In the dark corners of the local Internets there's a great deal of fear surfacing because of an ad campaign that hopes to explain Sharia to Kansas City residents.

Links . . .

Kansas City Target of Sharia Campaign

Kansas City: Radical Muslim group begins month-long campaign on sharia

Still . . . Unless Lil' Kim is going to do an update of her infamous bikini burqa photo . . . I really doubt some lame religious ads and billboards will win any converts. Instead, this is kind of an interesting look at a few folks still living in the past and in fear of Osama's ghost.


  1. Osama's ghost my ass.

    The Joe Goebbles irony of Sharia advertising efforts to explain questions under the banner of "Freedom of Religion" in the US is jaw dropping.

    Here is the video of the conviction of the family yesterday, who KILLED THREE OF THEIR DAUGHTERS for honor and the strict Islamic law that they live under, and pay fealty to above all else, while living in a free society.

    Really nice.

  2. The father who killed his own 3 daughters has this say.

  3. I say fuck a bunch of Islamic assholes and their whole damned religion. Read about Islam and you'll see what a sack of shit the whole thing is.

  4. I wonder how Christian Churches would be accepted in Muslim countries all over the Mid East.

    Oh yeah, thats right, they are being ethnically cleansed as we speak in Nigeria and all over the world.

    Wonderful, there are "Nights of Islamic Terror".

  5. Chuck are you really stupid enough to think that any of that shit is going to happen in Missouri?

  6. END ALL IMMIGRATION to the US of Muslims.

    See the constant destruction of Europe and culture in the face of idiotic immigration policies that have and are killing literaly and metaphorically the people of Europe.

  7. Here are just a couple of minor changes Muslims expect to happen in Denmark.

  8. We should end all immigration period. Tony's cousin's too.

  9. Mormons were once the target of Missouri's religious persecution too. It was once legal to kill a Mormon in Missouri.

    It's sad that we're getting ready to repeat the same mistake.

  10. 6:21

    Check all the newspapers from all over the world, to get the varnished truth, yes the varnished truth and even that truth is horrific with respect to the effect of Islamic immigration in all major cities in Europe.

    In America we allow immigration from Islamic countries at an alarming rate.

    See Somali immigration (I have seen it in person down at 3rd and Lydia, its a fucked up mess.) her is KC and all voer the US. See 31,000 immigrants from Sudan in Omaha, now see gangs, murder and rape in Omaha increase at esponential rates.

    See the wreck of a city that Detroit is and the Muslim culture's negative efffect (Detroit is so fucked up, like all major cities in the US are going to be.) disaster, the lack of asimilation and the culture clash that shoud have NEVER been forced on Americans but is every day by our Federal govt.

    I gotta go to work im late.

  11. Somewhere at some time there will be someone who posts something ridiculous on the web.
    The web makes everyone an expert and every two people an organization.
    There's way more than enough craziness and downright silliness in the media every day than to have to go trolling for it.
    Be afraid; be VERY afraid!

  12. Damn right! If there's gonna be ANY killin' done in the name of religion, it's gonna be fer Je-sus. Islam, Muhalla and all them brown skins is BAAAAAAAD. Blond hair, blue eyed white Je-sus and the killin' we do fer him is GOOOOOOOOD.
    'Member, fer Je-sus it's ok to kill:
    Abortion Doctors
    Moooslims (
    Blacks (KKK is a strong religious organization, ya'll know.)
    Random Africans (
    Anyone else to makes us feel uncomfortable.
    USA, USA, USA, USA!!!!!

  13. It's ok, let them kill, rape, pillage, just do whatever they want. Just DON'T even think of calling them niggers. It might offend someone..

  14. Orphan of the Road1/31/12, 8:02 AM

    Kind of like the Catholics want to make contraception illegal. Or the Baptists closing saloons.

    When you see how Christians fucked up the message Jesus had, how can they point any fingers at the others whose invisible friend can surely beat up their invisible friend.

    I'll raise you the Phelps klan and the Archdioceses of Philadelphia, Boston & Kansas City.

  15. Just turn your back on institutionalized religion and you'll be Ok.

  16. 8:52... turn your back on islam and some radical SOB muslim will stick a saber in it for not taking allah seriously.

  17. We should ban the Torah while we're at it. It says the same things. Oh, wait. That's ridiculous, too. And bigoted, too. Oh wait....

    ..why can't we just have the communists as boogeymen again, so we can project our national self hatred onto some Other? Oh wait...we can use Muslims as the new boogeymonster. Hurray!

    Now, as long as we can keep ignorant hicks from actually getting to know any Muslims personally, we'll be okay. Should be easy to do in K.C.

  18. By the way, for the ignorant Americans in the initial posts, honor killings are not islamic, they are cultural artifacts of the mediterreanian area, and happen among muslim, jewish and christian families. And if you had ever picked up a book, you would see this in western literature, like Romeo and Juliette.

  19. 10:56, you seem to not understand the difference between past and present. You're referencing history. This is present day. Jews and Christians learned from their mistakes (not counting Gingrich or Catholic leadership), but sharia law. Sorry, take that shit back to the fucking steppes of asia and leave the ignorant and oppressive laws back with the huns.

  20. This good.
    Then we can add a new category to the Homicide report.
    Honor Killing.

  21. Baptists may close saloons. Catholics shut down the abortion clinic and make birth control illegal. Muslims kill their own children who disobey. Sorry, I will take the Baptists and Catholics.

  22. And agnostics only want you to read more.

    Seems like the choice is clear.

  23. Now just a minute, didn't that great statesman and philospher, george w. bush, say: "Islam is a religion of peace"? Personally, I'm with CHUCK on this one.

  24. Let's all live in the past shall we?
    Yes, let's do in the inner city. Shari'a law for a couple of generations in the 'hood would be beneficial.

  25. 12:13, yeah, really seems to have done Afghanistan wonders. Great country.


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