Jenny McCarthy pretending to do yoga still makes me exhausted and here are all of the important Kansas City links that I'm checking . . .
- NO RECOVERY for the cowtown economy: Kansas City region’s manufacturing activity wanes
- It never pays to help people: KCAI In Legal Wrangling Over Unpaid Pledge
- Power play preparing for attack: Large power companies across Missouri, including Kansas City Power and Light, are preparing to protect their systems in case of a terrorist or cyber attack.
- Crackdown for a good cause: State agency, law enforcement team up to fight sex trafficking of children
- Kansas City will pay dearly to maintain 3rd place standing: Glass says Royals have salary goal, not hard cap
- Show-Me Dog Lady: Nearly 40 dogs found at home of suspected hoarder
- State wide bump still won't roll back education cuts: Lottery win could give small boost to Mo. coffers
- International biz goes local: Weitz shareholders OK sale to Egyptian company
- Show-Me defense of marriage OR winning the bridal vote: Missouri Attorney General Kris Koster says he has charged a Kansas City wedding photographer suspected of scamming brides.
- Gov. Jay's Obama endorsement today: Nixon says Medicaid expansion will part of next budget
Here is how it works folks. Hospital gets paid less by medicare or medicaid and then hospitls either force patient to either pick up the tab, get sued or files bankruptcy. Souynds all ok until you realize all the seniors loosing what little they have to subsidize what was supposed to be their saving grace. Seriously, has anyone read the freaking obamacare act yet or are we just gonna cross the bridge when it blows up?