Voter ID laws have sparked controversy throughout the nation during this election cycle. In the Missouri Secretary Of State election the topic has created tension not only between our political parties but also among rural vs. urban voters.
For some, showing a driver's license in order to vote isn't really a big deal while other denizens of the urban core realize that this nation has a history of imposing limits on minority voting and Voter ID laws seem targeted at communities that have been historically disenfranchised.
Also, it has been scientifically proven that Voter ID confuses old people.
To wit . . .
Meanwhile, it's worth noting that most moderate to centrist Democrats think Mr. Kander's statements sounds reasonable and fair.

Here's the deal . . .
When it comes to legislation, in the House, Mo Rep. Jason Kander is on the record standing against Voter ID. In fact, earlier in the year Rep. Kander fought off a bit of GOP smear tactics which claimed he supported Shane Schoeller's silly Voter ID initiative that didn't go far.
Check Rep. Kander's VERY FORTHRIGHT statement regarding Schoeller's misguided effort according to ballotopedia:
"Among critics who fear that House Bill 2109 would disenfranchise servicemen fighting overseas, Kander, an Afghanistan veteran, challenged his potential general election opponent's law aimed at curbing voter-fraud, stating, "At a time when we should be making it easier for military men and women abroad to vote, Speaker Schoeller's bill would make it next to impossible.""
However . . . Look at statement from Rep. Kander regarding Voter Id just this week that seems a bit more moderate and does not correspond to outright Democratic Party Voter ID opposition . . .
"I have always supported a sensible photo i.d. requirement that doesn't disenfranchise eligible Missourians . . . I don't believe it's necessary to put unnecessary roadblocks in the way of voters and their right to vote, but if you look at states like Idaho, which, Idaho, not exactly a liberal stronghold, and it's a place where they've developed a program that, if you don't have your photo i.d., they have a photo i.d. law, but if you don't have a photo i.d. you sign a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, and you cast a regular ballot, instead of a provisional ballot. So, if you lie about being who you claim to be, you can go to jail. I think that's a pretty strong deterrent, doesn't disenfranchise eligible voters, and I've always supported something like that. What's been proposed in Missouri is extreme and unfair. That said, I don't think this is the issue that is most important to Missourians right now."
So, he has lightened up a bit and that's expected in a Red State. But wait there's more . . .

There's a precedent for this . . . Remember Missouri Ethics legislation from not so long ago that was championed by Rep. Kander???
Well, it the long run that legislation didn't hold up but what it did do is make a great many hardline Democrats REALLY MAD about an interruption to the way they did business.
On the topic of VOTER ID . . . KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS warning of Rep. Kander's move tell us:
"I hope you understand the serious consequences of his decision on minority voting down the road; he's selling it out for his own success."
Now, it's important to understand that Rep. Kander is down in the polls by a significant margin despite some astounding fundraising success.
To some, warning of this IMPENDING VOTER ID PIECEMEAL ATTEMPT signals a very reasoned effort to address the issue without taking away anyone's rights. However, hardline Kansas City Democrats are strongly opposed to ANY effort that even vaguely resembles Voter ID - which they regard as a boogeyman issue invented by GOP to work against minority voting rights.
Once again, it seems that Missouri House Rep. Jason Kander is stuck in the middle between extreme positions in both parties during his Secretary Of State Bid.
And all this has inspired tonight's playlist . . .
As always, thank you for reading this week and have a safe and fun weekend.
He could bounce back if he's successful with MO/Idaho law. A power move to be sure.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tony! You have a safe weekend too!
ReplyDeleteShane wins. Kander loses, and will work in some capacity, if he's capable, for Sly James.
ReplyDeleteTony you have coddled Kander too long.
ReplyDeleteJason cut a deal with Charlie Shields at the last moment to have an ethics reform bill passed that he could claim as his own, but actually harmed BOTH ethics and the Democratic Party. As it turns out, the bill Shields passed was ruled passed in an unconstitutional manner -- so you have been dead wrong in crediting Kander, Tony.
ReplyDeleteIt is what Kander does.
ReplyDeleteKander needs to just become a Republican.
ReplyDelete7:49pm is right.
ReplyDeleteIn 2013, Kander will be on the KCMO city payroll working the inside for Sly. Maybe the streetcar czar!
Kander = Quisling
ReplyDeleteKander just follows orders?
ReplyDeleteHow about the Constitution Jason?
Maybe you and your mother need to get some "papers please" Tony? I mean if you are still going to support this Rat kander!
ReplyDeleteHow did he manage to screw this all up so badly? He was the clear front runner for most of this year. What changed all of this? Who is running his campaign into the ground?
ReplyDeleteJay Nixon and Chris Koster will be the only Democrat survivors on November 6, 2012.
ReplyDeleteHe just lost my vote. I will write in Santa before voting for this sellout.
ReplyDeleteKander is a moderate. Sometimes Democrats need a bit of moderation. Go ask Blackwood.
ReplyDeleteMy DOG has an ID for Chrissakes.
ReplyDeleteIf you wanna vote, get an ID.
Nothing to it.
And then there is the streetcar vote, where you have to mail in form and copy of voter registration card just to get a ballot that will have to be notarized and mailed back. I don't think there are enough people in the streetcar district to pay for how much this will ultimately cost. It will end up costing everyone in KC.
ReplyDeleteNo average voter gives a shit about sec state. Sorry, Jason, you lose. And it's just so great you raised all this money to stimulate the economies of printers, tv stations, and consultants. You can have the booby prize working with Jabba The Sly.
