Take a look at the mailers for the upcoming August Primary in Kansas City.

Kansas City political insiders noticed an important change overlooked by most people.

To wit . . .


Court strikes down proposed Missouri voter ID amendment

Court Throws Out Missouri Voter ID Referendum

The Kansas City insider explains to us:

"This is nothing but a Republican ploy to get voters accustomed to the idea of Voter ID. The language on this card is simply incorrect. What's worse is that this could prevent immigrants and voters in the urban core from voting. And that's basically the goal of most GOP inspired Voter ID legislation."

Online, the Secretary of State has issued a guide to the wide array of identification used to vote in Missouri . . . HOWEVER . . . Even the MO Secretary of State's site acknowledges: "If you do not possess any of these forms of identification, you may still cast a ballot if two supervising election judges, one from each major political party, attest they know you." In reality, VOTING IS A RIGHT and so many proposed impediments to exercising this right are mainly directed at immigrants and residents of the urban core but often hurt Seniors as well.

In other words, the GOP attempt to purge voting lists before the election has not yet come to pass in Missouri.



  1. The Democratic seats on Board of Election Commissioners is populated spineless life forms. They let the Republicans run all over them. They do NOTHING to make it easier to vote. The many so-called reformers at the Jackson County Courthouse should rattle some cages down there at Union Station. The County controls the purse strings for the Board.

  2. The county also controls the purse strings at the Jackson County Detention Center and a visitor there is treated as though they're the inmates.
    Just like in KCMO, none of the elected people have any interest in how anything is run or holds anyone accountable for much of anything.
    They're all interested in looking out for themselves, how important they are, and what office they're going to run for next.
    And all at public expense! What a pitiful joke.

  3. Total fuckin bullshit.

    Eric Holder and the NAACP did not let you in the fuckin door, unless you had an ID!!

    Voter ID is to prevent voter fraud, kinda like the Somali voter fraud that was mentioned on this blog a year or so ago.

    An ID is easy to aquire and is a necessary part of everyday life for law abiding citizens.

    Just ask Eric Holder and the NAACP.

  4. Earlier today, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP Nation Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. What did media need in order to attend? That's right, government issued photo identification (and a second form of identification too!), something both Holder and the NAACP stand firmly against when it comes to voting. Holder's DOJ is currently suing Texas for "discriminatory" voter ID laws. From the press release:

    All media must present government-issued photo I.D. (such as a driver’s license) as well as valid media credentials. Members of the media must RSVP to receive press credentials at For security purposes, media check-in and equipment set up must be completed by 7:45 a.m. CDT for an 8:00 a.m. CDT security sweep. Once the security sweep is completed, additional media equipment will NOT be permitted to enter and swept equipment will NOT be permitted to exit.

    Ironically, NAACP President Ben Jealous railed against voter ID just before Holder took the stage


  5. Check out this video. A guy goes in and says he is ERIC HOLDER and they are gonna let him vote in place of The United Stated Attorney General.

    Get a fuckin ID goddamnit and quit fuckin whinin.

    You know where ya don't need an ID?

    Antartica, go live there.

    Knock out a fuckin Polar Bear.

  6. >You know where ya don't need an ID?
    >Antartica, go live there.
    >Knock out a fuckin Polar Bear.

    You're about 12,500 miles off there. But that's not surprising coming from the anti-education party.

  7. Preach on Chuck. You make the most sense out of all these liberal bitches. You have to have an I.d. to vote and always have. The dems want it changed so they can get the welfare and illegal mutts to vote. If you are not legal, then you can't vote, simple as that. I say if you can't speak english, then you shouldn't be able to vote. Become a citizen and learn the language like every other person before you has done. The dems know that it's Obamas last and only term in office, so they have to find ways to get people who don't count to vote. If Obama promises an extention on welfare and free shit, then if they get the chance, they will vote for him. Our country is doomed if this guy wins another term. Wake up America and let's stay America instead of Amexico.

  8. You have to have an I.d. to vote and always have.

    bring back the poll tax, right?

    Stupid conservatives invent a controversy that isn't there and then spend millions to find their problem was a fake.

  9. Why hasn't Theresa Garza Ruiz taken this issue on? I guess she does not give a shit.

  10. If the language on the voter identification card confuses you, you probably shouldn't be voting.

    Voting is a right, not an obligation, and not voting is also a right; probably a better option than being exploited by someone's political agenda.

  11. Megan C. Thornberry is the problem. She was nominated by Steve Bough, who is the Democratic Chairman who contributes to Republican Campaigns and Anti-Gay Rights causes. So you can understand that she would not want to expand voting in KC.

  12. El Bryan should be called The Dick7/23/12, 10:54 PM

    Voting is an duty Bryan. if you do not want people to vote then you should question your status as an American Bryan. Not to mention that you are wrong on most of your political opinions in ways that hurt the public good, which is why you do not want to see public participation.

  13. The 30,000 foot view. Unless you pay taxes, are retired , in school or the military you should not be allowed to vote.

