Mayor And City Council Use Eminent Domain To Condemn Eastside Kansas City Homes

Just another sign that Mayor Sly and the City Council have lost touch with neighborhoods and would much rather prepare for the All-Star game or hang out with corporate cronies . . .

Kansas City Council approves plan to condemn homes for East Patrol

Money line:

"More than 60 homes on Kansas City’s east side will soon be demolished.

"City council members voted on Thursday to condemn the homes between 26th and 27th Street from Prospect and Brooklyn."

Interesting that most other Kansas City mainstream media other than KSHB have stayed away from this story so far . . .

From one of the organizers who opposed the use of Eminent Domain by City Hall . . .

"Dweeb Reed and Mindless Melba passed the ordinance to condemn my house today; along with Slick & the crew. Rosemary Lowe, John Miles from Morningstar Baptist Church were there. And why would representatives from a church be present at a condemnation proceeding?"

Hopefully, we will have more news, hateration and all kinds of interesting stuff coming up in just a few but for the moment it's worth noting that Mayor and City Council have very little interest in working with any local community or neighborhood in order to develop solutions. For the most part our elected leaders at City Hall are focused on partnering with local elite, campaign donors and biz power players than doing anything in particular at the grassroots level.

Developing . . .


  1. They can say NO to property owners who have lived in their homes for decades, but not to Rev. Miles and the other insiders who are doing really well on this deal.
    Extortion wins again.
    Great example and lesson for the rest of the usual grifters.
    Shouldn't take long for the next "proposal" to appear.

  2. And the destruction of the black community continues. While the area may not be where you would want to live, these residents were happy and comfortable in their homes.

    Congratulations, Kansas City! Your great track record just keeps getting better and better.

  3. And it's even sadder when you realize that the black community is being destroyed by the very people who pass themselves off as "black leaders".
    And the establishment doesn't have the guts to stop encouraging, reinforcing, and contributing to their self-serving behavior.
    An soon the congatulatory dinners will start!

  4. Fact is it is not pleasant being on the receiving end of eminent domain. However, the process, which is federal by the way if any fed dollars are to be used on the project (and they are); goes out of its way to ensure that people are properly compensated for the taking of their property. It's as fair as you can get in taking private property for the public good. It is understandable that people going through are not happy but it is a balancing act between pursuing a public need and respecting the private property rights of citizens.

  5. Eminent Domain is only enacted when standard negotiations fail. Most of the area is run down and or falling down, it will be an improvement. They like everyone else in the US now that owns property all lose as the property values are DOWN. Just because the city wants to buy your property does not mean you get 100% more for your property than it is worth, they will only pay you for what it is worth. When the area you live in is run down, you get less. For the city as a whole it is an improvement. The East side always complains about the condition of their street and sidewalks, BUT come on!!!!!! They look just like the properties they are complaining about losing. The East Side wants everyone to do everything for them and they do NOTHING for themselves!!!!!!!

  6. 10:19 Amen!

    10:29 "Not pleasant"? Spoken like a true bureaucrat. The public need could have been realized at another location, but the snouts in the tough mentality so prevelant in Kansas City precluded that course of action. The Kelo decision showed there are no more private property rights in the United States so let's just stop with the platitudes.

    11:09 Standard negotiations failed because there were no willing sellers. Possibly they didn't want to sell because their property values, like those all over the United States, are down. They were powerless against the desires of the city. I don't know what to do about the East side but I do know that you shouldn't be kicking homeowners out and grabbing their property.

  7. 12:14. All they had to do was READ THE PAPERS they were sent. It tells them everything they need to do if they do not like the cities offer. Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you comment. I should know I just went through it myself. So clean the window off on your stomach so you can see where you are walking and learn before you comment

  8. Who cares?

    No white people live over there.

    This is just another example of black on black crime this time involving City Hall.

  9. @6/29/12 12:47PM There are plenty of white people who live there and in the surrounding community. They are being victimized like Black people in the community. You're 100% correct... this is Black-on-Black political crime. It's amazing that a church can cause the City to condemn private property. That is a shame and these people are helpless and Black people made sure they remained helpless.

  10. @6/29/12 11:09 AM Your comments are so all-over-the-place. This sounds like Jason Parsons or Randy Dunn; can't confirm which, however, your assumptions about conditions of property are irrelevant and scandalous. You're making a lot of assumptions. What do either of you care... you're getting huge payouts. Take the money and shut up. Now, you can take your money and pretend like you're better than the people you're trying to serve! Wonderful leadership skills...

  11. 6/29/12 1:51--You are a dumb ass your assume to much of whom you think who is who on here. Maybe you need to go for a walk through that area and see how run down the property is, and that's not the cities fault, it's the home owners. That little part of the city will be improved. If the city would have offered me money for my old property in NE, I would have been at the bank with that check before the ink had time to dry. It give them the chance to move to a better and SAFER part of town. It is not a chance to get rich, but get every dollar you can out of your property no one else wants or will buy

  12. Recaller-I know what I'm talking about even though it doesn't fit with your view of reality. Those being pushed out by eminent domain do not want to leave their homes. It doesn't matter what a do-gooder like you wants, or thinks they should want. As for your ridiculous statement regarding "property no one else wants or will buy" the city wants it. They want it so badly they are willing to evict people from their homes.

  13. Recaller: the neighborhood is not unsafe. You have a right to your opinion. It's obvious that you've been convinced and what is good for you isn't for others. You can make hasty judgments about what you think but your logic is flawed. You sound hateful and upset. You probably attend Morningstar. Accept that your buddy John Miles is a crook. This will come back to bite you! @3:13PM Is right! Somebody wants this property and that's why people are being pushed out.

  14. The location of this new station alone will do more harm to the east side residents than any eminant domain ever could. This location is so far away from the people it serves as to not even be useful. The location alone will make a crime worse in the other east side areas of the precinct. You think response times are bad now, wait until officers are going to blue ridge all the way from prospect.

  15. Jehovah's Witness6/29/12, 9:17 PM

    @9:05 That is 100% correct! People will die further east. This was a horrible decision gone wrong and all to satisfy a whore-chasing, do-nothing preacher. From serial killers to murderers in the Morningstar Baptist Church pulpit, nothing good can come from this. They are disillusioned to think otherwise.

  16. Another screw-up.
    Police Chief Jug-Head putting the location of the patrol station where it will make police response times even longer.

  17. KSHB Management6/30/12, 12:39 AM

    if it involves niggers we don't care. They can continue to kill each other off, it makes for easy lead in on the 10PM broadcast.


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