to pretend to be Mafia members out of Las Vegas to fool Colombians into investing their ill-gotten gains. Brilliant! Turned out they were the Federal Pacific Task Force, NOT Colombian Drug Dealers. After a lengthy trial, this landed me in federal prison with a seven year sentence.

The Ugly. Front page Kansas City Star coverage of the famous lawsuit between father and sons, my father, Stan, who ran for mayor twice, sued me and my brother feeling we had unfairly taken control of his comedy club. The story made national news including the Wall Street Journal’s Smart Money magazine. On September 11th 2001, the FBI Strike Force decided to indict me as the head of a major crime ring that controlled Kansas City. As it turned out there was no evidence against me, just the word of informants trying to get out of their own problems and lessen their sentences. In the end, the government realized that they had made an error and dropped it all the way down to ‘Craig snorted coke with some of his friends’…I was placed on probation.

I ruined a potentially great marriage with my former wife by simply not being an attentive husband and being too busy with my personal affairs. I lost my youngest brother to a fatal car wreck just over a year ago.

I have dated everyone from movie stars and models to strippers and women of questionable moral turpitude.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

What’s coming at you? The inside track on who’s going to win the big sporting events, entertainment both onstage and possibly from my bedroom and my take on celebrities, politics and local and national events.

‘…Pleased to meet you hope you guess my name,… Ah, what's puzzling you is the nature of my game…’

And here you thought Mick was singing about the Devil.


  1. Craig.



    1. Remember the lesson of South Park. Often times in life we have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. With Glazer, we don't have that choice as he is both.

  2. Can you help find the missing 15K?

    1. This is just TKC's way of getting under Hearne's skin. TKC is more jealous of Hearne than he is of Hoops, Hendricks and Peregrine combined. Plus Glazer will give him free food and drink since TKC lost his "trade" at Jardines.

  3. Please tell me this guy did not hire Chris morono... Please....

  4. Who the hell is this guy?

  5. Time to dump Tony's. I've been looking for an excuse to do so this is obviously it.

  6. So he got kicked off KC confidential and now he's on here, woohoo. Can't wait for Harley's comments.

  7. This will make Chuck happy.

  8. There is no cure for megalomania.

  9. This better be a prank. No way I'm subjecting myself to this.

  10. Come on... show some luv...

  11. Adios Amigo.

  12. Welcome Craig! Hearne who?

  13. Let me introduce you to some of my friends here at tkc.

    Chuck - he is fascinated with being afraid of black people. He has it down to a science and he beats off to videos of black guys fighting on some website.

    Meet super douche. He is an internet troll that has nothing intelligent to say. But I guess you already know that.

    Also, this is N word coward. His mom digs big black dudes and he has some real issues around growing up watching his mother having her mouth stretched in such a manner.

    Byron, he gets picked on by all the latent homo republicans because they like to talk about making love with him.

  14. Talk about an ego trip.

  15. Welp I see dipshit is still in love with himself. What a fucking loser.

  16. More like the inside track how not to live and how to make a living being a sleezbag and con man.

  17. Hey I told you it would be fun..strap it on and enjoy the ride...its just begun....

  18. Black Barbie1/24/13, 7:26 PM

    Well this place sure going to hell mutherfucker Tony WTF is wrong with you.

    Fuck me I thought I was rid of this roid rage waste of white meat and here he is again Fuck You Tony!

  19. What hole this guy crawl out of? Welcome to the club dirt bag. Your hazing begins immediately with the fart sniffing treatment.

  20. Black Barbie1/24/13, 7:30 PM

    Hey Byron here is some new meat for you roid boy here likes threesomes and he will get carrot top to come and play with your bag while roid boy watches he is a kinky sombitch

  21. He ripped me off1/24/13, 7:33 PM

    Craig where is your cum bucket buddy harley at. Or does he have his lips wrapped around something right now?

