Because so many people in Kansas City don't really understand the forces that control local politics . . . Let's review a bit of basic knowledge regarding how the East Side votes.
The Curls Family is one of the most prominent and respected names on Kansas City's East Side. They have a political and civic legacy that goes back for at least half a century. Curls Family members have consistently held political office along with prominent leadership and professional titles throughout Kansas City's modern history.
That's the background . . . And now here's the story that is SHOCKING to even the most jaded local political watchers.
Check it:

There's a lot of ways to do this that are completely above board . . .
TKC TIPSTERS tell us of top level fundraising (Kansas City lawyers) who are already moving to push money toward a Monica Curls candidacy.
What's funny is that most Kansas City Insiders know that Monica Curls is already the de facto 3rd District At-Large Council Lady and most people in-the-know skip talking with Council Lady Melba and just go straight to her daughter. I'm not even gonna make fun, the 3rd District At-Large Council Lady is getting so forgetful that even her critics are becoming worried.
Now . . . At first we heard Monica Curls didn't want the gig but word of bigger forces at play pushing her candidacy (Kansas City lawyers) seem to have sparked more talk of this power transition among a prominent Kansas City family.
It gets better . . .
It's not like the Curls Family is desperate for cash - They are among the local elite not only on Kansas City's East Side but also among the rest of the plebs working City Hall. The political legacy of the Curls Family has served to shape the current state of Democracy in Kansas City.
Therefore another scheme to hand over power is perfectly legal but might ruffle a few feathers . . .
Now, if Council Lady Melba quits with less than 18 months left to go in her term then the Mayor and Council would get to appoint her replacement. This happened not so long ago when Former Council dude Jim Rowland left to take over the Sports Authority and the powers that be decided that pouring former Council Dude George Blackwood back into a seat was a good idea.
And so . . . An appointment for Monica Curls isn't out of the question. Melba (technically) wouldn't get a say in the decision so everything is good on paper and voter apathy is at such a resounding level, it's doubtful anybody would make a peep regarding the ethics of it all.
So what have we learned?
This plan to make sure the Curls Family stays in power long before campaign season even starts is symptomatic of the current attitude of City Hall under Mayor Sly's leadership. Kansas City's elected officials now openly seem to be accountable to no one.
Just like the Toy Train Streetcar, The Downtown Hotel and so many other cowtown schemes . . . Kansas City's ruling class have little concern or regard for voters and most of their plans are focused on keeping the electorate out of their way.
They would win a vote any way just like you said.
ReplyDeleteLet's keep this family in charge of shaping East Side politics. I mean they have done such a good job.
ReplyDeleteWith the population leaving the east side as fast as they can, it won't be long before the Curls family can get on the public payroll with just their family's votes.
ReplyDeleteAnd, as 6:41am pointed out, East sdie leaders have such a record of acccomplishment. Just drive around and take a look.
YOu've run your mushroom cloud photos so much into the ground over dull stories, I don't hardly even notice them anymore. Didn't your mom ever tell you the Mexican story of the muchacho who cried 'lobo'?
ReplyDeleteBullshit, Monica can't keep a job, and she doesn't like poor people. She will never win.
ReplyDeleteAristocracy I'd alive and well here on the east side (and in Kennebunkport, ME, Boston, MA, Chicago, IL, Hope, AS, etc.).
ReplyDeleteNice to know the water buffalo is not extinct after all.
ReplyDeleteSo the Curl's keep winning and the third district keeps losing. Reasonable people don't have any faith in this process anymore, nice job eastside grifters, mission accomplished!
ReplyDeleteDon't make her angry, she will eat you
ReplyDeletePoured Blackwood back into his seat? at 80 proof?
ReplyDeleteSticking the daughter in the 3rd district at large seat won't change much.. she runs it already.
I am damn tired of the Hughes, Blands and good old Grifter GAYLE HOLLIDAY. How does Holliday sleep at night knowing she screws over the eastside by taking, taking, taking and NEVER lending a hand? What a bitch.
Hey Tone, check out the current Gayle Beatty campaign finance report/.... Missouri Ethics Commission Looks strange...almost like she was running Freedom payroll through her account... hope the Freedom treasurer is on top of the situation....
ReplyDeleteBigger news is a brewing which will cost the Demorat Party a statewide seat.
ReplyDeleteAnd another lady dies in KC last night #80 it is.
