A passage from a recent interview with a new Kansas City area Catholic investigator has members of a victim's rights group rather peeved.


Take a look at their presser . . .

Finn’s new staff say “no anonymous abuse reports”; SNAP responds

For immediate release: Tuesday, Jan. 31

Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (

For decades, most Catholic bishops have assured their flocks they “take child sex abuse seriously” and “act promptly” on reports or suspicions of abuse. So it’s disconcerting that only now Kansas City church officials are claiming they’re starting to “look into suspicions of abuse.”

Finn’s latest staffer claims she wants to “broaden” the diocese approach to possible child sex crimes. But to us, it looks like she’s actually limiting it, by insisting that victims disclose their names when reporting child sex crimes.

"There is no reason for an anonymous report," Jenifer Valenti told KMBC TV. "If there is an anonymous report that comes to me . . . there will not be an internal investigation of that report. It’s my belief when it comes to protecting children; you've got to step forward. It's that simple."

Some victims want anonymity to protect their kids, their spouses, or their elderly parents (who may not know they were sexually violated as kids and may still attend the parish where the crimes took place). Others want to protect their jobs or their partner’s job. (They may work for a Catholic institution or a Catholic employer.) There are many reasons why someone who was raped as a child may not want their name out there. Church officials must respect this.

Many victims start by reporting anonymously. Then, over time, if they are treated with dignity and compassion and respect, they later disclose their identity. But that won’t happen if KC church officials discourage or prevent anonymous reporting right off the bat.

It certainly makes it easier for church officials when victims are strong and brave enough to use their names when reporting child sex crimes. But the goal of reporting abuse is NOT to make life easy for Catholic employees. It’s to protect kids. So church staffers should do everything they can – including accept, and even encourage, anonymous reporting – to make it more likely for victims to come forward, expose predators, protect kids and start healing.

The emphasis in that passage belongs to TKC. 

So . . . Now it's up to you mostly anony d-bags in the comments . . . How valuable is anonymous testimony when it comes to something so important like reports of abuse? 


  1. Bishop Finn's reform doesn't seem to be quieting the critics.

  2. Maybe instead of wasting time with the church these anonymous reports should be given to the police instead. It seems that as long as the church is the main point of contact the less is being accomplished. I think a few detectives poking they're noses in the churches business would show these righteous Catholics that people have had enough.

  3. But the system they had was working so well. I bet the Phelps don't have this kind of trouble in their church.

  4. Aren't people supposed to be able to face their accusers?

  5. Yep. I just checked. It's in the Sixth Amendment (part of the Bill of Rights).

  6. Publishing the SNAP statement at the top of the TKC page and emphasizing certain statements shows TKC's loathing of the Catholic Church. Please do youself a favor and read or watch the interview in its entirety so you can understand what the context of what was said.

  7. Its actually Catholic "Canon Law" to hide the truth in any case where there is a scandal in the church, so the Catholic church will always hide child rape.

    Parents - keep your children away from Catholic pedophile priests.

  8. This is why Kansas Should keep the sodomy law.
    They have priests in Kansas too.

  9. Aren't people also reporting this to the Children's Division in Missouri?

  10. In an odd abusing way the creepy Finn is right. Anonymity won't work with this group of pedophiles.
    By pass the Church and it's self preserving rules. Contact the police department with suspected child rape, child sexual abuse, child pornography, child sodomy and adult sexual abuse in any form. If the police department won't help contact the Justice department. The closing of ranks and trafficking of children for sexual exploitation reeks of RICO Law
    We can not hide our fears anymore. This city will not turn it's back on victims. We now know the full extent of sexual perversion and sick satisfaction derived by our priests raping our children. These sexual satisfactions at the hands of child rapers has been denied by Bishop Finn. May God have mercy on his soul.

  11. "If there is an anonymous report that comes to me . . . there will not be an internal investigation of that report."

    Typical SNAP press release dishonesty. Here's the full quote, with what SNAP chose to omit in bold:

    "If there is an anonymous report that comes to me, that report will be forwarded to law enforcement, but there will not be an internal investigation of that report."

  12. 3:59: The Kansas sodomy law applies to consenting adults. Rape is illegal with or without the sodomy law, and the sodomy law cannot be enforced since it conflicts with the Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence vs. Texas.

  13. Lil Catholic Schoolboy Timmy1/31/12, 6:23 PM

    My ass hurtz and It leaks my poop. Preist said it was OK...better to get into me he! It still hurtz...ouchy!

  14. Jack you are obfuscating and ignoring what Valenti really said.

    She also said that she would do any investigation herself if the reports are anonymous.

    Isn't the whole point of all his legal bickering that the Church do a better job of policing itself?

    A lot of time there are warning signs, nothing to act on but an indication that there might be a problem. If the Catholics can't clean their own house then what is the point of the deals they are crafting?

    Valenti is just following the same old formula that has led us Catholics to this horrible place.

  15. Remember that she is taking her marching orders from who is paying her salary.
    If she gets too uppity, they'll can her ass in a minute. And if she noses around the exclusively male clergy club in the Catholic Church too much,she'll go bye-bye.
    She sounds like she means well. I wish her luck. She'll need it.

  16. Snap, Crackle, n pop1/31/12, 8:18 PM

    John Doe
    Given the current atmosphere surrounding the church and it's past failure to report crimes, the response "If there is an anonymous report that comes to me, that report will be forwarded to law enforcement", is 110 percent the right answer. Snap removed the middle of the sentence. Any allegations or suspiscion should be dealt with by Law Enforcement, not the church.
    Snap is the Goria Allred of victims groups.

  17. "Snap is the Goria Allred of victims groups."


  18. snap crackle n pop1/31/12, 9:47 PM

    make that Gloria Allred....Whatevs, Snap doesnt care about the victims. Sort of like Alonzo Washington, but without the collerless Harold Penner Pleather coat.

  19. snap crackle n pop1/31/12, 9:47 PM

    make that Gloria Allred....Whatevs, Snap doesnt care about the victims. Sort of like Alonzo Washington, but without the collerless Harold Penner Pleather coat.

  20. A keen analysis.

  21. Question, folks: If Valenti, the cops, DFS or anybody else receives a complaint like this: "Father So-and-So abused me but I'm not going to give my name" how the hell can they investigate it?

  22. John Doe:

    SNAP sliced and diced Valenti's quote to make it say something she didn't really say.

    Jack Smith provided the full quote.

    And Jack is the person who obfuscated and ignored what Valenti really said?

  23. I don't know if I said this before, but I have lost all respect for the Catholic Church. Everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie.


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