  22. He can introduce himself the fuck right out of here.

  23. As for your introduction:

    You're a shameless, attention-seeking, self-centered, ego-directed, drug-abusing, poorly-mannered, hairpiece-wearing, family-dishonoring, degenerate douchebag..........welcome to TKC, you'll be right at home!

  24. Whats that smell.

  25. who is this idiot Glazer? I never heard of him, but after reading his shit you provided, there is no doubt that he is a aged old douchey fool.

  26. Wow and I thought KCC comments were tough..damn..Barbie, you are with child calm down and be good...p.s. thats not kidding, hah...

    I knew this would be a fun place to hang out and I was right!!!!

  27. Fuck this shit, I'm out a here.

  28. AW, DON'T LEAVE MAD!!!!!

  29. Time to migrate to Radioman.

  30. Damn nice looking man. Uh-Huh.

  31. Tony I swear have you lost your mind? I need to get some ladies I know to come on here and tell you all just what kind of creep this low life Glazer is.

    Fuck this place I'm out of here.

  32. Yes he's obviously lost his mind. Whats left of it.

  33. Come on Nancy just cause I said "no" to you...don't be a party killer... maybe next time, if not me, one of my friends...hows that kid?

  34. So, When Does Ossco Join The Blog Too?1/24/13, 7:55 PM

    What the FUCK is "a gold badge special agent"?

    I seem to have wasted three minutes reading the introduction.

    WTF Tony, did you have a stroke? Do you owe this guy a bunch with a heavy vig?


  35. Anon 7:17 PM

    I enjoyed your comment.

    Clearly, Mister Glazer is a high functioning sociopath. He'll probably be hilarious.

  36. This venue was made for Glaze.

    Metaphysical freedom of speech for everyone, even Ken Dolls like 7:17, smooth between the legs and and dead between the ears.

    Superdave is less than thrilled but I believe Glazer will add some much needed levity and welcome distraction from the generally serious topics populating this blog.

    Welcome aboard Glazer.

    1. Ken dolls?, smooth between the legs?

      What does that mean...pray tell.

      I almost can't understand you without all of your bloated self important hyperbole.

  37. Bi Ron Zannassole1/24/13, 8:05 PM

    The low-functioning waste of air and water on the government teat hath spoken.


  38. Byron & Craig both suffer from self consumption. Byron's a 2 meters wide asshole, & the glaze well, he's just a groupie moron.

  39. Loser.....

  40. If this dirtbag Glazer is going to brag about being on G. Gordon Liddy's radio show, he ought to at least learn to spell Luddy's name.

    Glazer seems a bit slow.

  41. My bad...Liddy's name.

  42. from HARLEY...
    I picked the presidential race correctly to the exact electoral
    vote count in november.
    I write a blog about financial and political events. My followers/fans/disciples and friends get it online thru
    Fortunately for the readers of tonys blog i don't have the space to write the long bloviated comments i made at kcc..
    so here we go...
    take care everyone. It's going to be! befu

  43. Think I'll leave before the con men arrive. CIAO! Have a nice life.

  44. Yep Liddy, correct my bad...great guy..did his first two hour book interview, he said, nice...he really enjoyed King of Sting...Gold Badge, Ron, means higher ranking officer, like a captain or Lt. not silver which are usually lower grade officers...that's all. Rare for an entry level officer who was just under need to be 21, but they waved that the time...happy now..? No..ok.

  45. Oh yeah great guy.

  46. Welcome my friend Craig, I will say, you will keep it exciting.
    It's the nature of your game, oh yeah!!!!

  47. Once a con man always a con man. Wear it proudly.

  48. So what kind of deal he give you Tony? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  49. Another Midtown Mom1/24/13, 8:44 PM

    Craig, you are hilarious. And you obviously have a lot of courage to deal with all of these haters.

    You've already made me laugh several times tonight. Lol!

  50. Did he promise you blogger super powers or something Tony? Whats the deal!

  51. Thanks MidTown Mom...

  52. Probably offered Tony sloppy seconds on all the chicks.

  53. Jeez never thought Glazer would be so desperate to stoop this low. Poor guy.

  54. Chuck you are so wrong!

    Tony has been about reporting what’s wrong and exposing the bad in KC.

