TKC NOTE: Tonight Kansas City media impresario Craig Glazer offers his insight on an economic battle that's raging between Missouri and Kansas right now. We asked Mr. Glazer to write this piece because he has a unique insight on business success on both sides of the State Line.Check it:
‘I’m going to Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come…’
I’ve had businesses in both Kansas City Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas over the last two and a half decades. Stanford and Sons was opened in Westport in 1975. We left Kansas City, Missouri and Westport in 2003. I’m often asked why Kansas City, Missouri has fallen so far behind their sister city across the state line.
The first best answer I can give is poor leadership on the Missouri side. Kansas City, Missouri was a happening city up through the 1960’s. A few decades earlier it was considered a ‘wide open’ city. What really stopped it’s growth was the takeover in local government by ‘the evil do-gooders’. Sometime in the ‘70’s and into the 1980’s the politically correct ‘wanna-be’s’ took charge of what was once a business friendly community.
Most of the new political leaders in the city council all the way up to the mayor’s office wanted to make the city safer, cleaner, and open to everyone no matter your race, creed or color. The statistics prove none of that worked. The murder rate has never decreased much over the last two decades. What was once a city that was worried about organized crime now has to worry about daily drive by shootings, robberies, rapes and car-jackings.
Former Mayor Emmanuel Cleaver talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk. At one time I had a close relationship with Cleaver. Together, we presented a movie I produced in 1990 called ‘Champions Forever’ as a two-part special on local television. The then Mayor felt his emphasis should be on spending a lot of money to fix up blighted areas in predominately black neighborhoods. Our school systems not only fell off the map but became unaccredited not long after his mayoral tenure. Cleaver never really led the way to solve racial unrest and violence in the mid-town and especially the Westport/Plaza area.
I would have to say that, although he was a charismatic leader and a great speaker; he didn’t move the chains forward at all. Furthermore, the mayors that followed him (Kay Barnes and Mark Funkhouser, respectively) were even worse.
One thing these mayors had in common was no business background, no marketing skills, and, with the exception of Cleaver, no national presence. To make matters worse, the hundreds of millions that were spent under these regimes have been nearly a total disaster. 18th and Vine is a joke and yet it cost a quarter billion dollars in renovations. River quay and the river market have never worked and pretending you’ve redone our downtown to the tune of over 1 billion dollars spent is a sad joke. With the exception of the Crossroads Art District, nobody has moved downtown since the Power and Light District and Sprint Center were completed. It has no retail stores, no Quik Trips, no new gas stations and one new grocery store. I don’t call that ‘major city improvements’.
The two billion dollars wasted should have been spent pumping up areas that do work such as the Country Club Plaza, Westport (which has made dramatic improvements since moving the young hip-hop/rap crowds out of the area), and Waldo/Brookside. Here’s why: This is where the money is. Fix what can be fixed. Clean up your downtown, but don’t try and renovate it with an insufficient amount of money in an area which has been overly crime ridden and mostly abandoned for decades. Doing that takes MANY billions of dollars. If you disagree, look at Chicago’s downtown and look into what they spent to renovate it.
If you had elected someone with a strong business and marketing background, a new arena might have been built near the plaza which would have not only raised more revenue, but perhaps brought a professional hockey and/or basketball franchise to the city which would have further increased earnings. KC, MO is more worried about liquor cards, turning down new business licensing and DUI checkpoints than building another nice area like the plaza. To find that, you have to go to North Kansas City.
On the Kansas side, it has had progressive leadership from people like former Mayor Carol Marinovich and former Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Under Marinovich’s watch KCK was able to get the NASCAR track, Village West and the Legends which now is home to Livestrong Stadium, the finest outdoor stadium in the Midwest. Even though Legends and Village West has their own financial troubles, that may be resolved now that new ownership is in place led by RED, Legacy and Dan Lowe. Their retail and entertainment are moving back up led by the new Hollywood Casino and the addition of new trendier retail outlets like UnderArmour, Nike and Adidas to name a few. The school system in Johnson County is one of the best in the nation top to bottom.
Give credit to Johnson County Law Enforcement, though some including myself consider them overly rigid, violent crime is extremely low.
In summation, if you don’t think the Kansas side is better, check it out when it snows. The major streets on the Kansas side are cleared almost immediately, on the Missouri side good luck! It’s a tale of two cities, the Kansas side is moving on up and the Missouri side has been moving on down for way too long.
