Kansas City Mourns Hostess Collapse

Basically, there's only one bit of news today that anybody cares about . . .


Social media is nothing but different takes on the demise of the Hostess brand, and here my FB "friend" Jiao Jiao Shen posts the most creative Kansas City newsie take on the tragic collapse of the snack cake.


How Hostess Failed: Hedge Funds Vs. Unions

A Rush On Twinkies Across Missouri

200 JoCo Hostess workers now jobless


  1. There are a lot of twinks here in town who will be feeling down tonight.

  2. Wonder Bread and Nature's Pride are my favorites.

    How 'bout you Tony!


  3. Jiao Jiao looks like a pro with that spongy thing in her hand!

  4. Chek dis joint.

    Byron likes to slam his 'Beefsteak' into some 'Twink's" "CoffeeCakes" while he "Yodels" on their "SnoBalls".

  5. Funny on Chuck and Kj

  6. Surely some corporate giant will buy the brand and recipes.

  7. My wife still has her Twinkie! Can't wait for her to get home from her mani-pedi-wax. I'm gonna tear it up.

  8. Yup the union sure showed Hostess a thing or two. Hostess showed them a slamming door along with 18000 other workers. Smooth move.

  9. 5:46, it was hostess that fucked the workers. Typical republican moron. Hey, it's almost 6pm. Don't miss Glenn Beck.

    1. Go watch msnbc you democrat union whore.

  10. Fuck Hostess fuck Byron & fuck allyou non union scab sons a bitchs !!!

  11. 5:48...shut up and git back to sucking that creamy goodness out of your twinkie! Typical liberal faggot.

  12. The unions were told that if they went on strike the company would go bankrupt. They decided to go on strike and the company went bankrupt. There are numerous people to blame for this chain if events but the ultimate blame lays at the foot of the union leaders. Some workers came to their senses and crossed the picket lines to try to save their jobs but the ones that stood with the union leaders are now unemployed. I sure hope it was worth it. Im sure a few of the brands will be bought by other companies but the fact is hostess is out of business and whether or not some of the brands are bought there are still thousands of people out of work.

  13. Every state should be a right to work state. The unions are the main reason that the post office is going out of business and the main reason that cars are so expensive. Everytime stamps go up you can thank the unions.

  14. I'd fuck that bitch in her ass. Then cum all over her face.

  15. What is anyone thinking? We have been harping on health food for decades now and the king of junk food has died. Duh...

    This is the nature of business. The union workers will surely be able to apply their skilled labor in the production of some other toxic crap. Please tell me that we won't be able to get buy without a couple brands of bread.

  16. Twinkies are gone!! now hopefully the fat chicks will slim down a bit!!

  17. even the teamsters had agreed to hostess terms. The Bakers Union said fuck brotherhood and solidarity. They destroyed lives. expect another 15 or 20 thousand jobs to drop off as suppliers go under. Unions today are driven by greed and the members have become parasites sucking the life from it's host, or in this case Hostess.

    1. Mark Smith real american moron !

  18. Does anybody remember the phrase "Tut tut, nothin but Butternut Bread?" That was actually the Interstate Bakeries trade phase in the 1950's.
    In the 1970's, the company absorbed Continental Baking, which was actually a larger company, who baked Twinkies, Hostess Cupcakes, and Snowballs.
    I think in the long term, it was the company's downfall. The company was hometown with friendly customers and employees. Continental Baking wasa totally different culture. That introduced the union militancy that we are seeing today.
    It is ironic that those nasty thuggish Teamsters settled and were crossing picket lines. The Bakery Union had to win. Except that they did not. What a shame.
    I am sure that Twinkies will survive, but the new company will have non-union workers and will be profitable.

  19. Anon 6:57

    Fuck you, you stupid red neck. If you stupid hillbillies don't want me to comment, then stop referencing me in your stupid comments.

  20. Bryionia,

    Did you stock up on your Twinkies? I'm sure you got the chocolate kind with extra creme? Hey, I bet your mammy wouldn't mind some extra creme from my ding-a-ling!

  21. Hi, asshole. Sorry, I don't eat junk. My mother's 85 years old, but hey, its your call, dumbass.

    1. Yeah we all know you eat shit Byron so shit your mouth W.V. Cocksucker !

  22. The unions already took huge pay cuts last time they went through bankruptcy, and the company was taken over by vulture capitalists. They had no intention of keeping the company solvent, and took huge bonuses before demanding workers take further draconian cuts that would have put many of them below the poverty level. The goal all along was to saddle the company with more debt, liquidated it, and sell the assets for a huge profit. Bain Strategy 101.

    1. Youre a lying democrat douchebag.

  23. Huge paycuts?

    Post the numbers if you want to make that statement!

  24. One thing for sure the Union just took an even huger pay cut with the Hostess shut down. Now they wont find union baker jobs anywhere anytime soon. 18,000 also lost their jobs and I'm betting they aren't blaming Hostess for the strike that ended their jobs. One thing is for sure, whatever the union thought they were going to bring about is never ever going to happen. So as Dr. Phil would say, "Hows all that working for ya."

  25. Twinkies coming back and being baked by Big Bird Bakeries.


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