    Now he wants to let this fucking lowlife criminal no less post on his pages.

    Once a con man always a con man they never change. Kiss your site good bye Tony because this POS will ruin it and your rep in this town.

    Come on Tony have you stopped to think who is going to continue to even begin to take you serious in reporting news and related type items. You’re pointing fingers at corruption and con games at city hall and then you invite this convicted criminal and con man to post on your site.

  55. Con man pretty much sums it up - a guy who wants something for nothing. And since you've tried it so many times, you probably don't even
    remember which one I am talking about.

  56. Nancy, it's all about the mix.

    Deal with it.

    Are you a fan of hip-hop.

    For some reason Tony is and I hope it's not because he really wants to be black.

    There's all kinds of stuff on this site.

    Personally I think Craig is entertaining at best and just a self promoter at worst.

  57. Legal Disclaimer:

    Craig Glazer is a paid spokesperson for "The Hair Club For Men" and as such the reader may infer that his comments, like his hairpiece, are an attempt to hide the truth and embellish the condition known as reality.
    Caveat emptor

  58. What a dumb ass you turn out to be Tony.

  59. Craig Glazer is dull. Please TKC, don't subject us to his fictional tales (and poor writing) anymore.

  60. Nancy, I still want to know if that's your real titty in the profile photo? If so, can we get in line and take a lick? If so, I'll let Craig get first dibs. lol

  61. This is the stupidest, most boring, and most full of shit man alive. I, I, I, I, all he can say is I, I, I...If someone can't talk about anything but himself, he's a very dull person, and this guy is dull, and stupid, and full of shit. Hearne got rid of him because the guy was more maintenance than he was worth, but dumbass Tony brought him on.

  62. Nancy, if ya think Craig needs a little correction, then what better place to administer same?

    At worst catharsis, at best eviscerating comeuppance for such a deserving foil.

    It's just a little discourse.

    If ya get in over your head, I got your back.


  63. Craig is a f-ing amazing guy.

    Met him out on the left coast a few times. Must admit he has major game.

    He likes about himself but who doesn't?

    I don't mind him, but I wonder if has anything to talk about besides himself.

  64. Grandpa Benny, he was the real deal, CG you're not even close .

  65. Nancy's tits are real, but the photo is of her daughter covered in paint

  66. Those are big words your using chuckie! Your going to confuse the shit out of Briyona from virgina

  67. Tony's Kansas City

    Nov 4, 2003 - Jan 25, 2013


  68. "I've said enough about me. Why don't you talk about me for a while"
    -Craig Glazer

  69. wow..

    somehow i never saw this coming, it makes alot of sense-

    it is really gross, this ass stole his fathers business and HE DID tell on many people, that is true.. and he wasnt innocent or some crime fighting ninja.

    so i guess being a snitch to your friends makes you a crime fighter? I respect law enforcement and the things they protect but someone who steals from his father, cheats on his wife and tells on his friends?

    have fun, i think you two should get married and play with blow up dolls..

  70. Well, hellllooo Neuuuman!

  71. hmmm lets see...he stole the club from his father then his brother had a car "accident"

  72. 70 comments well into the night? Sure, Craig is just horrible for this site.

    You people left in KC can be really dense sometimes.

  73. The Soul Of The TKC Comments1/24/13, 10:25 PM

    Okay Hearne, that's a great theory you've come up with that puts you at the center of the universe.

    I guess living in the college town is rubbing off on you when it comes to developing wild theories.

    Have a good night. Believe it or not you are a good person who has a lot of value, you're very intelligent, articulate and charming.

    God bless you Hearne, I hope you find happiness but believe me that it won't come from blogging.

  74. Wow!! Craig, these guys are like Harley on crack and his junk in a vise!!! I don't see this ending well!

  75. Tony, you may be swinging from the nose gear on that coffee express airplane before they get done with you over the addition of this fuckturd

  76. Hooolllyyyy cow it's ugly over here!! Chuck, SD, whoever else is here (since 99% of the comments seem to be from one person, who ever anonymous is).

