Last night we roamed around Kansas City looking for the BEST photo ops in order to provide a bit of a behind the scenes look at election 2012 in our cowtown.
Enjoy . . .
Things didn't start out very well and we noticed the spread @ Jason Kander's Kansas City watch party @ Californo's in Westport was rather skimpy.
Still, the crowd was lively.

Fashion mogul and Kansas City Power Broker Shomari Benton was seen here chatting up friends in support of Jason Kander.

A miniature blonde in the Kander crowd was nice enough to pose for a photo while giggling @ TKC.
More . . .

Interrupting hotties is always a favorite TKC pastime . . . At least when they venture into political circles.
A really good looking shot coming up . . .

And then we took a serious look at the crowd . . .

Kansas City political consultant Geoff Gerling is seen here talking numbers with a member of Team Kander during this race that came down to the wire.
From there we worked our way through Westport . . .

Olivia worked on the Jonathan Sternberg campaign for the Midtown Kansas City House Rep. spot . . . Judy Morgan took home the victory but Mr. Sternberg showed well in Westport. By the way, the dude with Olivia is, in fact, a male model.
Then we showed up to the Watch Party For Congressman Cleaver . . .

Missouri Rep. Brandon Ellington is one of the brightest stars of Kansas City's East Side representation and he took a moment to take a photo with 3rd District Committeeman Pat Clarke. Mr. Clarke recently started working with the KCPD as part of a community outreach effort and THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVES we've heard about from the Department given that Mr. Clarke has a great deal of credibility not only in the political world but also in our community.
Roaming around the room . . . This guy caught our eye . . .

Uncle Sam was nice enough to bring his table some water . . . And smile for TKC.
And then . . .

MD Rabbi Alam was out in Democratic circles last night despite a rather notable election ruckus during his primary Secretary Of State Run. He's with House Candidate Syed Shah. Mr. Alam told us that he will announce his Missouri Senate run for 2016 today.
Behind the scenes . . .

Kansas City newsies were set up on high.
Back into the crowd . . .

Kansas City Councilman John Sharp and Councilman Jermaine Reed were talking with constituents and Democrats during the opening moments of the celebration.
More newsies . . .

That's KCTV5's Stacey Cameron in the background and another blonde newsie getting ready for their setup.
From that point the night started to move a bit more quickly . . .

Cheers from the crowd were raucous as one victory after the next was reported for Prez Obama . . . It was also interesting to hear the crowd erupt in boos whenever Mitt Romney's name was mentioned.
Another favorite shot of the night . . .

Kansas City "Girl power" on display . . . In this shot notice Former Council Lady Cathy Jolly, political powerhouse Katie Daily, Midtown Kansas City MO House Rep. Judy Morgan smiling as victory approached.
Even more Kansas City elites . . .

Here's Kansas City POWER BROKER Klassie Alcine with Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp as Congressman Cleaver's people were calling folks to the stage.
And then . . .

Kansas City's Congressman Emanuel Cleaver addressed the crowd to wave after wave off applause and stressed unity and civility in the national discourse.
"Too often, one set of ideas are touted as if they're delivered from God and the other as if they come from the Devil . . ." said, The Congressman.
"I believe the President is dedicated to working with Republicans and building relationships to move this nation forward."
"United We Stand, Divided We Stall," said Congressman Cleaver.

As the victories were announced more people crowded the stage.

Notice Kansas City Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo in yet another important circle.

