The Old School American Dream Of Home Ownership Is Dead In Kansas City

The Star makes lower expectations seem nice: Many in KC area are turning to apartment living


  1. It's no wonder... when we see homeowners being thrown out, harrassed constantly by the City, property taxes increasing for the sake of increasing (with no service to residents)... what self-respecting, hardworking American would support that... much easier to rent. When you're done, move on to the next rat hole.

  2. I've seen my nice neighborhood decay in the 15 years I've lived in this house. Because of the housing slump AND KC taxing me to death, this house I paid 98k for 15 years ago is worth actually less, now. When my kid graduates H.S. in a few years I will move away and never look back. Born and raised here and hate it immensely.

  3. Get ready because Sly plans on skyrocketing taxes in Kansas City.


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