  77. KaJay the triple x ex1/24/13, 10:45 PM

    Craig? Yay!!!!! So good to see you on here!!!! Dont you love HATERS? I sure do! They go best w hot sauce or on the grill, lol jk I get hated on all the time. Just lets you know you are or were something they despise because they never had the balls too be. Sad ,but it makes us all the more popular! They dont realize negative attention IS STILL ATTENTION! I love you and have known you for over 20 years. Must be doing something right. Im seeing and hearing of you are these shlubs that are hating!!!

  78. T, don't know why you'd add this to your site. Bad decision. Watch your numbers...they're going to go down. Starting with me. Adios.

  79. Wanda Play (xxx filmstar)1/24/13, 10:51 PM

    Had fun at the casino watching football with ya!!!!! I should get with you and Johnny about doing a signing at a local adult store soon. New nudies to show ya this weekend, MEOW! Call me babe! i will bring one of my movies for you!!! Wanda Play pornography...........holla

  80. Glazer you are the best, first artilce, already over 80 comments. Who cares. Everyone.


  81. Oh great, so Tony decides to put out a salsa bowl here and what does he fill it with but old smegma.

  82. Glazer,
    I'm sorry if you don't like my honesty

    But to be fair I don't like your lies

  83. I love playing ego and insecurity combined.

  84. Wanda Play (xxx filmstar)1/24/13, 11:25 PM

    I Love This Ish!!!!!!! I need a place to be me where I can respond to their comments and hate. What a gift!!!! A vent spot for people to be hateful and complimentary? You are awesome Craig! You fuel my drive to be what and who i want or am. I am glad to have dated you, met you, and am honored to remain close friends after all the real deal life we both have experienced. Youre a ROCKSTAR!

  85. Glazer has a huge ego and a huge inferiority complex at the same time. And his short 2 inch dick proves that. Guy eats Viagra like most people breath air.

  86. Wonder if lawyer Lynne wil still help Tony now that he is slumming with known a criminal

  87. wanda Play (xxx filmstar)1/24/13, 11:38 PM

    2 Inches????? When did he have the other 5+ removed? Imaginations and rumors rule. Hell you can imagine im a huge cave too but reality and video prove different.

  88. I don't know who the fuck you are, faggy "Xalti" but you and this idiot Glazer should anally mate.

  89. Sandra Bernhard1/24/13, 11:43 PM

    Wow I so pity Kansas City, to bad for you all that Craig had to return there.

    He did a foursome with with Tom, Roseanne and I once. So funny to see Roseanna had a bigger dick than Craig did.

  90. Sandra Bernhard - That wasn't a dick, it was your nose.

  91. Did Tony finally get kicked out of the basement and have to find another one?

    Glazers dungeon?

  92. Now this is entertaining. We have some cum guzzler named Wanda Play calling herself a film star. Since when did getting your asshole prolapsed by random black dudes qualify as stardom?
    And Nancy wilson. Settle the fuck down. Tony aint exactly Bob Woodward, unless I missed the titty section fold out in All The Presidents Men. Go paint your daughters titties or something artsy.
    Finally we have Glazer. A walking petri dish of STDs. low self esteem, and one of the worst rugs since alonzo washington stopped wearing a horse hair jehri curl wig.
    You are going to be a fine addition to this beacon of free speech and silicone tits.
    welcome home ass hole.

  93. so 11:50 is sucking Glazer better than Byron?

  94. Overheard at Woodside Club;

    Glazer in mens shower; "Here let me drop my soap so you can have your way with me."

  95. I think this is a mistake. Tony, why don't you find some sharp young journalist or intern who will be aggressive and ferret out some real stories for you? From what I've read of Glazer's writing it's vapid and self-indulgent and plain unlikeable. I hope you won't put his writing in your regular news feed. Cheapens your product.