Both sides suffer from poor national marketing. You need to have a national ‘face’; we do not have that at all. Sorry, other than the Chiefs, Royals and barbecue, we are known for nothing. The city has no identity. No one that doesn’t live here has any idea what Kansas City looks like or is even about. It might help if leadership knew more about running a business, marketing and promotion.
During our ten plus years on the Kansas side, we have been treated much better by City and State government; they have mostly just left us alone. KC, MO needs to follow some of the more business friendly programs that their sister city has enacted. They would be better off.
‘…they got some crazy little women there and I’m gonna get me one
Craig for Mayor?
ReplyDeleteThe 800 pound gorilla in the room are the 250-300 pound gorillas who roam the streets of Kansas City. If that sounds racist, so what? The real racism is the silence on violence and its causes.
ReplyDeleteI tried to do that in 2000, but was indicted in 2001 to stop me, Stan, my dad replaced me and nearly won. He was nominated to run against Barnes but lost a fairly close race. He would have been a great mayor. Stan had the business background and more important the marketing skills to fix this city. He also was charming, a great speaker and would have had a national presence. Never happened we lose.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I think I would have won...hell my 70 year old dad nearly did, thus the reason for the phony indictment in 01, hello....I did announce in the media I was going to run...shot down a month latter...happens...sorry I couldn't have helped make things better. I really think I could have. Now we'll never know...KCMO is so far behind they remind me of the Chiefs...oh brother...hard to fix now...
Not a bad post from The Glaze. He has some real chops when it comes to business.
ReplyDeleteYeah... too bad they're PORK CHOPS!
DeleteMore vainglorious proclamations from the King of Strange. Charming as you may consider yourself, and your father, both of you suffer from myopic narcissism which would render you useless in the KCMO form of governance. Until the blackterial infection that is poisoning the city is effectively addressed, along with streets, sewers, schools and safety KCMO is destined for EPIC FAIL. Your lack of critical thought based opinions without facts are nothing but a showcase for your ignorance. Take your fake hair, porn-stache, roids, wife beaters and porn hoodies elsewhere scumfuck.
ReplyDeleteOoo... Myopic... somebody got a Word A Day calendar for Xmas!
DeleteGood article.
ReplyDeleteSome pretty heavy editing huh Tony? how long did that take you?
ReplyDeleteSeems like Craig is just re-posting stuff he wrote on Hearne's site. Meh.
ReplyDeleteOne there is no editing, none. I wrote this cause Tony wanted this story, which I was happy to do.
ReplyDeleteThe Glazers as mayor of Kansas City. Move over Bill Clinton, watch this one.
ReplyDeleteVery good article. Smart. Agree.
ReplyDeleteWhat no photo of Glazer? Come on!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Craig to an extent. But the fact is that the business community supports and funds this current class of politicians.
ReplyDeleteWhat can voters do when business keeps giving money to these bozos?
It is hard to do no doubt. The business community needs to find their "man" a year out. Put together a well placed plan that might really work and support that person from the get go. Don't wait to see who 'says, I want to be mayor.' Make sure this person has a strong business background, marketing skills and a strong presence..not unlike the hated Carl Peterson former Chiefs Prez, but he had those tools...these guys are the repeats on city council, they mean well but have no clue what to do,none. Get someone who does..or with a person who is armed with a staff built in that does...this could work.
ReplyDeleteExample: new plan for 2016 and beyond..OUR Crown Jewel The Plaza...Expand it..more streets of things to do that are new, fun and exciting...a 'night time couple of blocks' well done, promoted and safe..a comedy club, a couple nice night clubs for younger upwardly mobile people...not really a dance club but a night club, Vegas all night cafe that is sharp with a light but fun menu...late night clothing stores aimed at the younger folks...maybe an indoor late night spa with gym, indoor pools and hot tubs.. high end, sexy, cost a few extra bucks to go in or join...and maybe a private late night club, safe and the 'in' crowd only wanted...this kind of rebirth would bring a ton of media and attendance to the past it night life of the Plaza..and help the daytime business as well...see.
ReplyDeleteBad idea. That belongs in westport, not the plaza. Its great, itd just be in the wrong location.
