New Kansas City Council Chambers For The Same Old City Hall Song & Dance!!!

$436k to transform The Kansas City Council Chambers into a high tech staging ground that more effectively caters to special interests.


  1. Sly you are a fucking nut.

  2. there was nothing wrong with the way the council was set up sly and the rest are like obama spending without any backlash

  3. TKC, gotta disagree with you. City Hall needs constant care and upkeep, much like your Twinkie shrine. Now, would you stint on that when you replace the "lost" or "misplaced" artifacts? By God, no. you get quality replacements and shake out the felt because you understand that good husbandry will pay off in the long run. Look up the term husbandry.. in the Shakespearean sense doofus!

  4. Does anyone else wonder how they spent $31,000 on Tablets for the city council? There are 13 of them (counting the mayor) -- and an iPad runs $500. That should be about $6500 -- not anywhere near $31,000.


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