  96. I just hope that Nancy leaves, like she promised. If we're real lucky, she'll take SuperAsshole with her.

    Are these people really part of the art scene?

  97. Spunkmouse

  98. Whats the matter Byron did Nancy slap you upside the head and it hurt?

    So how do you like being Glazers bitch?

  99. You don't live here Byron so why do you care what any of us do back here?

    So just go away cheese grubber.

  100. I'm the biggest loser in the history of the losers. If you don't believe it, check the story I wrote here.

  101. Hey Galze,
    Was that a super secret gold badge they gave you? Did it come with a decoder ring in the cereal box?

  102. look over here... porn star...

    he has to be cool

    a porn star likes him

    we are going to turn kemper arena into a mud pit... SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUnday...

    if you comment your weak because your proving tony right, negative attention is still attention..


    these are not the douche bags your looking for..

  103. smokingplatypus you suck and you sucked your way through school.

    There how you like that attention.

  104. you are right anonymous, you are smart, i am sorry

    this is why ...

  105. As someone who actually worked for Craig and his brother, and quit the job at one point. I have to say that while he's no angel (and admits it freely), I always found Craig and Jeff to be decent guys and I enjoyed working at Stanford's. If you hate him, don't read him. I'll be checking it out, because he's always entertaining. Don't let em get you down Craig.
    former Stanford's employee.

  106. Anon 12:25 AM

    Its just that artsy types usually aren't inbred, gun toting, redneck, racist haters. Usually artists are intelligent liberals. Maybe, there's something in your water that makes you all so fucking stupid. I'd check into it if I were you.

    BTW, if an asshole wants me to go away, I'm morally obligated to stay.

    1. You're a fuckin idiot Byron

  107. from Harley

    thank god hearne let you go. These commenters on tonykc make hearnes
    site look like Dr. Suess.
    For those interested..I will be
    puttin g out my 2013 financial paper within 5 days offering you
    some of the most accurate financial forecasts for the upcoming year.
    I also will be publishing my soon to be annual media report with the
    latest and most accurate evaluations of the kansas city media industry.
    If you want to become one of my fans/followers/disciples you can
    get on my email list at
    Myfriends from hearnes site will verify that I am the most accurate
    prognosticator in america.
    Have a beautiful day

    P.S Ms. Nancy Wilson. Take a happy
    pill. You need it badly.

  108. from HARLEY

    someone is qouted as saying "Glazer
    cheapens your product"..
    i say what the heck do you think
    tonyskc is...THE NEW YORK TIMES?
    Before its over we'll be reaching
    to 200-300 comments with glazers
    Hearnes decision to let glazer go
    will turn out to rival the really
    bad decision made by coca cola to
    change their soft drink formula.
    the man does not go by GLAZER...
    his official pen public name
    is glaze...lets all start off on the right foot.

  109. I think this is a mistake. Tony, why don't you find some sharp young journalist or intern who will be aggressive and ferret out some real stories for you? From what I've read of Glazer's writing it's vapid and self-indulgent and plain unlikeable. I hope you won't put his writing in your regular news feed. Cheapens your product.

    yeah right. Vapid? self indulgent? unlikeable?
    yep...all that and more.
    but tonykc will become #1.

  110. Glazer:
    Will you tell the story
    of the young man inside
    your condo while you banged
    his mom?

  111. Glazer:
    Will you tell the story
    of the young man inside
    your condo while you banged
    his mom?

    1. His mom had a bigger dick than mine

  112. CG is a total dipshit, who cares.

  113. Would Rather Read Alonzo1/25/13, 7:32 AM

    At least Alonzo is fun to bash. This piece of shit just isn't worth the effort.

  114. Artsy Fartsy pudding & pie
    Glaze jerked off a load in Byrons eye
    When that eye was dry & shut
    Glaze stuck his 2 in. dick
    In Byrons butt.

