Justice might be blind but it still requires money.
To wit . . . .
Given the campaign finance reporting that recently hit . . . Let's take a look at THE RACE FOR JACKSON COUNTY SHERIFF!!!
All of the financial info can be double-check at the MO Ethics Commission site. But we thought this summary would be noteworthy.
Again, this contest is based on "Ending Money On Hand" and we'll try to provide even more date this time around . . . Also, here's a glimpse at the "sign battles" for Sheriff that I have to look at every day on Southwest Trafficway.
Check it:

Dwon Littlejohn - $1,110.77
Mr. Littlejohn has the most cash left in his campaign coffers after spending $4,519.57 and getting only $135.49 in this reporting period.

George R. Poletis - $1,000
Mr. Poletis has no expenses or contributions listed.

Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp - $37.62
This is the most interesting report. Sheriff Sharp earned $25,085.47 in contributions for this reporting period. He spent $43,331.60 during this reporting period which kind of explains his signs all over town. The paltry sum he's left with means that he's "left it all on the field" so to speak.
Like most threeways . . . ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN in this race and we'd like to step up our coverage of this just a bit more.
In the meantime, the JACKSON COUNTY SHERIFF money fight is a good look at where we stand right now.
Who the fuck would vote some goofy asshole named Dwon?? My guess is, it's a NIGGER name..
ReplyDeleteMyself and thousand of others.
Deletehahahaha so let me get this straight because Littlejohn, has more money he is winning the race???....Sharp by 60%
ReplyDeletePoletis has the ugliest sign ever. Who decided to put a big box on that thing?
ReplyDeleteShit, Sharp has spent an awful lot of money littering Waldo with his signs.
ReplyDeleteHow much more of a man is Chris Moreno, than Mike Sharp?
ReplyDeleteSharp suffers from little man syndrome. He tries to overcompensate for his short comings by driving around in a fast Charger in a booster seat.
ReplyDeleteCome on black folks. Don't vote for Littlejohn because of him being black. He won't do a damn thing for you but collect your tax dollars. The guy is a criminal who couldn't pass the police academy. Trust me, I was in his class and he couldn't spell "Jail." he tried to cry discrimination but he didn't have some of his homies lie for him. They thought he was a fool as well. Vote for Sharp, he has been doing a good job and helps all the KCPD officers when needed.
ReplyDeleteLittle john = small toilet!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will run your grandma over.
ReplyDeleteJeff Jones please stop attacking littlejohn. Your statements are slanderous!
ReplyDeleteSharp cleans up on this one, Poletis is a clown, Littlejohn is an idiot ask him about his time at Gladstone PD, if they were smart they would have revoked his POST!
ReplyDeleteThere aren't many people to endorse in this one. All of them have their problems.
ReplyDeleteHave Sharp and The Star made up yet?
Don't worry Jeff, Littlejohn will allow you to remain on the payroll as a janitor and Sharp can be a reserve deputy!
ReplyDeleteA deputy said Jones quit and went to work for a newspaper.
ReplyDeletePeople are waiting to see the Poletis video from the strip club.
ReplyDeleteSharp has done more for the Jackson County Sherriffs department in his time then has been done there in the past 20 years. They have come leaps and bounds in the law enforcement community, and have gone from an afterthought, to a legitimate law enforcement agency. If I lived in Jackson county, I would vote for him hands down. You would be wise to do the same if you live there, he has brought your County sherriffs agency into a much higher status. If you elect one of these other fools, you can count on being the laughing stock again, and you can expect to see your Sherriff in the news for doing stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteThe high status of the Jackson County Sheriff Dept is the biggest lie told so far.
ReplyDeleteIt is time for a change instead of the same tired old white men getting there stuff taken care of.
Shut up nigger.
DeleteLittlejohn will bring back the old way. The Littlejohn era was filled with no raises, all our FOP money going to keep him from getting fired by Phillips and constant in fighting. Littlejohn was the problem.
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn is spreading lies beyond his understanding. Slander and liable are serious charges that can cost financially. It is a shame to see a young man throw away his future over unmanageable anger. Sheriff Sharp will win this election because of the tremendous change he brought to the Sheriff's Department and all the work he does in the community. The Sheriff is a good man and doing a great job.
ReplyDeleteIt continues to amaze me that Sharp and his goons continue to sling mud at their opponents and exaggerate facts. They do this because they are scared of the opponents and have no platform or accomplishments to run on. Instead of slinging mud, run your campaign professionally. Although Sharp has given deputies a little more freedom to roam the County as nothing more than traffic cops writing hundreds of tickets weekly, he has done nothing to reduce crime, improve response times, clear cold cases, locate sex offenders and apprehend thousands of wanted felons and that's a fact!!!
ReplyDelete@10:17 Phillips was anti-FOP and worked hard to divide and conquer its membership. Littlejohn stood up to Phillips and then Sharp o protect members.Some deputies just could never see the bigger picture. They still are underpaid and have a poor retirement. Many deputies choose fancy new cars and equipment over good pay and retirement benefits.
