Again, I'm guilty of making some of these same assumptions but I blame Kansas City's mainstream media . . . Sorry.
Similarly, I'll be looking for A FORMAL APOLOGY FROM THE KANSAS CITY STAR that, as usual, comes AFTER TKC TIPSTER reporting.
To wit . . .
Thanks to AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS for setting us straight . . . Here's a far more eloquent description of the sitch . . .
Darnell (DeeDee) Pearson Murder
Already some are claiming the "journalists" at the Kansas City Star once again jumped to some incorrect conclusions when reporting on the story of Darnell Pearson, who was murdered this past weekend. They rushed to judgment and called him a transexual prostitute, when they had no proof of prostitution except the word of the murderer.
Here's one site weighing in on the subject:
[TW: violence against a trans woman] Dee Dee Pearson, 31, of Kansas City Killed on Christmas Eve night
The Kansas City Anti Violence Project is really the official non profit group in Kansas City representing violence against the LGBT community.
It's amazing that the Star didn't interview anyone with KCAVP. Here is their response including notice of the service on Wednesday. We will probably soon see a response against the Kansas City Star from the national media watch dog group, GLAAD.
More . . . Here's a recent statement from two groups standing up for members of the LGBT community and DeeDee . . .
The Kansas City Anti-Violence Project (KCAVP) and The Justice Project Respond to Recent Murder; Call for Solidarity in responce to Violence in Our Communities
"DeeDee was a friend to many people in the community -- KCAVP and The Justice Project offers our sincerest condolences to those grieving this loss. We must stress the absolute necessity for the police and media to respect DeDee's gender identity. The least we can do to honor her memory is to respect her chosen, lived identity.
KCAP and The Justice Project are also concerned by the use of transphobic language in media coverage of this murder. Transphobic language contributes to a culture which sanctions anti-transgender violence. Together, we must challenge institutional racism, poverty, transphobic attitudes, lack of social services, criminalization of sex work, an other policies that jeopardize our security . . ."
Read the entire presser for yourself . . .
Good for them.
ReplyDeleteSo a half-dozen homos & heshes throw a little hissy fit because their heshe hooker bud finally reaped the whirlwind?
ReplyDeleteTough shit. LOL, in fact.
6:23 you are ignorance.
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of hate that Coach Comstock has stood up against as an LGBT leader, and that is why some people libel him with false charges of corruption.
ReplyDeleteJustice must be served.
Justice must be served when John "Coach" Comstock or someone who is deceived enough to support him, will use the death of an individual to try to rehabilitate Comstock's trashed reputation. Give it up, John.
ReplyDeleteWhere are "The Phelps"?
ReplyDeleteThis is just flat out racist.
ReplyDeleteI think African American murderers all over the world will unite.
Once again, the ugly spectre of racism, reveals itself, as the media jumps to the conclusion, that if a Black man says something, it must be a lie.
I think that the enormous numbers of African American murderers should make their voice heard.
Perhaps a new organization that will unify and coalesce the political and economic power that this heretofore ignored and underrepresented group can bring to bear.
The National Association For The Advancement of Colored People Who Are Under Indictment For Murder.
RISE! and let your voices be heard!!
It is pathetic that attention that should be paid to a murder victim is lavished on someone like John Comstock, who insists on being called "Coach." Nevertheless, some things need to be said.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the LGBT community allows damaged goods like Comstock to pretend like he can speak for us, we are doomed. We will not be taken seriously because people like John are not serious people. It is also true that John's negligence or corruption resulted in the KC Pride club to be cited serveral times for violations by the Missouri Ethics Commission; including the largest fine ever levied by the Commission. Furthermore, it is surprising that the Shawnee Mission Schools still employ Comstock, not because of he is Gay, but because he at least flirts with pedophilia. The fact that he takes "candid" pictures of his students is well known.
John (Coach) Comstock should never be considered a leader of any kind, let alone a leader in the Gay Community.
KCMO is full of little special interest groups with self-appointed "leaders" who don't speak for anybody.
ReplyDeleteMost folks are just trying to earn a living and do what they can for their families and are not all caught up in the victimization game. Comstock, Gwen Grant, Fiero, and all the rest...who cares?
Try making a contribution to the greater good instead of constantly finding discrimination under every rock.
What's next another crime plan?