    1. Byron liked it he's liberal lol.

  115. Oh glazer take your nutsack washer harley and get the fuck out of here we don't want you here.

  116. Just Threw Up Breakfast1/25/13, 9:53 AM

    Career? What fucking career are you talking about? You sucked at everything you have done and failed at all of it. You came back from Hollywood broke. Your book sucks. You suck on the radio why no radio station will give you a show. You have ruin Woodside, took my family out of there because don’t want them around your type. Your comedy store is a joke, as in sucks, could fold tomorrow and by Sunday nobody would even remember it was there. I’d tell you to go back to Hollywood but sure they don’t want you there either.

  117. nice to see that the courteous
    people here on tonys kc have
    been very welcoming to mr. glazer.
    Should be a very warm experience
    for all involved.

  118. Story posted at 7pm last night.
    By 10 am over 120 comments on a simple introduction, mostly by jealous haters who spell worse than Craig SUPPOSEDLY does.
    Yeah, Tony made a bad decision. #sarcasm

  119. A shame. TKC really isn't the place for GC. Tony's never been about self-promotion. Glazer is. Which is fine for him. He should just have his own blog.

  120. Not jealous haters just people who can't stand the outlaw prick.

    Get your facts correct Boese before making stupid comments like Glazer would.

  121. Knows Poo When They See It1/25/13, 10:43 AM

    10:19 for winning the comment of the day award.

    Wonder how many of Tony's other viewers have sex romps with unknown women who drag along their minor child to wait in the living room till Mommy the whore is done with the two inch wonder dick.

  122. Just so you know1/25/13, 10:56 AM

    Tony made this post,

    43 people commented on it all with typical general discussion type comments as one sees here on TKC.

    So you see Mr Boese whoever the fuck you may be Tony gets good comments on his stuff and has had high comment counts as well in the past and for most part every day. Glazer got comments from people who as is plain to see don’t like him and never will. So take your I Love Glazer bullshit and go camping elsewhere.

    Hope my spelling meets your high and mighty criteria.

  123. Anonymous said...
    Not jealous haters just people who can't stand the outlaw prick.

    Get your facts correct Boese before making stupid comments like Glazer would.

    Okay, responding to comments on the internet is an exercise in futility but since I have a spare five minutes and at least half a brain, let me throw a couple of things your way 'Anonymous'.

    My initial post contained a few facts and a few assumptions.

    The facts. The story was posted at 7pm last night. And by 10 am it had over 120 comments.

    Assumption: Most of the comments were by jealous haters.

    Now, you call my assumption a 'fact' which proves you wouldn't know a fact if it came up and spit in your face. Secondly, you refer to Craig as an 'outlaw prick'. This is technically incorrect as he hasn't been indicted for anything in over 13 years now. This makes him a 'former outlaw prick'. Please pay attention to the language we've all agreed upon.

    Just so you know said...
    Tony made this post,

    43 people commented on it all with typical general discussion type comments as one sees here on TKC.

    So you see Mr Boese whoever the fuck you may be Tony gets good comments on his stuff and has had high comment counts as well in the past and for most part every day. Glazer got comments from people who as is plain to see don’t like him and never will. So take your I Love Glazer bullshit and go camping elsewhere.

    Hope my spelling meets your high and mighty criteria.

    As for you, 'Just so you know', your spelling does meet my 'high and mighty criteria' as you call it, I gotta call your grammar into question, however, as it should read '...for the most part every day...'

    Also, as for 'whoever the fuck' I may be, I'm just a normal guy, like you albeit with slightly larger testicles as I actually post my comments under my real name and with my photo.

    Also, your assumption that 'I Love Glazer' is as wrong headed as it can possibly be. But the man has lived an interesting, if controversial, life and I do find him to be entertaining, if only because he is so polarizing (look it up, I don't have time to educate you), and I will defend his right to post a blog introducing himself in a public forum where he has been invited to post.

    That's all the time I have for today, kids. Enjoy your day.

    1. Go spit those large testicles out ' cause they're not yours PUSSY !

  124. I would like to give a special "thanks" to Craig Glazer.

    My niece was diagnosed with cancerous tumors.