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn was a tool, used and left in the yard
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn is unable to read graphs, charts or crime stats. Littlejohn can only spread lies because he has no accomplishments. Fired, unqualified and unemployable…………..
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn's campaign is like a dead end road, because it goes nowhere.
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn can go work at an amusement park as a clown, he is employable.
ReplyDeleteIf you fucking people are stupid enough to elect this Dwon asshat, you'll get what you deserve. By the way, how's that NoBama jerk, workin' out for ya???
ReplyDeleteI said it once and I will say it again, Sharp has done nothing to reduce crime, improve response times, clear cold cases, locate sex offenders and apprehend thousands of wanted felons and that's a fact!!! Call Littlejohn a clown, N**ger, and make him look bad all you want if that is what you need to do to draw the public's attention away from Sharp's record but the fact is and will always be that Sharp, the carpet salesman and Mills, the helicopter pilot have done nothing to make our community safe.
ReplyDeleteI find it amazing that you, Dwon Littlejohn, who never served in the armed forces is ignorant enough to bad mouth the most decorated pilot to come out of Vietnam dead or alive...You just summed up the integrity of your whole campaign...You would have served yourself better by learning from this man. I'm sad for you and you have my pity for direspecting our veterans and our country. You won't win an election by direspecting our hero's, and Mills is a true Hero. Littlejohn may not appreciate your service to our county, but the rest of us do, Thank you sir! And thank you to Sheriff Sharp for putting you in the position you are in now, the Jackson County is lucky to have you.
ReplyDeleteMills is truely the definition of an American military hero but military service does not automatically make you an expert on law enforcement. Of the many poor decisions that Sharp made, selecting Mills to run the day to day operations of the department was the worst. Although most of the deputies may like him as an individual, he still has not effectively ran the department to reduce crime, improve response times, locate hundreds of non-compliant sex predators, and apprehended thousands of wanted felons who remain on our street terrorizing our communities. Please try to leave the emotions and drama out of this, being a military leader and police leader can have some things in common but to really solve community issues, you need real life police experience and that doesn't come by playing cop on the weekend while flying police helicopters.
ReplyDelete@8:12 Also I am NOT Littlejohn, just a supporter that has an opinion based on knowing SHarp, Poletis and Littlejohn. My comment above is my opinion and has nothing to do with Littlejohn
ReplyDelete@9:14, whoever you aren't doing your candidate any favors. And for those gentleman that fly the police helicopters now, even if just the weekends, and have enough courage to put that uniform on and the ability to keep your job. We all thank you. I am sorry that this individual just put down all the folks that work reserve or full duty. True colors indeed are coming out, elections do that to folks with little integrity.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear the blogosphere is cluttered with racist jargon. How about we just deal with facts. Racist idiots make me want to vote for Littlejohn just because. I'm a Democrat and I'm almost certain Sharp is a Republican. So at the end of t he day Littlejohn just may be the better choice.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why he has the endorsement of the Governor who last I knew was a Democrat, unless you are questioning our Governor's intellegence now as well. A Governor has never endorsed a Sheriff's primary race in Missouri until now. And he did that because Sharp has done so much for the democratic party in Jackson County. Facts my friend Facts.
ReplyDeleteAs a supporter of Littlejohn, I know for a fact that he is a Democrat and beleives in democratic values. He is the only candidiate with Democrat on his yard signs. Sharp is not a Democrat and only claims the Democratic party to run for election in Jackson County which is a largely democratic area of the State. Sharp placed Mills in charge of the day to day operations of the department and Mills is a REPUBLICAN. Do a google search and check out his history in politics before being selected by Sharp. Lastly, not sure why the endorsement of the Governor matters in Jackson County. You are NOT doing your candidate any favors by not explaining why the endorsement matters. Is the the Governor working with Sharp to reduce crime, apprehend killers, track down non-compliant sex offenders, reduce the thousands of warrants for wanted felons, inquiring minds would like to know!
ReplyDeleteOur Governor is highly respected in Jackson County, very pro-law enforcement. He has my respect, obviously not yours. How can a good democrat now disregard what the honor of having the Governor of his state's endorsement. Why don't you have your candidate ask the Governor why he has endorsed Sharp. I'm sure your candidate knows how to get ahold of him, better yet...ask the The Jackson County prosecuter why she endorses Sharp, I'm sure you have her number, or Kris Koster, the Independence Mayor, the Grain Valley Mayor... and on and on, basically every other sitting elected democrat in Jackson County. It sounds to me like your candidate as a "good democrat", is questioning the intelligence of all the democrats running. Why would a good democrat not support the democrats in his community. Your candidate talks out of both sides of his mouth, has no Union support and no democrats have supported him except for the Greenwood Mayor who is a very shady man with many problems of his own, and a washed up life long divroced candidate, Bullard. Again, Facts my friend, Facts, Your candidate keeps crying wolf. Sharp walks the walk, Littlejohn just talks the talk.
