Once again . . . Students and parents have been granted the right to vote with their feet . . .

Court denies temporary halt of Kansas City students to suburban school districts

Here is the presser . . .

Area School Districts Seek Clarification from Court

On Friday, December 30th, Circuit Court Judge W. Brent Powell denied a temporary restraining order requested by the Independence School District, along with other area districts. The TRO would have temporarily prohibited the transfer of students from the Kansas City, Missouri School District to surrounding districts until the court could provide clarification regarding Kansas City Public School's policy regarding student transfers.

That does not change the fact that, in order to comply with state law, KCPS must provide tuition and transportation consistent with Independence School District board policy before any student transfers can take place. The Independence School District will continue to take information from any student requesting a future transfer from the Kansas City Missouri School District, but will not be accepting transfers until those requirements are met.

On January 12th, the Independence School District, along with surrounding districts, will be back in court seeking further clarification regarding KCPS's transfer policy and the responsibility of both KCPS and surrounding school districts under current state law.

The district remains hopeful that a long-term, sustainable plan will be developed for the future of KCPS that is in the best interest of all students, and continues to offer to be a part of that solution.

Aftermath . . .

This could doom Kansas City Public Schools Financially . . .

When students and parents leave the district despite talk of transformation plans or Mayoral takeover . . . It really is a vote of no confidence in current leadership.

The KCPS is getting one step closer to becoming nothing more than a memory.

Developing . . .


  1. It's their right by Missouri Law. Sorry, Airick.

  2. Really? ... "This could doom Kansas City Public Schools Financially" ... really?

    Hell, the District is a COMPLETE BUST in every other way ... WHY NOT just drive the last nail in the coffin?

    Oh, and once again ... thank you, Airick Leonard West, Treasurer, Missouri Democratic Party. You have accomplished SO-O-O-O-O MUCH!

  3. AND BESIDES THAT ...12/30/11, 4:27 PM

    And while we are at it, Airick, if you are such an advocate for education ... WHY HAVEN'T YOU FINISHED YOUR EDUCATION AND GOTTEN A DEGREE?


  4. Drop out poser.

  5. A better title for you tony:

    "They will not stay for Sly."

  6. Now let the surrounding school districts take the trash out of kc. Why should our kids suffer because of the idiots in kc.

  7. No doubt it's a bad time to be a child and student if you life in Kansas City MO.

  8. Oh, lets not forget that Airwick is simply a nigger.

  9. Wait! Wait! The parents are putting together another plan.
    What a joke!

  10. Put the kids first. Get out of the KCMOSD.

  11. Eastern Jackson County just got a little more ghetto tonight.

  12. This is sad. This is not only affecting the kids. It is also affecting homeowners and business owners. Wish there was a better solution that had been worked out by now.

  13. 1) someone needs to figure out the legality of transferring the KCMSD property tax money collected from Jackson County taxpayers and reallocating it the districts who will apparently be educating KCMSD students. Suburban taxpayers and school districts should not be reimbursed less than it costs to educate KCMSD kids!

    2)I'm sure Bill George is just salivating at the $$ he will make from all of those taxis shuttling kids from the inner city to suburbia and back again.

    3)Let us not forget that $2 billion dollars could not fix the KCMSD back in the 80's and 90's....

  14. 9:48, and let's not forget to thank school board member Arthur Benson for that $2+ billion epic desegregation fail!

  15. it's over .. simply over

  16. The State is even more incompetent than the KCPS. They are so out of touch. Why did they wait until January do this crap? Why didn't they do this in the spring of last year or of this year? That way all stakeholders involved could prepare(school districts, students, parents, teachers). Now, money that should be going towards educating kids, is going to be spent on lawyers.

    There is no good outcome to this setup except for the lawyers who created this mess 30 years ago. Now we are going to have deseg. busing again and the State should have to pay for it; again.

  17. stooopid nigga12/30/11, 11:50 PM

    now i gets to fuk up yo skool distrik to!

  18. 11:41, Arthur Benson was THE lawyer that made this mess. And now he's running the asylum and the inmates are not getting looked after. Oh I'm sorry, I meant 'scholars'.

  19. My heart goes out to the districts who are going to receive these children. It is not their fault, but they are just not prepared to enter a functional school district.
    I think that caring parents will move again to another district who is not receiving these children.
    The only thing that this situation does is spread the cancer to other districts.

  20. To the parents and students get out while you can, your child's entire future is depends upon their education.

  21. Kansas City is dying on the grapevine.

  22. 12:21: As I send in my property taxes this morning, I'll think of Arthur Benson.

  23. Sly cannot be mayor AND hold a state appointment. You need to quit drinking the Mayoral Takeover Kool Aid Tony.

  24. Aurther Benson and the others who profiteered from this mess should be in jail. Plain and simple. These kids are going to destroy the districts they go into.

  25. As much as I hate to agree with some of these idiots, these kids will destroy the other school districts. Do not worry Raytown, you district already sucks. I predict a lot of Kansas City District students will get suspended and kicked out of their new district because of behavioral issues. The students who are willing to learn will suffer from racism, especially in the Independence School district.


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