    I made several phone calls to various establishments asking for help.

    Craig @ Stanfords Comedy Club at the Legends said they would help! It actually gave me a sincere sigh of relief knowing she had someone with his experience in gaining publicity.

    That's the Craig I know.

    Thanks again Craig, for caring for a little girl that you don't even know!

  125. I hate to post this since the numbers are so close, but the story about school board member Gunnar Hand and his arrest and probation sentence for smoking weed garnered as many comments as the Glazer non-story. This just shows that while people react to the disgusting (Glazer), they also react strongly to important information that impacts our school district.

    I think the initial shock and revulsion will subside and comments will drop off as TKC readers just scroll past Glazer posts.

  126. Hey sports fans...check out everything Stanfords at will see our award winning TV cartoon pilot that was featured in Montreal,Canada International Comedy Fest, one of the top five reality shows picked this year...THE STANFORDS TV PILOT, plus a new one with me and cartoon version of Al Pacino...funny stuff...hey haters...see Craig in PRISON from ABC TV...and more..cartoons by Steve Kramer..enjoy

  127. Goatsee Glazer1/25/13, 12:20 PM

    Who's the guy with the dick tickler mustache and goatee?

    Musta been Glazer's bathroom attendant at the club.

  128. Thank you Buffie for inviting us to help the young lady. I hope she is dong better. You are a good person. She is lucky to have you fighting for her. Please let us know if we can be of any future service.

  129. Knows Poo When They See It1/25/13, 12:53 PM

    Oh nice ads for Glazer now in the comments wow all time low for TKC you sure sold your readers out here Tony.

    Now we have Craig posting tear jerk comments trying to win us over and his big balled friend wants to say we all can't spell.

    Tony lose this trash or lose all respect anyone will or had for you.

  130. I want to suck his titties.

  131. I visit TKC because it is a "one-stop shop" for links to stories done by the Star and TV stations.

    Glazer probably won't change that, because every time Tony has tried "original reporting" it's been cringe-worthy. Every. Time.

    I very rarely visited Hearne Christopher's site, and did so only to laugh at it.

    But I do find delicious irony in his claim that he and Glazer had to part company because Glazer didn't meet his sky-high standards.

  132. Hearne born with a silver spoon meets SME wanna be hood Glazer so that Glazer can score goodies for Hearne to put in his silver spoon. A friendship of doing blow resulted. Craig got Hearne his blow and for that Hearne wrote silly stories to pump up Craig’s loser lifestyle. But then Hearne gets a divorce and later remarries, new wife who puts her foot down and says you silver spoon buddy is no longer welcomed around here and in fact we are moving to get away from his ass and he can't come along. So ends the story of one silver spooner and one silver spoon fillers love relationship.

  133. Tony's Kansas City Blog Is Now Ready To Clog A Sewer Grate Like A Mob Hit Target1/25/13, 4:03 PM

    This is all nearly as promising as a diploma from KCPS and a P.O.S.S.E. endorsement.

    So what will it be for this place:

    a) Clog a sewer grate with the corpse of this blog?

    b) TKC blog found bound, gagged, shot and stabbed in trunk of car on Independence Ave.?

    c) Hard time in the Leavenworth of blogs?

    d) Locked in the dungeon underneath a sleazy comedy club and forced to suck two-inch cock on Viagra® for three tacos, two tamales, and a bottle of warm beer per day?

    PS - When does Ossco start here as well?

  134. Steve Ashner1/25/13, 7:08 PM

    Craig Glazer is maybe the hottest name in this city. The mans life is an open book. He thinks he will go down in history with the likes of Jesse James and John Dillinger: know what, I think the guys correct. I read the book. King of Sting. Remarkable. Have not seen his sports pix but heard good things. I think all these wanna be people being down on the guy, only prove his value in an odd way. WE always dislike the man who steps forward and takes charge. That's how I see it. Good luck Glazer. We will be reading your tales.

  135. 7:08 is an obsessed fan?

  136. Phew, glad I don't owe Glaze anything.


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