And then, a top ranking Kansas City political consultant insisted that I get a photo as well . . . Turnabout is fair play and I was just happy to be next to so many powerful folks who pretty much decide our fate.
And that's how last night's stunning and world shattering election looked to TKC. Still, this morning, I can't really tell if anything has changed. But I'm hopeful.
More later . . .
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, you fucking stupid Democrat jerks. As of this morning, the market is down over 200 points!! What's that tell you, morons? It's only a harbinger of what's to come too. That NIGGER and his minions will fuck this country up even further than they have the last four years.
ReplyDeleteHaha racists have to endure 4 more years. Religious right wing zealots are furious because they were outvoted by the masses. Gay marriage in 4 more states! Scotus doma decision coming down the pipes. Obama appoints two more justices! Love it!
DeleteHaha racists have to endure 4 more years. Religious right wing zealots are furious because they were outvoted by the masses. Gay marriage in 4 more states! Scotus doma decision coming down the pipes. Obama appoints two more justices! Love it!
Deleteharbinger is a big word for you. Calm down. You're gonna have a stroke.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how John Sharp shows up anywhere there is a camera, and yet he doesn't seem to be able to answer his email even though he has a minion to do that for him.
ReplyDeleteOh, look at the bright side, 9:28. At least you'll have a hobby the next four years.
ReplyDeleteIs the election over yet? Who won?
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhh Yes! 4 more years with Washington full of politicians who will milk the living shit out of the American Citizens while doing absolutely nothing. A health care program that did little to nothing for the uninsured, lost tax cuts that will lead to another economic downturn, no immigration reform, Iran gets the bomb, a house full of Republicans and Senate full of Democrats and the American Taxpayers get nine yard right up the ass while these clowns pad their expense accounts and have a jolly old time putting on the "Dog and Pony SHow". Congrats America ...now bend over.
ReplyDeleteYou know, a stroke would almost be preferable to four more NIGGER years!
ReplyDeleteGo have a stroke then. We'll miss you I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteBut we'll survive.
ReplyDeleteIf you've ever wondered why Jackson County and KCMO government are such dysfuncitonal jokes, just cutr and paste all the photos in this post.
ReplyDeletePoliticians, power brokers, grifters, hangers-on, and folks like TKC just looking for some free chow.
And nobody could name a single accomplishment on behalf of the residents or taxpayers a single one of these people have achieved.
What are they running for next?
Yes, Mr. N word, the market is waaay down from the glory days it had four years ago under the presidency of one of your fellow racists. Oh wait the market was in free fall due to failed Republican economic policies. And recently the market was setting records under this N word president. That's weird. What should that tell us Mr. racist? What is that a harbinger of?
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are not real Americans, they are just a conumer and religious cult.
ReplyDeleteVote Freedom, Vote Liberty!
Shouldn't you have made your "TKC" watermark BIGGER? Ya know, somebody might try to crop it out and steal your snapshots and sell em!
ReplyDeleteWell we know at least which crew is going to be at the helm of the Titanic. Were they throwing out any life preservers at this event or just suggesting to relax and grab a cocktail?
ReplyDeleteShame on you America.
ReplyDeleteThe stock market is a Jewish manipulated scheme. The drop today is part of the scheme. Count on them to always come out on top.
ReplyDeleteYup. Nice pictorial of blundering role models who will be providing you with the precise inspiration you need to bolt down your bank accounts and any other assets. Study them carefully.
ReplyDeleteHow come no pick of Tony rubbing elbows and talking "strategy" with any of these so called hotshots?
ReplyDeleteSmiling at the edge of the fiscal cliff. Nice.
ReplyDeleteSeriously Tony, if you are not going to stop 1141's BS, stop posting pictures of young women who do not deserve the treatment they get on your blog. If one was my daughter, I would kick your livin' ass. Providing a vehicle for this type of mutant, makes you no better.
"Mr. Racist"? Why thank you, for that recognition. What is that a harbinger of?? Well NIGGER, I'm sure you will find out in the days, months and yes, unfortunately, years ahead. Nobama has managed to fuck this country up is sooo many ways, it's impossible to find a starting point. In any case, you enjoy your socialistic framework, while America vanishes, monetarily, militarily, spiritually, ad nausium.
ReplyDeleteObama is a moderate republican...
ReplyDelete12:17's learned hissef a new word.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats vote democrat to get free stuff, like Obama money. Our country will suffer in huge ways economically.
ReplyDeleteTo every Jew who voted for Obama, say good bye to Israel. Obama will hand it it Iran.
Are you better off now than you were four years go? I bet four dead brave Americans in Benghazi don't think so.
Either we all lost or we all won last night. I hope it doesn't take us another 4 years to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteLOL The last photo is the best and... priceless!
ReplyDelete@11/7/12 11:24 AM You have the right idea! Take a good look at the folks ready and waiting in the wings. Dread. Pure dread.
ReplyDeleteEvery election season I go into panic mode. Don't know what is expected to be lost in the months and years to come. Black people are scary.
ReplyDeletewho de nigger lover pointing at de nigger? Is that Byron?
ReplyDelete4 dead in Benghazi? How about 3000 dead in New York City while your idiot W. sat on his fucking hands. And then went to war with Iraq because he hadn't fucked up bad enough. Last time I checked, Obama took out Bin Laden, got us out of Iraq, and is working towards getting us out of Afghanistan. And yes, I'm way better off than I was four years ago, after the failed Republican economic policies brought our country to it's fucking knees. You petulant children need to step the fuck out of the way, and let the grown ups continue cleaning up your mess. Or just keep stamping your feet and yelling about Jews and N*****s, ignorant fuck.
ReplyDeleteWhere is mah entattlemens is mafukka ???
ReplyDeleteWhere da rich white peoples money is ???
ReplyDeleteThanks for proving my point.
ReplyDeleteWhere doos we signs up fo rent money & where is de malt likka is mafukka ???
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony...i just came to some of these sluts today.
ReplyDeleteWhere do mah free cell fone be ???
ReplyDeleteEVER heard a Jew talk like that ???
ReplyDeleteCindy likes dark meat DP style.
ReplyDeleteA good point @ 2:14 PM
ReplyDeletePeople should be lining up to quit their jobs as welfare just became the most profitable career choice in America. That should help the economy, those people have a proven track record of wise choices, why not give them even more?
ReplyDelete2:14 likes ma dark meat! EAT IT BITCH and swallow yo daddy bitch an when you done put on dey pink panty's fo me an dance like ma ho!
ReplyDeleteTony, you look like a "CatDaddy".
ReplyDeleteWho is the blond in the fourth picture with the big tits?
ReplyDeleteGet ready for $6/gallon gasoline.
ReplyDeleteDamn T you least could have put on a sport jacket.
ReplyDeleteOr a bow tie HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Can't tell if you are laughing or Cleaver farted and you are pointing at the guilty party or you farted and blaming it on cCleaver.
T, since you are not Jewish, take your damn hat off when you are inside. It's called manners.
ReplyDeleteTrue dat.
ReplyDelete4:56 PM Hey look, it's the weird racist guy that's obsessed with sucking black dick.