  14. Nope. Every citizen should have the right to vote and nothing should get in their way. Hate to agree with TKC on this one. It's not a privilege, it is a right.

  15. You bunch of fucking commie crybabies!!!! fuck you!!! register to vote and get an I.D.! liberal commie fucks!!!!

  16. You, sir, are a fascist. That's much better.

  17. Your vote counts. That is unless you reside in a community with refugees from somalia at which point your vote no longer counts.

    kansas city election board.

  18. No, when they become naturalized American citizens their vote counts every bit as much as yours. That's America.

  19. An American Who Votes7/24/12, 12:41 AM

    elBryan; Since not voting is a right in your eyes bitching and whining about the outcome is also a right that you give up.

  20. I think the flyer was referring to the voter registration card that you are mailed each year. The instructions on said card state that you are to bring it to the polls as a form of ID.

    As for the KC Insider, you have to take him/her with a grain of salt. The Board of Elections is staffed by members of both parties, therefore both sides had to agree on the language. When you consider that KC and JACO is, and has been, controlled by the Dems for about 60 years, any blame should not be aimed at the GOP, but closer to home.

  21. ID or No ID Your vote should always be cast and counted. Just know it will be erased by the 50 signed ballots at the end of the table which will be stuffed into the ballot box at the end of the day in favor of the machine candidate.

  22. No ID, no vote. It's that easy. What's the issue? It is your American right to vote, but you have to be American to do so. It's part of the rules, but I can see how Democrats would want to bypass that law. It would make it easier to get the additional 15 million votes to help exploit actual Americans, and force us to pay more taxes for the people who have not earned the right to live here legally. I'm tired of dealing with the politics of this country. Get back to the Constitution as it was intended. Take power from the federal government and give it back to the states. That is the framework and vision of the founding fathers. Thanks FDR, you totally fucked this country back in the 1930's. That was the start of socialism, and we creep closer daily. If I wanted the government to provide everything for me, I would quit my job, sell my house, collect welfare, claim disability (from serving my country), and live in government housing. But instead I work my ass off 40-60 hours a week, put my life on the line daily, and contribute to the "betterment" of all the illegal aliens, career welfare recipients, and "terrorist" on their student visas. Man I love this country. Go fuck yourselves liberals.

  23. It's the PHOTO ID that was under attack. Voters in Missouri can still vote by presenting a Social Security card, insurance paper,utility bill and other forms of ID that bear a person's address. If the Election Judge only requires you to present a PHOTO ID for voting, call your Election Board immediately and report them.

  24. Someone said it unintentionally trying to prove their point: Every Citizen! The key word is citizen. I beg of you to google what the penalties are for voting in another country without being a citizen

  25. Why would LEGAL Immigrants stay away from voting? If they can vote... The must be citizens...right? If they got their citizen ship then they must have an I.d. Your argument does not conform to logic.

  26. even people on welfare needed some form of ID to get on assistance. Older people need ID to get Soc. Security. You cant board a plane, drive a car, cash a check, buy a gun, the list is endless. So the poor, the elderly and otherwise disadvantaged folks who are all on some form of assistance have to have had ID to get on said assistance. The argument they dont have ID is bullshit. Voting is one of our most important rights, shouldnt participation in said right be treated with at least the same care and concern as flying to Omaha?

  27. Freedom Inc./Urban Summit, please shut the f%#K up about this topic. You need ID for everything in United States; including buying a pack of cigarettes and boarding a plane! Show the ID and move on!

  28. take me right now to someone in kcmo area who does not have i.d.
    give me a specific example. stop talking platitudes and give me examples. i will then take taht person to get his or her i.d.

  29. Put your crack pipes down, get off your asses and get a friggin' State ID card.

  30. Actually voting is a priviledge of citizenship. There is no "right to vote" anywhere in the Constitution.

    As for ID requirements, I recently had to have some tests done at the hospital. When I checked in I had to produce a PHOTO ID!

    If there really are folks out there without a photo ID of some form or fashion it is because they don't want one. The state will provide one FREE!

  31. Annonymous 2:47 a.m. is right -- it is the PHOTO id issue that is being litigated. I have always relied on my voter id to vote and have had to educate the election board folks who at least once or twice have tried to refuse me the right to vote because i wouldn't produce a photo id.

    When you argue about legal issues, it would help, folks, if you would understand them first...

  32. By golly I want to vote for who ever is going to keep me on the DOLE, keep me on food stamps, free housing, free medical, free education, and free electricity for my new Chevy Volt. And if I have to have an ID so be it. Whats the big deal. ha ha ha

  33. 9:19: I don't personally know of anyone who doesn't have a photo ID, but there have been news reports on many older voters (like in their 90s who were born in places that did not issue birth certificates, etc. I know for a fact that my father and his brother, who were born in rural Colorado in the 1920s, did not have birth certificates and had to go through all sorts of documentation in the 1940s when they got federal jobs.


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