ReplyDeleteAll Kander needs to do is make you happy, Blogger King :)
ReplyDeleteIf the State provides the ID free of charge, then OK. If they charge even $1, one measly dollar, then it is a poll tax
ReplyDeleteWhat about the time associated with garnering the documents to get the ID, or fees associated with garnering original documents? Either instance is a poll tax.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should figure out some constitutional rights possessed by Kander that need "moderated?"
I think it is a great idea, I would love to upgrade my lake house!
ReplyDeleteSince we want to be sure that you are not proposing to institute voter suppression tactics just to pander to red-neck, brain-dead, hater-mongers, Mr. Kander, please provide a report on the instances of voter fraud that your proposal would address and prevent.
ReplyDeleteThank you you ambitions little piece of shit.
What's wrong with putting impediments to voting before World War II and Korea Vets?
ReplyDeleteMike Talboy whining again.
ReplyDeleteVoter ID is a solution without a problem. Last I read there were about four documented voter fraud cases in the entire country, and at least one happened where a person somwhow registered and voted in two districts. Voter ID would not have prevented that--she was registered and had an ID in both places.
ReplyDeleteThere are documented cases (most recently on NPR in Pennsylvania) showing the elderly having to spend hours waiting to get their IDs. A lot of people would (and probably have) said the hell with it, which is what the voter ID proponents are hoping for.
They can't win elections, but they can steal them. (See Florida, 2000 and Ohio, 2004).
It is perfectly legal to vote if you are on the "No Fly" or "Terrorist Watch" lists. Amazing. The government can't trust you to get on an airplane full of citizens, but you are welcome to elect the next president. Gotta love it!
ReplyDeleteIf Jason Kander fucks this up, that money grubbing, self-serving, son-of-a-bitch had better just move to another state and get a job selling cars. (He has already proved himself unable to practice law.)
ReplyDeleteJason Kander has more headaches than you liberal shits in KC can ever provide for him, as the following exchange from The Turner Report demonstrates:
The young man's obsession with a political career is rapidly coming to an end, and if the corrupt Demorat machine in KC tries to cover all this up, then other careers will end, law licenses will be lost, and people will go to jail.
Just read the link. WOW - if this story is true, Shane needs to get his people on it now. And the Kander's conduct needs to be exposed for all to see. Bet st Louis Post Dispatch has the nerve to run this story
ReplyDeleteT, this is a winning issue for him among independents and republicans. Only left wing believe voter fraud does not happen. The question is whether the type of fraud that takes place today can be stopped with photo identification? I do not recall this Kander out front and vocal during that John Rizzo vs. Will Royster controversy. If Mr. Kander is from Kansas City did he remain silent during that fiasco? That is likely the most telling sign regarding his intent.
ReplyDeleteDon't you need a picture id to buy malt liquor, cigarettes and to post bond? I don't see why this is an issue for minorities.
ReplyDeleteMike Talboy is clearly source of this. He and Rizzo are this blogs main sources. They are just bomb throwing scab loving repubs in a cheap suit.
ReplyDeleteMalt liquor comes in talboys.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Tony is posing on Sunday now in order to push this post off the screen?
ReplyDeleteWill someone please cut and paste the post linked to on the Turner Report? It will not open in my browser! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt’s been a year since I announced my candidacy to become Missouri’s next Secretary of State.
ReplyDeleteAfter everything we have built over the last 365 days, it comes down to the next 37.
As I’ve traveled the state, talked with voters, and discussed the importance of the office, one thing has never changed: my unwavering commitment to working every day to make Missouri stronger.
Tonight at 11:59pm is our final quarterly deadline.
If you can contribute $10 right now, it would really help.
I assure you, I’ll continue to travel and greet as many voters as possible.
I hope to see you out on the trail.
PS: If you’re reading this on a smartphone, our contribution form has been updated and is now easier to give from a mobile device.
Never a good idea to be in politics and own a bar.
ReplyDeleteShane needs to do a mailer on this one. Do a sunshine law request and get all documents from the City.
ReplyDeleteHey shithead. Kanders haven't owned that bar in YEARS. You're just lying and smearing pretending to influence people by spreading dirt.
ReplyDeleteFucking idiot and you only make republicans look like smear merchants.
They were always part of a partnership that may or may hot still have the bar. That said, I hear that Diana Kander gave a legal opinion to the partners that they could "piggy-back" on Bill Nigro's license for the Dark Horse without securing one for Fire Fly. If that is the case, Diana was part of a conspiracy to evade liquor regulations, which still does not help "Turn Coat" Jason Kander's campaign.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING. Prosecutor's office is now handling the case. Criminal charges against the Kanders are likely.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder Jason wanted to be prosecutor so bad before he wanted to be Secretary of State so bad.
ReplyDelete9/30/12 9:41 AM
ReplyDeleteShut up you dumb motherfucker. Jason is smarter than you. You are dumber than Jason, so just shut up and listen to him. You have not got a clue.
Looks like Karma's catching up with Diana. You reap what you sow, girl.
ReplyDeleteHow depressed will you be Diana when you have trashed your husband's reason for living?
ReplyDeleteKander is like Claire your 50 percentile Democrat... ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteMike Talboy is the Sandusky of democrats
ReplyDeleteThe Kanders are known liars and cheaters. Just ask any person that has known them for any amount of time.
ReplyDeleteKander will win because you suck. You can only blame yourself.
ReplyDeleteShane's campaign is all over this shit. Just watch, worry, and wait, Diana. You did this.
ReplyDeleteIf Kander is going to sell us out anyway, we should just elect the Republican and challenge every crackpot, racist idea he tries to move on in court. We do not have to put up with this Jason.
ReplyDeleteHe had better not end up on any of the KC Democratic Club ballots, if he is going to throw elderly and minority voters under the bus just to appeal to cavemen.