DeleteWho won the big fight?
ReplyDeleteSounds like goddamn TIMESHARE pitch! Jesus, T... First that sheister lawyer, now THIS BLOWHARD! Its one thing to give this JUICED UP GORILLA copy space, but letting him spill over & engage the crowd via the comment section. If he cant make his point in his allotted column, then he needs a rudimentary writing course!
ReplyDeleteMr. Glazer?
ReplyDeleteNicely done Craig!
ReplyDeleteThere is no other way to stay solvent in a post-bubble, over-capacity, over-indebted consumerist economy awash in too much of everything but energy, common sense and fiscal prudence.
ReplyDeleteI'd vote for Craig any day over Sly.
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt.
DeleteThis FELON must be paying Tony to post his bullshit. Steal any cocaine lately? Felon?
ReplyDeleteCraig didn't write this story and anyone who really knows him as well can say this. Tony wanted a story and he got it. Who the true author is might be something we will never know. But for sure Tony you might want to do a little research, and you will find a story so very close to using these exact words in to many places written not too long ago. Craig just added a personal touch to it.
ReplyDeleteYou dodged the bullet just recently here Tony about posting stuff you shouldn’t have, so don’t set yourself up again.
There is no border war. Kansas City and Missouri lost. It was no contest.
ReplyDeletePooh for brains, yes I stole it from YOU.
ReplyDeleteOdd I told you Tony asked me to write about this, so I did. True I have said some of this before on Hearnes site, but not in a city vs. city version. So I guess I stole it from ME.
ReplyDeleteCraig is the owner of his content. He said he was never paid for it by anyone so it's up to him where he wants it placed.
ReplyDeleteOn this one, Tony was right. Craig has a great perspective on doing business in both Kansas and Missouri.
ReplyDeleteCG (or whoever authored the post),
I congratulate you on a worthy article, and agreed with the vast majority of your points. When you quit talking primarily about yourself, people sit up and listen, and appreciate your thoughts (are you listening Alonzo?).
Please contribute more articles like this one. Good job.
Craig knows his stuff. Or at least he knows more than our B.S. council.
ReplyDeleteGood ideas but until we get sly and his dirtbags out of there itll never happen.
ReplyDeleteGlazer should only know whether Kansas or mizzou has a higher taxes stamp. For coke...
ReplyDeleteAgain, too many words, I skipped the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't you do a 2 paragraph summary and LINK to the boring details?
ReplyDeleteWho cares what a drug addled hand me down comedy club owner thinks?
this early in the morning, I guess you do.
ReplyDeleteRight. Everybody knows that the best sign of a vibrant downtown is the number of new Quik Trips.
ReplyDeleteThe next time it occurs to you to compare KCK with KCMO, you might try apples to apples instead of pomegranates to Chevrolets.
For instance, how well is downtown KCK doing, Craig?
After all, they've had all that great political leadership. Their downtown must be booming with a new Quik Trip on every corner.
More b.s.
ReplyDeleteGlaze did not write this.
He's not able to use
complete sentences.
Must have been written with
his standard 3rd grade skills
long ago.
he's still calling soccer stadium
LIVESTRONG which had its name
dropped 2 weeks ago.
Come on glazer.
Write your usual sex/drugs/
young girl in bed stories.
You're not intelligent enough
to write this. Ghostwriters.
When are you going to beat
up tony outside beaumont.
Well done Glaze.
ReplyDeleteleave it to chuck to come along and suck glazers dick
ReplyDeleteClint called said they going to do your movie but will be the real story about you because he as everyone else is sick of your crap and going to humiliate you instead and watch the melt down.
ReplyDelete"Go ahead punk, make my day," as well Clint said he would fight you in Union Station for the whole world to see how a non roided buffed ole man can wipe the floor with an ex-felon roid taking loud mouth.
Clint called said they going to do your movie but will be the real story about you because he as everyone else is sick of your crap and going to humiliate you instead and watch the melt down.
ReplyDelete"Go ahead punk, make my day," as well Clint said he would fight you in Union Station for the whole world to see how a non roided buffed ole man can wipe the floor with an ex-felon roid taking loud mouth.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the article was dead on the money.
If you have an issue with the article, comment on it.
Ad hominem insults diminishes your position in any discussion.
I am totally cool with HATE.