ReplyDeleteComstock is just a puppet for Dutch Newman to play with. I am sick and tired of having to put up with him. He is silly.
ReplyDeleteWho cares?
ReplyDeleteOne less faggot in the world.
Guys weren't meant to have other guys cocks in their asses. It's against nature.
It is the kind of response that12/28/11 9:04 AM posted that is invited by people like Comstock.
ReplyDeleteHow about this: If you're a man dressing as a woman and a guy picks you up, you tell them that you're really a guy? Is that too hard to do?
ReplyDeleteThat's what she/he said.
A kid named Mase Hakes, who Tony has featured on his website in the past also likes to dress like a woman.
ReplyDeleteHe is talking about running for political office, yet he still lives at home with mommy, and has had a revolving door of boyfriends since he graduated high school.
Mase was a blog hitman last year for Anne McGregor and then John Crawford. He is one of those guys who comes across as quiet, but can be vindictive as hell. He really needs to get his own place to live. That is pathetic that he still lives at home.
ReplyDeleteBut I like the way shit feels on my penis!
ReplyDeleteAssholes were designed for things going out, not in. Just because men like to stick their pecker in anything it fits in doesn't make it the right thing to do. Just ask sheep how they feel about it. Now everybody is supposed to feel bad because some confused he/she got whacked because he/she couldn't tell a prospective partner that they two rolled into one. I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteWhat the FUCK are you people talking about! Someone was murdered, MURDERED! Are you so caught up in your bullshit you can't get that!
ReplyDeleteObviously . TKC Commenters are the worst people. Rarely are they even funny.
ReplyDeleteThere is a public memorial hosted by Alvin Brooks for Dee Dee Pearson tomorrow, Thursday, December 29, at her apartment on East 43rd St. at 6pm. We invite the media to join us.
ReplyDeleteBeth Savitzky
Executive Director
Kansas City Anti-Violence Project
ReplyDelete"Her" apartment?
Since when are people with penises considered "her"?
You are what's fucking up society.
Alvin Brooks will charge the family or the owner of the apartment complex a $10K premium to hold the vigil. Sickening! Retire old man, while you can. We don't need you in Kansas City. Find a nice retirement community and get outta town.
ReplyDeleteWhat does the "criminalization of sex work" have to do with LGBT issues? Last I checked prostitution was illegal for all genders. The death of a human being is tragic, but it is not a milestone for LGBT rights or a turning point for the movement. Unfortunately this person was killed after leading a risky not being trans, but by being a prostitute. I can think of many others who have been killed while involved in this illicit profession and none of those cases caused the same soul searching faux chest beating that I see here. Organizations like Veronicas Voice do not work to de-criminalize prostitution, but rather to get those involved in it out and to safer, legal professions.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of cross dressing homosexuals, remember Mase Hakes? He's the one that still lives with his mommy and was dabbling in politics and was featured on Tony's website several times.
ReplyDeleteWell, Mase Hakes, the openly homosexual Mase Hakes, works as a "Youth Mentor at Synergy Services". Yeah, like we need a fag mentoring impressionable youths.
On his Facebook page, December 4, 2011 @ 11:04 pm, Mase Hakes makes comments about one of the male children he oversees. He wrote "One of my kids just came out of the rest room and said "I need a bandaid for my penith." The poor boy zipped up his you-know-what in his pants zipper!"
Why is this openly homosexual talking about little childrens (male) sexual organs at the place he is employed?
ignorant people who are posting as Anonymous are some of the most ignorant people I have ever witnessed. Mase Hakes is a college student who lives with family how is that so wrong? He is making financial choices that will allow him to succeed in life. As for the comment saying he shouldn't be working with children? I would trust my children with Mase 100% he is an amazing mentor to those kids, and they all like him, as well as respect him. Whoever brought him into this should be ashamed of themselves. This blog post had nothing to do with him, however it did have something to do with an innocent women who lost her life, and was murdered? May SHE rest in peace.
ReplyDelete"She" wasn't a woman.
ReplyDelete"She" wasn't a woman.
ReplyDeleteThat is how SHE defined herself. Yes she was.
ReplyDeletei am a trans woman.we have rights.this guy should get the death peanlty.i urg people to think of us as a will never happen to me.i will be causeish.this should have never they are gay.give us a brake.try to be freindlyer .we are trying to make money for surgerys.the insurance companys dont cover it.but the killings have to stop.please.thank you.