Todd Akin Campaign Hot Mess Continues!!!

After a stop in Kansas City it's clear Todd Akin might be one of the worst politicos in all of the nation. Even among supporters there hasn't been anyone who has dared to extol the virtues of his leadership . . . Still, political reality has a few members of the GOP going back on their word (as usual) and has sparked a renewed effort which attempts to get this rural, incompetent and unlikeable candidate ready for prime time.

Check some of the better recent Todd Akin links . . .

From Kansas City Activist Wick Thomas: Todd Akin Protest in Kansas City, Missouri

Washington Post: The devastatingly bad candidacy of Todd Akin — and how it could cost Republicans the Senate

Slate: Slate . . . Ladylikeness: An Inquiry

Kit Bond, Jim Talent change minds, endorse Todd Akin for Senate

Huff Post: Todd Akin's Pollster Compares His Situation To That Of Cult Leader David Koresh

CBS News: McCaskill: Akin makes Bachmann "look like a hippie"

Slate: The GOP Doesn't Know What To Do With Todd Akin


  1. Akin will win.

  2. Bond, Talent, Blunt- they should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Keep doing the protest, you fucking queers, and MR. Akin will win handily...Thank you.

  4. Akin is a buffoon who single handedly made Claireobamabelle a winner when she was an absolute forgone loser until Akin accepted that Democrats voted him in since he is the weakest and dumbest Repo in history and McCaskills camp realized they wanted to run against this idiot.

    Now, The Buffoon Akin stayed in the race refusing to let a viable Republican candidate run against a nasty piece of work that is half way uop obuma's ass.

    I am wondering if Akin was paid off by the McCaskill Obama camp. That is the only logical reason for him to stay in the race.

    Oh and the Akin handlers FAILED MISERABLY to convince this political self worshiping retart to get out and let a winner run

    God how I hate Akin's abysmal stupidity that will hurt our state and nation by the election of Claireobamabelle.

  5. Akin is truly a moron, but he may be representative of enough of our inbred cretins to get elected.

  6. It will be funny as shit when this idiot beats McCaskill. We'll be replacing one loon with another but WTF, it's just politics as usual in MO.

  7. Women, school children, senior citizens, veterans, farmers, disabled- Once Akin is elected, they'll all get the chance to see just how well we do on our own.

  8. What a world we live in.

  9. I think the bible Akin reads from must have omitted James 1:27.

  10. I think the bible is full of shit.

  11. Inbred, Bible toting, "the world is flat", white trash will win it for him.
    Akins- 51%
    McCaskill- 49%

  12. women voters will secretly send this fool packing.

    Sorry conservatives, your women hate you and don't want their daughters subjected to slavery.

  13. Akin wins...........big

  14. You can't win in Missouri without women. Women have every reason to vote against akin.

    I don't have to brag. This idiot lost the thing because of his hatred of women. He is dangerous to women and they know better, even the Conservatives.

  15. This woman is voting for Akin. And so are many, many more who know what a corrupt person Claire really is.

  16. I'll vote fer the one that gives me a free cellphone.


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