I love the whole HATE thing and think it is a very usefull emotion.
Still, hate with no reason is ignorance personified.
Comment on the content.
Comment on the content? Like this in-depth analysis: "Well done Glaze"?
ReplyDeleteActually, 3:43 asked the money question. With all that progressive state and local leadership on the Kansas side, how well is downtown KCK doing?
"Well done Glaze", means I agree with the content.
8:02 for the win, Glazer and chuck for the loss
ReplyDelete"Well done Glaze" means you didn't bother to read it and are just expressing your man crush.
ReplyDeleteIf you had read it, you'd know how content-free it is.
Really. Glazer's specific complaint about downtown KCMO is that no Quik Trips or new gas stations have moved in.
That's just beyond stupid.
Now an insightful analysis of the economic border war between the two states might have taken into account how Brownback's gutting of the state income tax is going to play on local property taxes when school districts, particularly in "progressive" WyCo, have to make up for massive shortfalls in state funding.
Now to me, a savvy business mind like Glazer might want to look at the total tax burden before deciding the best state in which to locate.
But Glazer doesn't bother? Why? He's not smart enough.
ReplyDeleteWell done.
We don't agree, but your take is escellent imo.
ReplyDeleteI will admit, chuck will admit when he is wrong and not for sure correct and own up to it which is more than a lot will do.
ReplyDeleteCraig, Great job, enjoyed the article. Now who do you like in the Super Bowl? I here the points for the 49er's are back up to -4.
ReplyDeleteAnybody else catch how Glazer glossed over the fact that the new ownership of the Legends Outlets is also the old ownership that ran it into bankruptcy?
ReplyDeleteMeet the new boss, same as the old boss.
"Sometime in the ‘70’s and into the 1980’s the politically correct ‘wanna-be’s’ took charge of what was once a business friendly community."
ReplyDeleteDick Berkley wasn't "business friendly" enough?
Dick was a great guy, he was a good ma
ReplyDeleten, but again under his watch not enough happened to move the chains much. In fact his wife Sandy, who is a sweetheart, was my fathers love interest for many years before she married Dick. Nice lady...I just didn't see enough done during his 8 years that put this city in a position to move forward, we didn't in the end.
As Mayor I would have wanted to spend as much as 20 million dollars on national ad campaigns, commercials to promote What Kansas City is and has to offer, i.e. The Plaza, midtown, Ward Parkway area, Brookside etc...Nobody outside of us has ever heard of the Plaza...I know cause I introduce many national celebrities to KC,none of them have heard of the Plaza, ZERO...a shame isn't it...we have no identity, none. Zip...can't move forward with new families moving here in mass without it...thus our stagnant population numbers...just one example.
Would "not much to move the chains" include the construction of the Bartle Convention Center, the redevelopment of Quality Hill, the construction of the AT&T Town Pavilion, and more than 700 major public improvement projects from 1979 to 1991?
ReplyDeleteOh, but he should have spent $20 million in national advertising for the Plaza.
Now tell me how much the "progressive" Marinovich spent to make KCK nationally known?
I said Dick was a good guy, he did some nice work, just not enough. for Marketing, its not just the Plaza its KANSAS CITY. It's never been done. Why not? We could use another 500,000 residents, huh. Would help this economy right here at home, right?
ReplyDeleteExcept that 500,000 new residents would make KCMO approximately DOUBLE the size it has ever been.
ReplyDeleteSo poor marketing is the reason KCMO hasn't doubled in size in the last 30 years?
Nobody can be that dumb, can they?
Oh, by the way Glazer, here's something you'll probably be surprised to learn.
ReplyDeleteThe population of KCK in 1990 was 149,767. After 20 years of fantastic, progressive state and local leadership, the population of KCK in 2010 was 145,786.
Meanwhile, back in 1990, the population of KCMO was 435,146. After 20 years of lackluster, leadership, the population was 459,787.
You mentioned them early on in your article, then left them out. Sporting Kansas City is the only KC franchise putting a quality product out as of late.
ReplyDeleteYep. Sporting KC's success over the past two years is obviously the result of years and years of progressive Kansas political leadership, and savvy state marketing.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget how shrewd it was of Sporting KC to associate themselves with Lance Armstrong.
ReplyDeleteI can't disagree, Kansas City Missouri needs better leadership.