ReplyDeleteAs a Littlejohn supporter, I will attempt to clarify your ignorance a little. First, I think you are inelligent enough to realize that people in office will support and endorse other people in office usually unconditionaly. They realize the plush jobs they have and usually work together to keep them. Rarely is the endorsement because they actaully made a differance in office as in the case of Sharp. They are only taking an interest in the Sheriff's race because they know Littlejohn is giving Sharp a run for his money. Second, you seem to attck everything related to Littlejohn including his endorsements. Although that is expected in a dirty campaign, how can you say someone divorced can't endorse. Sharp is divorced! In regards to the Mayor of Greenwood, the only reason you think he's shady is because he fired his police chief and refuses to pay the Sheriff's department for 911 dispatch services that his citizens already pay taxes for already. Please, please, please tell us why Sharp shuld keep his job another fours years and not because he's a good ole boy that hangs with the fellas and drinks beer with them at the bar!
ReplyDelete@10:40 What has Sharp done to address the homicides in KC? What has Sharp done to increase response times to citizens in Eastern Jackson County? What has Sharp done to reduce the number of outstanding warrants in Jackson County? What has Sharp done to prosecute online predators targeting our kids? What has Sharp done to locate the 8% of sex offenders refusing to register and how many has he asked to be prosecuted? How many traffic tickets has the department written the last four years?
ReplyDelete@10:40 How has the increase in military surplus helped the community? Why does he not have a female commander? Why have the deputies not received all their raises? Why do deputies have to work into their late 60's to retire? I can go on and on but I think you get the picture. Stop attacking and instead tell us what you can do better than Littlejohn!
ReplyDeleteThank You my friend, you took that right where i wanted you to and you just proved my point. I don't care for your Greenwood friend or Bullard so I put down about their endorsements. You claim that the Sheirff's endorsements are canned, given because they have to and basically don't matter. You are saying that the opinions of all but two democratic electeds or past candidates don't matter, in essence these folks that serve our community and have been elected by the citizens of Jackson County don't matter and they are all good ole buddies that sit around and drink beer. I don't see the Governor or prosecutor that way. Both of which if your candidate gets elected will have to work with. Now how likely are they going to be to help your candidate out when he has already talked trash about them. I don't call that being a good Democrat or a good Leader. Oh and I guess your candidate that is so tied to the community can't reach these folks that dont matter to get his answers. Hey Dwon maybe this is why they won't take your calls. Sheriff Sharp keep up the great work, the County appreciates you and your hard working Deputies!
ReplyDeleteIve been entertained watching the comments, did anyone else pick up on the fact that The Mayor of Greenwod must have just fired his police chief??????? BREAKING NEWS, hahahahaha Littlejohn will be hired as Greenwood's police Chief after he loses the Sheriff's election. The next Mayor's race just got real interesting, Bahahahahahaha. I guess at least he has an exit stratgey.
ReplyDelete@1:20 not the current Chief, one of the previous Chiefs
ReplyDelete@12:30 Again you won't address the issues and that's fine. From your writing, I am inclined to think you are Mills, friend! Endorsements don't vote, just remember that on Augut 7th. We will support our candidate just as you will support yours. No need to keep this conversation going because you are not telling us why your candidiate is better. As far as endorsements, I am one of those many citizens that research candidiates and vote on who I think will do the best job. I could care less who the union or some elected official wants into office because I know the endorsement process has flaws.
ReplyDeleteOk Dwon, Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNot Dwon, my opinion is that of my own. I still see you are not answering the questions! Citizens really want to know what the Sheriff has done and will do if re-elected. I also just reviewed your candidiates contribution report and I see that nobody he claims is endorsing him gave him any money this reporting period...what friends!
ReplyDeleteMr. Littlejohn is in a lot of legal trouble. The unfortunate issue is no one gets paid because Littlejohn is broke, will have child support payments and no home. Littlejohn made his bed, now the time to pay up for his lies.
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn thinks AK is going to cover for him when the slinging starts. Wrong agian Littlejohn.
ReplyDeleteLittlebranch is going to need a job soon. Try truck driving school.
ReplyDeleteI keep waiting for a response telling all the changes that mike sharp has implemented, but I realized people with honor like mike sharp, his deputies, and office staff probably do not affiliate or care about this blog. I saw mike sharp in mid town after lunch. mike sharp did not look worried about littlejohn and told two business owners not to belittle littlejohn, but make sure they go vote for him (sharp)
ReplyDeleteLittlejohn ineligibility? Mr Poletis was out on the plaza Saturday night pushing back the brew. He was not hard to over hear and arrogantly said chess is easy against amateurs. I overheard saying Dwon Littlejohn's going to be disqualified very soon and laughingly said Mike Sharp would get the blame. Poletis sounds like a asshole.
ReplyDeleteStill no answers as to why Sharp should keep his job!
ReplyDeleteDon't let the battle between the Sharp supporters and the Littlejohn supporters blind you to Poletis. This is definately not the guy Jackson County needs for Sheriff. Check his record with Prairie Village, KC and Lotawana. Maybe his reason for leaving each job was not by choice. Do you really want to waste your dollars defending a lawsuit or making an out of court settlement with this guy ? Questions need to be asked of his former employers. You have been warned.