KCK Hollywood Casino Not Really A Big Hit?!?

The Hollywood Casino in Kansas City, Kansas isn't breaking the bank of competitors in Kansas City.

Check it:

Competitors feel lighter hit than expected from Hollywood Casino’s opening

Money line: "After bringing in nearly $15 million in gambling revenue in its first month, Hollywood averaged $9.9 million for March through June. That put its take around $54.6 million for five months. At that rate the Hollywood won’t meet annual revenue projections made a couple of years ago, which ranged from Missouri’s fear of $175 million to Kansas’ hopes for $200 million."

Long story short . . .

There may not be enough suckers in the Kansas City area to support so many gambling dens.

Then again, it's optimistic to think that most people have a basic understanding of statistics, probability and or even rudimentary oddsmaking and might reconsider handing over their cash to casinos in exchange for bad music and cheesy lights. On the other hand the people watching at these places is EPIC.

Nevertheless . . . The biz poaching war between Kansas and Missouri now involves competition and the ongoing promise and sometimes unfulfilled promise that any of this will benefit taxpayers (with something besides increased foreclosures) in the long run.


  1. If the place had been as spectacular as advertised it would have done well. The reality is that it's an overhyped dump in a west edge location.

  2. I have heard all the employees walk around like zombies in the emptiness at 3am. What a stupid idea.

  3. Floor plan was fail to begin with. Really, only one bar on the casino floor. Don't they know we're all fat and drunk in kc

  4. Hahahaha...restaurant in the back..means kids have to walk through the casino floor. Gaming Commission disapproves, no child care....STOOOOOPID who approved of this waste of space??????


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