The response from the Office Of The United States Attorney Western District Of Missouri was swift regarding an announcement this afternoon about a controversial case involving the death of Kansas City firefighters on the job in the 1980s.
Money quote:
"None of the information Ms. Pilate has presented to the United States Attorney’s Office to date indicates that the defendants in the Firefighters case were wrongly convicted."
Check it:
Statement regarding defense attorneys announcement of news conference in connection with 1988 Firefighters case:
In July 2008, the United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri asked the Department of Justice to review allegations that the defendants in the 1988 Firefighters case may have been wrongfully convicted.
Over the next three years, the Department of Justice investigative team traveled to Kansas City on multiple occasions to interview trial witnesses, law enforcement officers, and other individuals involved in the case. In August 2011, the Department of Justice released the results of its investigation. One of the conclusions reached was that newly-developed information, not previously known to the prosecution, suggested that other persons may have been involved in the arsons in addition to – and not to the exclusion of – the convicted defendants. The Department of Justice review team also concluded that this newly-developed information did not call into question the guilt of the defendants who were charged and convicted.
In mid-September 2011, just over a year ago, Ms. Pilate, who represents one of the convicted defendants, asked for the opportunity to present the United States Attorney’s Office with new information she had gathered regarding her investigation into the 1988 Firefighters case.
Ms. Pilate was provided with that opportunity and she made multiple presentations to various members of the United States Attorney’s Office.
None of the information Ms. Pilate has presented to the United States Attorney’s Office to date indicates that the defendants in the Firefighters case were wrongly convicted.
In this case, as in every case, the United States Attorney’s Office remains willing to receive and review any information from Ms. Pilate or others regarding the 1988 Firefighters case and encourages anyone with relevant information to step forward and contact federal law enforcement.
ReplyDeleteNice mis-leading title to the story Tony.
No firefighter was convicted in this case.
Your disdain for those who serve is SO transparent with that deceptive title.
It says firefighter death conviction you fucking clueless steriod taking dick.
ReplyDeleteAt least u know u still have firefighter fans TKC.
ReplyDelete5:38. He edited the title after reading 5:28's post you toolbag.
ReplyDeleteI saw the original title also. the word "death" wasn't in the originally posted title.
So YOU just jumped to conclusions. It sounds like your distain for tKc is obvious. Why don't you go home and beat the shit out of your wife?
ReplyDeleteNah, I think on my off days I'll just keep pounding yours. She keeps talking about how you have all this hatred towards fire , because you WANTED to be one your whole life, but realized you didn't have the fuckin stones to do it. So, she fucks me instead
ReplyDeleteyou talk like its a hard job...i have been doing it for fifteen years, will you please shut the fuck up you make us all look bad.
ReplyDelete6:28, it IS a hard job.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously work for a Johnson County, Kansas departement that doesn't know the meaning of "interior" or "agrssive attack".
Fifteen years of "fighting" fire from the outside and watching it burn WOULD be easy.
5;59 you actually have days off? I thought you fire fighters were so broke and over worked you had to have 2nd jobs to support the family you betray!
ReplyDeleteI don't need a second job. I inherited some money and invested it very wisely. I don't jave a family, I'm only 22 and not looking to settle down. You sound like some pussy that gets his kicks off bein an internet tough guy. That's not for me, I'm just gonna fuck ur wife. And probably in the front of my Escalade, enjoy drivin ur Accord ( family man )
Delete7:30 the only thing that is hard about your job is the other head you think with!! I bet you have no problem shoving that helmet in a fiery hole huh! A married one at that! HERO!
ReplyDeleteMan what a pissing contest we have here.
ReplyDeleteSteroids have made this KCFD dipshit delusional.
ReplyDeleteWatch out!
8:03 you can fuck my wife, she is a fire fighter too, so odds are you already fucked her! so whats your point?
ReplyDelete8:03 you dont "jave a family"? what does that mean? does that mean you cant spell? or does that mean you cant type or both? Everyone has a family, and if you are a firefighter and just said that well you just kinda sold yourself out with that comment!! so what, do you deliver newspapers and your inheritance money you snort up your nose or what?
