Again and for the record . . . The merger of Ambulance Service into the KCFD is one of the worst mistakes in Kansas City history that was motivated by politics and not the best interests of residents . . . That is Kansas City FACT and the resulting hot mess goes beyond "growing pains" of combining two disparate organizations.

Check it:

KC ambulance response times worsen, audit says

In fairness, there is a lot that is changing about the KCFD and the organization seems to be on the right path to becoming more transparent and pro-active given new leadership . . . But CLEARLY this problem is getting worse and not better and was created by a weak City Council and a slavish devotion to special interests that shows no signs of improving.



  1. Kansas City Kansas FD took it over from MAST and they are successfully running their service. Why can't KCFD do the same?

  2. WTF, you are allowing Sharp, the guy who drove MAST into the ground, the opportunity to make operational decisions on deployment? And some qualified Fire Chief is going to aspire to work for KCFD?

  3. Can't wait until the city gets their hands on the PD!!!

  4. let's see how many vacant buildings suddenly catch fire.

  5. Transparent? Hahahahahaha! Riiiight. They cover up everything. The new division chief of communications is not allowed to run reports. Only Montleon, the lying chief.
    Firemen take narcotics from patients and their bat chief covers for them. Not a lot of integrity.

  6. hardcore claim on stealing narcs...wheres the proof?

  7. 7:00, aka Lesa Gonzalez and Marissa Hermsen, you two better have proof. Liars. Narcotics are federally regulated.

  8. Ahhh, Smokey Dyer's legacy, just like his pension payments, go on and on.

  9. They know who they are and I am not Lesa or Marissa.

  10. Maybe they should let Trevor Creekmore cook the books like he did at mast.

  11. what i read was that they stole a patients pain meds. those are not regulated...i would like some more info because if they steal from a patient that called and relies on them for help where will they stop..thats some good morale fiber there.

  12. As a former employee, I can say that "items" we're definitely taken from patients. Stolen goods weren't the only thing that drove me away, but it was right up there.

  13. I heard they eat aborted babies and rape puppies in the station.

  14. KCK just kicked out MAST, KCFD absorbed them. That's the problem.

  15. I heard these comments aren't as anonymous as you think.

  16. When are they going to fire Troy?

  17. I heard that even a dummy like you can't understand how to get the truck into gear.

  18. Former MAST and (briefly)KCFD paramedic, here. Left after they went to 24 hour cars. Anyway, knowing what I know about MAST and the current KCFD paramedic, I'd be really carefully about playing "he said/she said". I know a lot of MAST medics who have a skeleton or 2 in their closet...might not want to go posting personnel matters and accusations on the internet. Shit it wasn't a year ago you guys (former MAST personnel) killed a patient on a routine transfer by leaving him unattended in the back of an ambulance. To say nothing of fighting patients, punishing "bad" patients, performing procedures outside your scope of practice, unnecessary intentionally painful treatments, dodging calls, dawdling on the way to runs, etc., etc.

  19. Damn right KCK kicked them out. MAST was worthless.

  20. What did happen to that former MAST crew that neglected the patient in the back of their ambulance by leaving him unattended and delivered him dead to the destination hospital?

  21. What happened to sanity in government?

  22. What happened to the MAST medic who used to brag about how many patients he nasally intubated patients because he didn't think drunk black people deserved care?

  23. I heard firemen are humans and that some are good, and some are pretty shoddy, and some are some of both and yet almost 100% of them will run into your burning house, occupied or vacant, and work hard, drag you out if you are trapped in there, protect your possessions if you are not, help you when you fall down, get in a car wreck, get locked out, don't know who else to call to get something done and not bitch about it or slack off when you call them.

    Just what I heard.

  24. And I don't blame them for being good, loyal union people who take care of each other and stick together.

    There's a reason they've got a career and we all just have jobs. I'm not jealous. I wish I had a union on my job. When we used to have one, people worked this job for 30 years, too, and got a good, modest retirement when they left. Now they just get a 401K and a new job usually to pay for health care.

  25. 10:35, his name is Paul Paikowski. Not sure where he is at now.

  26. 10:16, the city settled with the Nigro family for $205,000.

    And the medic that allowed him to die unattended? She's still employed. Although not working out on the ambulances. I believe she is now dispatching.


  28. yeah they are all heros..half are drunk or on drugs. most cheat on their wifes. they bitch about medical calls and pt care. but claim to be heros when they send 8 fire trucks to a small fire....but call them out and holy shit you are pulling the water out from under the guys that walk on water.
    and all that running into burning buildings bullshit save it thats what you signed up for and thats your job. dont claim to be larger than life.

  29. 11:17 is an obvious want to be...

  30. 11:18, yeah that's exactly the impression I got. They really seem to love firemen and want to be one of them. Jesus. Get your reading glasses fixed and find some common sense while you're doing it.

  31. KCFD = worthless

  32. Once your motives aren't about the best for the pt you are worthless. KCFD does not care about training or anything else for EMS... What a joke of an EMS service. Sad...

  33. i was one for 17 years..politics and egos soured me.
    i left in 2000 and moved outside of my required living restriction.

    if you only had any idea of what really goes on.
    i went back to school finished my degree and work private sector fire related jobs.
    most are overseas six month contract jobs.
    please save the wannabe comments i have been there and sometimes i shake my head when i see what a noble profession has become.

  34. This thread of comments does not garner citizen faith in our emergency services and the people in them, or previously in them.

  35. Hey 6:29, go suck a big one! Oh, by the way, thanks for paying my salary while I'm cooking up a gourmet meal or kicking back watching sportscenter until that next call comes out.


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