ReplyDeleteSure Alonzo is right on this just like the Curls are.
Time the trash is hauled at City Hall.
Movin' on up, on the Eastside, to her mom's old council seat in the sky...
ReplyDeleteMooovin' on up, on the Eastside, for Monica to get a bigger piece of the pie.
KC has one sick....sick....sick political system.
Its easy to complain on principal, though its been done before. I haven't seen anyone suggest a practical alternative. Isn't that the point? Is there another name that a reasonable person might suggest?
ReplyDeleteIts none of my business, or anyone else's, who they choose to speak for them, even if the choice is by default, or simple acclamation.
Its obvious that she'll know a bit about what she's doing. Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Yeah...pick Glorioso the mild mannered political consultant by day that can turn into Mega Municipal Brainiac Man when needed to sort out KC issues.
ReplyDeleteOr the phony of bout Zo man with the 1000 dollar suit and lips flapping shit trying to get him sum fortune and fame. Alonzo would fit in well with the rest of the dysfunctional city council.
Byron, the sad thing is that the self-appointed leaders like this DON'T speak for the actual residents of the east side. Their main objective remains to get as much as they can for themselves, their families, and friends, and whoever they can shake down in government or the business community is fair game. One thing they CAN do, though, is to try to keep folks as dependent on them as possible so that ONLY they can represent the community.
ReplyDeleteAnd the lazy and cowed establishment just keeps going along.
Hasn't anyone noticed how things east of Troost have been going?
If we just poured in some more money to disappear among these "leaders", all would be well.
It would be a joke if it weren't such a tragedy.
I wish we could turn the seat over to Jheri Curls.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Ellington should run.
ReplyDeleteThe Curls are just stupid folk. Stupid is as stupid does, and that's plenty.
ReplyDeleteThe Curls are an embarrassment to this city. It's time for their reign of stupid and clueless to come to an end.
ReplyDeleteHow about Pleoger...Tony is pushing this loser. He might be just the right stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe Third District is full of crack smokers and that's why we end up with the political leaders that we do. I won't be voting for anymore "Curls." They're reign is officially over. Recognize!
ReplyDeleteAnon 9:35 PM
ReplyDeleteBrandon would be a good choice, of course, but he is running for re-election to the Missouri House. This was the seat he ran for, & it was because of his strong showing against Ms. Curls that he was given the vacated seat. It amazes me, that such a large city would seemingly have so few people to choose from. I believe that Gloria Ellington & Power to the People is trying to increase this number with essentially civics education.
I note that his was the only name suggested. Sorry, I didn't consider Glorioso & Washington to be what a reasonable person would suggest. I believe Washington actually lives in Kansas.
Genaro Ruiz lives in Blue Springs and works for the mayor of a city with a residency requirement.
ReplyDeleteThese little details shouldn't bother anyone.
Are we talking about a future Mayor Curls here, Big Guy?
ReplyDeleteDurwin Rice lives in the third, is educated, smart, experienced and he cares a lot about this city. It would be great if he would run again.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Ellington running unopposed for State Rep dist 22 run for 3rd District. Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteAnd why wouldn't Glorioso work? He needs a job.
We need more of those dynamic leaders like Glover and Sharp. They are so full of character and life when they talk.
look at the shape the 3rd district is in whos to blame surely not the curls family.
ReplyDeleteCertainly they are not to blame however after so many years of "public service" can we see a list, please, of their accomplishments on behalf of the 3rd district?
ReplyDeleteI wish Chris Moreno could run. He is a very intelligent and highly ethical leader.
ReplyDeleteThere should be an ad hoc committee of I am my politicians keeper or jerks for justice or no time for crime or some other meaningless committee name to push for real leadership for a change.
Please no, on all of it.
ReplyDeleteCurls family and Third District voters... stupid is as stupid does
ReplyDeleteTalboy lived in the Kansas 3rd his entire career does that qualify?
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah....Talboy Turd in the Punch bowl Mike. Lets bring that waste O white flesh back
ReplyDeleteSome people should be allowed to fade into obscurity. The lack of leadership provided in Freedom Inc. and the inability to connect the dots in a conversation should preclude the involvement of the Curls family in anything having to do with peoples lives. Some one with a little compassion should whisper in each Curls ear. Quit before the laughter starts.
ReplyDeleteBe real...Brandon Ellington is going to take out Jermaine Reed. Why run at'large when you can run in-district? Makes sense, huh???