It's a welcomed change!!! Tonight we are joined by a great many white people from South Kansas City and Waldo/Brookside!!!
We'll have a bit more later . . . Now the meet is a bit of a snoozer but it's nice to see so many KC folks come out to try and make sure nothing changes.
Just talked to a City Hall Insider . . . He says NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!!! Behind the scenes the Council know if they make one change, they'll have to change EVERYTHING.
Steve Glorioso is tearing apart the map the opposition is proposing tonight . . . He just called it a "shell game" and says that the new map would tear apart communities.

Here's just a quick look at the map they are pushing tonight . . . It doesn't stand much of a chance but don't tell that to the Waldo/Brookside crowd.
Waiting for the testimony . . . It should be fun.
Anita Russell of the KC NAACP and Rev. Sam Mann just spoke in favor of the map currently proposed by the Redistricting Committee . . . Gwen Grant noting her opposition right now.
"Map 7-Rev4a poses a threat to our community in terms of representation on the City Council and our ability to participate in the electoral process," Ms. Grant said. "I urge the Council to do what's best for all of Kansas City . . ."
The other side got a little nasty as the meeting drug on and their numbers dwindled . . . There was a bit of fireworks as the crowd attempted to shout down Kansas City Attorney Clinton Adams.
KC Urban Planner Gunnar Hand spoke up for the South KC & Waldo/Brookside collective . . . He stressed the same old tired line we always here . . "One KC" . . . Both sides used that gem this evening . . .
The Council isn't voting until next week . . . SO THIS WAS ALL KIND OF A DOG AND PONY SHOW!!!
Still . . . There were a few funny moments among City Hall insiders. We'll talk about it more in just a bit . . . STAY TUNED!!!
ReplyDeleteLet them stay whiteland north of the river, thugs have cars! KL
ReplyDeleteFucking nightmare
ReplyDeleteSteve Glorioso versus John Sharp. And you wonder why KCMO is the mess it is!
ReplyDeleteThe search for intelligent life goes on.
Glorioso is KC's Jim Cramer. Which means when he says buy you probably shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteSteve G giving a speech on "backroom politics" and lack of transparency is a JOKE
ReplyDeleteJust keep the NIGGERS in the east side, the ILLEGALS on the west side, and the WHITE people down the middle and up north. There, problem solved.
ReplyDelete7:24 is the only person making sense.
ReplyDeletekc loses yet again.
ReplyDeleteThis is all about John Sharp calling in his political favors and threatening people with their funding. Except for a few idiots who think Sharp walks on water, most of those 6th district people didn't even believe what they were saying. The 4th District people are just crybabies. Lines will be drawn, and they will cross other lines.
ReplyDeleteLook for Sharp to loose this vote big time and then start advocating for increasing the number of council districts so he can be the godfather of "Sharpsville" in the extreme southeast part of KC.
Sharp the dud.
ReplyDeleteSharp is losing this one BIG.
ReplyDeleteSharp is irrelvant.
ReplyDeleteThey should have a couple billion more dollars thrown at it. That will fix the problem. Until there is a vast majority of parents (plural, as in mom AND dad) who are not drop-outs themselves, who had kids too young, and actually value education, nothing will change.
ReplyDeleteAt least the Northland isn't being blamed. They are losing prime real estate to the fourth district and they're taking it like adults. Too bad the fourth and the sixth are too stupid to see the big picture. Or get the facts straight.
ReplyDeleteIt is just John Sharp that stirred up everyone. Sharp deserves to lose committee chairmanship.
ReplyDeleteOne that nees to be singled out for this mess - John Fairfield. It is masterful how he messed up the southland / south of river to protect the great white north and begin the shift of money and influence north of the river. No one caught his game and the south of river neighborhoods will be the loser for the next 10 years!
ReplyDelete11:47, you give Fairfield too much credit. He did virtually nothing on the committee and chopping off a nice piece of southern Clay County to go to the 4th District didn't win him any friends. He's just posturing for an at-large council run in 2015. (God help us!)
ReplyDeleteuh, hello? they live here?
That is right Tony, don't mention the fact that Clinton Adams made racist remarks. Don't mention that the alternative map was being supported by more than just "white people". Don't mention that all the support for political hack Glorioso's map was based on skin color. No mentions of how map 1 could actually benefit the city. I guess if you just want managed decline than listen to Clinton Adams.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that you forget to mention is how Clinton Adams and others kept mentioning having "their neighborhoods" and "african-american districts". Seems to me like it is all about keeping KC segregated, but not from the group you blame it on.
ReplyDelete11:47 is full of shit. John Sharp's map is the same as the consensus map for Northland districts.
ReplyDeleteThe only Southlander who loses anything here is John Sharp. He's called in all his favors, and promised help (threatened not to help) to get support on this. The southward movement if the Fifth is predetermined. Again, Sharp is living in the 1960s.
ReplyDeleteGlorioso vs Sharp?
ReplyDeleteI Don't care.
I live in the 6th and it is being butchered to placate all other districts. Center middle school now moves to the 5th district? This is all a bunch of BS. Sharp is termed out after this so why would he fight so hard unless he had the backing of actual 6th district residents?
Final thought - If Carol Coe is for it, any sane person should be against it.
Carol Coe said it's a no-brainer, and she's the expert that topic.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, where is the south part of the former Fourth (from 59th to 79th) going? I thought it was to the Sixth, but it's sounding like it's to the Fifth. Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteRedistricting is required but it should be done in the most efficient and equitable manner for the people without playing politics. Too bad that we still feel it is necessary to gerry mander by race and class.
ReplyDeleteAll you Sharp bashers must be jealous that your council person doesn't have the guts he has to stand up for his constituents.
Under the committees map, the south part of the 5th, namely Brookside, is being split in half with part staying in the 4th and the rest going to the 6th. The alternative map is supported by many neighborhood organizations comprised of all ethnic groups and testimony in support was multi-racial. Testimony for the other map was exclusively by race based/"civil rights" organizations. The real questions are; why is the population of the 3rd and the 5th districts declining? Why are their residents leaving the city? Maybe we should look at the failure of "leaders" like Clinton Adams to bring people together. His rhetoric is degrading and toxic to both white and black Kansas Citians.
ReplyDeleteJan Marcason appointed Steve Glorioso to "represent" the 4th district but she did NO outreach to her consitituents or neighborhood leaders in Brookside. Also, there were no redistricting meetings held west of Main Street. Marcason is termed out also, but with a close relationship with Steve Glorioso you can bet she is pandering for her next gig.
ReplyDeleteSchools, Schools, Schools,
ReplyDeleteCrime, Crime, Crime
That is why folks are leaving!
Jan Marcason and Steve Glorioso. Ewwww! I'm going to have to go wash my hands.
ReplyDeleteWhat diffence does it make if Center High School is in the 6th or 5th? Seriously.