Todd Akin didn't make any friends in Kansas City and only continued the downward spiral of his campaign . . .

Take a look at the damage:

- Kansas City Damage: Akin tour brings out fans, protesters

- Feminist push back in a way that's not at all pleasurable: Akin Defends "Unladylike" In Kansas City Visit

- GOP denial: Akin: “We’re Doing Very, Very Well” Despite Protestors at Every Campaign Stop

- Steve Kraske Covers "News" Of GOP Division Over Akin That We've Been Discussing For Three Weeks.

- Cowtown Wrath: Protestors Meet Todd Akin in KC During Bus Tour


  1. One one newscast this evening, Akin was flanked by supporters, including Catholic school students(identifiable by their uniforms). How embarrassing for the kids--brainwashed by parents & teachers and skipping school to be seen with a moronic misogynist.

  2. Bishop Finn loves him some Aikin.

  3. Were the protesters paid $11 per hour like those paid to protest Romney this week?

  4. Were there any free cellphones?

  5. Any lady who would continue to even think about supporting this walking idiot is an embarrassment to her entire family.
    This man doesn't think women should be paid the same amount of wages as a male colleague. Hey, GOP sister, you like standing behind that cash register blaming the other party for you having to work 1.5 jobs to keep a roof over your head, lights on and some food in the fridge? Your political party wants to keep you pregnant, broke, pissed at the other side and take Medicare from your parents? You want to continue to work your ass off for the Mitt and Ann Romneys of this country. Lord have mercy they NEED the money they got from shipping your family's jobs over seas.

    Samuel Jackson says "Wake The Fuck Up" see You Tube

  6. In the interest of fair reporting to counter the obvious bias on TKC. I was at all the Akin events today. There were 20 protestors downtown, 4 in Clay co. And 2 in Plattte. This was hardly an overwhelming protest. Missouri Hates Claire and just because the unions are trying to hang on to their cash cow does not mean she will win. They are at the very least even in the polls so Akin is still in the fight.

  7. Ok If You Consider Voting For Akin You Are An Embarrassing Moron9/28/12, 9:34 PM

    He is also against:
    Minimum Wage
    Social Security
    Insurance Regulation
    Public Access to the Courts
    Equal Rights for all Citizens
    Equal pay for equal work
    and other signs of Civilization.

    But he seems to be for some forms of Rape and Government Establishment of Religion.

  8. He's against the first four on your list. The rest of that stuff, including "equal pay for equal work" is retarded or propaganda talking points.

    And for the record, most conservatives are against the first four on your list, at least in theory.

  9. Hugh G. Rection9/28/12, 9:45 PM

    Seriously, there are people in KC that are stupid enough to support this idiot. The repubs and dems have brought some really bad candidates to the polls, but this guy is a complete idiot. It honestly makes me not want to live in this country that I have served any longer.

  10. El Bryan is dumb as a sack of shit. I think he has a rich doctor in the family who enjoys taking financial advantage of patients.

  11. Tired of El Bryan9/28/12, 10:30 PM

    El Bryan, Akin is on the record against equal pay for equal work laws like the Lilly Ledbetter Act. You are dumb as a sack of shit, and in denial to boot.

  12. Akin has nothing to do with this. Claire sucks, anybody but Claire. I will vote for a bag of hammers before letting her stay in office. Remember Claire is the problem.

  13. I'll vote for a dog turd over Claire

  14. Bush and these same obstructionist Republicans in Congress caused the problem, not Claire. Sorry we're not cleaning your fucking messes up fast enough, but you really trashed the joint. Unfunded wars, unpaid tax cuts for the rich, and now we're left in the biggest downturn since the Great Depression. And the reason we can't clean it all up faster, by the way, is that these same greedy, bought and paid for Republicans stand in the way. They'd rather tank the economy and beat Obama, than do the right thing for their country. Real fucking patriots.

  15. equal pay for equal work is propaganda. lilly ledbetter is an entitlement cunt.

  16. You are a sick little fuck Bryan.


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