"Kansas City summit explores why companies can't find workers" (Besides racism)

Kauffman Foundation holds another conference about the economy attended by people who need a better job.


  1. Racism. Yeah, thats it.

    On every constrction site I worked on from the 90s to 2007 -

    (The door slammed shut in 2007 on new home construction like a bomb went off. Ya gotta figure, about 2 months before that, all those shit-heels at Goldman Sachs et al, realized the mortgage backed securities housing collapse was in full swing, yet no one knew? Weird.) -

    Mexicans and white boys humped their asses rain or shine, hell or high water. Contractors were desperate to find labor of all types, skilled and un skilled.

    The article mentions the problem of a good "Work Ethic".

    There were never any African Americans on construction sites. Now this is entirely anecdotal and subjective on my part (The paucity of African Americans on construction sites notwithstanding.), but I leave you with this question, why (And don't even gimme the drivel-bullshit narrative about racism. No one gave two shits who was working there and like I said Mexicans were fuckin all over the place.) were there no African Americans at all on construciton sites during a construction boom?

    It is because, in my opinon, that the social engineering laws, EBT, ADC, free lunch horse-shit legislation which guarantees cradle to death benefits for the ability to shit kids outta your vagina like a fuckin Jesus cannon, has killed of any work ethic in the African American community.

    In addition to that, the cradle to grave sense of entitlement that accompanies the free lunch mentality engenders the antipathy and hatred of African Americans for their benefactors and themselves.

    Curtail these entitlements and put African Amnericans back to work.

  2. Work ethic a threat to black males' success in the marketplace.

    "The hardest spot to see is the one you are standing on!"

    Too many of us criticize others for the problems we have in our lives, but we refuse to look at how we contribute to those problems. However, I don't want to make this a general conversation. This message is to the African-American (Afram) male worker.

    The majority business community is afraid of the poor work ethic and difficult attitudes of the Afram male and Afram businesses are suffering from the same lack of performance and resentment of authority. It is near epidemic proportions and it is essential that we get a handle on it or we are really going to become our own worst enemy.

    Females generally have less resistance to authority and because of this natural phenomenon, the Afram female receives greater acceptance in the majority work place. If we as males expect to earn the respect of our women it is logical that we are going to have to make Afram businesses a success.

    This doesn't mean that each one of us has to go and open a business. What it does mean is that we are going to have to perform when we go to work for our own people.

    It does not serve anyone well to go to work for an Afram company and then steal them out of business. How can you advance yourself in a company that no longer exists?

    Loafing and deliberately misunderstanding instructions generally create the same result. If you help the business succeed you can reasonably expect to get a position with more responsibility and better pay.

    If we don't build some stronger businesses we are literally going to be out in the cold and that is the wrong spot to stand on!

    Read more: CrossRoadsNews - Work ethic a threat to black males success in the marketplace

  3. Here is a great article on the issue of a definition of work ethic and the litigation that would cripple any company.


  4. I like this black man.

    He is honest and tells the truth as he sees it. He says he is going to kill off all white people, dig them up, kill them again, then dig them up and kill them again, because of African American unemployment.


  5. EBT Cards!



  6. Chuck, do you judge all Christians by the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church?

  7. To be honest black males went in two directions during the boom. Several went to college and into professional jobs. Several went into prison. We were so busy pushing every black child to college that we didn't think if that was the best place for them. Technical and skilled labor and trades went out the window. So those that didn't make it to college often fell to the streets.

    As for the ones who did take up trades few chose the ups and downs of construction over what our older folks refer to as a "covered job." There are a lot of black men in HVAC, plumbing, dry wall, heavy equipment. However most chose to work for cities, large employers or on site maintenance companies. Yes construction money is good but the work is up and down. It is sometimes just a different way of viewing things.


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