ReplyDeleteInvested your money wisely at 22?, hmm do hookers count as a wise investment? You sound like a pathetic fuck that has to pay for pussy...but hey not mad at ya...not something I would do even if I got a inheritance, but you are 22 and know your plea for confidence son! Experience in life will heal you, just give it time.
ReplyDeleteShut the fuck up, or when I get out I will blow up your house.
ReplyDeletewhen you get out of what...PRISON??
ReplyDeleteI didnt know prisoners had access to the internet, why are you in prison did you rape someone? a KCFD firefighter? I bet you did!
ReplyDeleteI bet he liked it too and loves the small cock! lol, I am a chick and KCFD has a chronic problem with small cock, thats why they pay me to ignore it, but hey its their money...and it provides for my kids so I will listen to all their hero shit, while they pump tooth picks in my keeps my lights on. so dont judge!
ReplyDeleteDamn this getting better than Penthouse Forum.
ReplyDeleteSo true!! I only thought cops were this psychotic.
ReplyDeleteWhat you meant to say was the truth forum...funny how all the KCFD firefighters have not much to say, maybe they are playing X box or watching a movie, or better yet they don't reply because they know what has been said about them is TRUE!!
ReplyDeleteThere is no penthouse with KCFD just a bunch of self serving monkeys wishing and trying to rape tax payers and other peoples wives with a hope that one day they could live in a will never happen but go boys go!
The "go boys go" is funny shit ..too bad it wasn't man does his job and doesn't bitch about it.
ReplyDeleteLets face it the KC government is more than a mess, I cant imagine why anyone would want to visit here EVER! most visitors dont come here because of KC initiatives, but people who visit because they have family here or their job required them to be here...lets get real people!
I feel bad for the " firefighters" that are on here talking out of their ass. If in fact, the replies on here are truly from real fireman. This isn't a story about response times, or tax money, or whatever b.s. the media spins on us. It's an article referencing the tragic loss ofy dear friends that I lost on that horrible night. If you truly are KCFD, then shut your fucking mouths. You make us look like idiots. I would imagine most of the " ff " on here are new, and don't have a clue as to what our job means, and stands for. You make comments about "f" ing someone elses wife. Jesus Christ. Next time, don't ne such a coward and put your name on it. Whoever you are, you're not a firefighter on my engine house, because I would have slapped tje taste out of your mouth by now.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have noticed in the past, TKC's website has always been a place to trash public service. And with a majority of the comments I've read, why wouldn't they.
Have some fuckin respect for what you do, and grow up. We are in the profession of PUBLIC SERVICE. Hateful language and threatening remarks, are far from professional.
I've been doin this for 26 years now , and I won't let a few "heroes" or pissed off EMS people trash my profession.
Respect the fallen, and make an educated comment about the article
Thank you, and God Bless
Amen brother
DeleteTrue I dont visit the toilet unless I have to piss or take a shit, so you are right!
ReplyDelete10:19 love what you had to say, I just have one question for ya though...where do you get your weed?
ReplyDeleteFrom Chief Forte
Delete10:19 I am a KCFD fire fighter and I am high as a mofo, my bro you man, I understand your pain, fuck the ambulance people, after all we didnt get into this too save anyone outside of a fire in a burning building. we are are union brothers with some gay sisters who we dont respect but have to! so saving lives and saving pussy really isnt our thing.But The money is good thats why we are here, so we all need to be cool and take our drip and hope from our experiences provided by us dont actually get "the drip"...we need to milk this shit as long as we can before the public catches on!
ReplyDeleteBoys, boys, boys...relax! If you promise to play nice I'll massage your balls pretty!!!
ReplyDeleteoh? are you a fag or a KCFD captain?
ReplyDelete11:37 whats the difference? All KCFD are gay!..opps or lesbian.
ReplyDeleteThere is more kinky sh*t here than in Penthouse Variations.
ReplyDeleteThe guys in jail were not the ones that did the deed. Time and evidence will prove that.
ReplyDeleteThe ppl in jail were just convenient scapegoats.
It was a labor dispute and there are ppl who know which labor goons did the deed. It was not the ppl that were set up and scapegoated.