Stacey Massey And The TKC Morning

Kansas City mainstream media links to start the morning . . .


  1. I can barely wait until Pete Fullerton gets his marching orders from the usual suspects and starts giving away the taxpayer's money.
    And the council will unanimously approve the latest giveaway and tell tall tales at the ribbon-cutting.
    Refer back to an earlier TKC story about what's important to KCMO city government and why the homicide rate continues to climb.

  2. First thing Stinky Pete better do to improve morale is fire Gloria.

  3. the whole bunch within the EDC is a self-serving, conglomeration of thieves and sycophants, who never get caught and continue to feed at the public trough. You ought to see the benefit package they gave to Kazmarak, on his way out. Unfuckingbelievable.


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