KCI Shuttle Bus Privatization Postponed

Reporting with bad puns is so much fun: "The future of the Kansas City municipal workers who drive the shuttle buses at Kansas City International Airport remains up in the air."


  1. Something is going on there. The service went completely to shit three weeks ago. I fly weekly and wait times both at the lot and at the terminal have soared.

  2. Sounds like politician greed at work here!! imagine the payoffs if privatized from transportation gurus like KCTG (aka yellow cab, supper shuttle, Carey transportation ( executive airport transportation) share a fare, and 10/10 taxi all are a mob owned company.

  3. Sounds like political patronage, alright. What local would lose union employees if this goes private? And what color are the employees who would lose their jobs? O'Bannon hides his hacks here.

  4. This is a big F.U. from Ed Ford, and silly little Jermaine jumped on board for camera time and a chance to run his mouth.


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