Mr. Christmas Moves His Game Near The Plaza

Fox4 reports holiday poaching working in the favor of Kansas City Proper: "After 47 years, Mike Babick, aka “Mr. Christmas,” is moving his elaborate holiday light display from his Prairie Village home on Falmouth Street to the Holiday Inn at East 45th Street and Main near the Country Club Plaza."


  1. End the Cover Up11/29/12, 6:33 AM

    This post does not answer the simple question that all KC wants to know the answer to: Why didn't Jeremy Ploeger pay Chris Moreno for his important work and vital expertise?

  2. WTF is wrong with Parairie Village?

  3. They are idiots just like the council of KC

    Plus you see if Mike pays the price/gouging fees the city wants he can do his display as always so the neighbors still have it in the neighborhood. No this isn't about the neighbors it's about the city passing a law that they can use to legally steal more from those they choose to not like.

  4. I hope he's got all his permits per KCMO ordinances. Fucking Scrooges!

  5. That guy has too much time on his hands.


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