Throughout the campaign for Mayor Sly James said he wasn't going to become an active participant in the nightmare scenario developing in Kansas City Public Schools.

Mayor Sly seemed reasonable when he reminded the voting public that the Mayor has no direct control over Kansas City Public Schools.

Now the former Marine is making an about-face and getting neck deep in this week's KCPS drama.

Mayor leads attempt at community-driven plan for KC schools

For the moment and out of politeness we have to pretend that the Mayor's best effort in an impossible situation is a good thing.

However, local political history has taught us that a Kansas City Mayor meddling in public schools rarely produces anything noteworthy and usually leads to nothing but disappointment.


  1. Wait I thought Crispan and the other kids were going to fix everything?

  2. I would rather sly focus on the high number of water main breaks this year.

  3. He's smart enough to understand that the dysfunctional school district is just one of the elements of the decline of KCMO south of the river, and if self-important destructive clowns like Gwen Grant, Clinton Adams, and the rest of the Black Summit folks trying to get their hands on the district prevail, he can pretty much kiss the whole thing goodbye. And the school district is only one of the many aspects of KCMO, particularly the east side, that these old duds with their '60s victimization/entitlement/intimidation/extortion crap have destroyed. There have been millions of dollars poured into the east side that have simply disappeared, Citadel Plaza being just the latest example. Drive around east of Troost. Why would anyone continue to support these people with this point of view?
    At some point there needs to be a big fight with Grant and her ilk and maybe the school district is just the place to have it.

  4. Tales from da Hood11/30/11, 7:44 AM

    Why is no one talking about breaking this whole thing up?

    As far as this group with these ignorant ass, black folks such as gwen grant and clinton.... give me a break.

    If you don't have command over the English language, should you be in a position of leadership at the school?

    I am just saying. If you listen to these people talk, the bumble around with basic edict.

  5. Sly, your only concern should be maintaining the city's infrastructure. PERIOD.

  6. And if the Mayor didn't try to do anything, everyone would be bitching that he didn't care about the people south of the river...the man can't win with you people. And when I say you people, I'm referring to the people that post on here.

  7. LOL and look at the crime rate. When he's going get involved in that. It gets worst by the day like his education program.

  8. Thank you Sly once again standing up as a real leader! Riddle me this, were the hell is kiki curls? Out stuffing her fat ass while the black united front and felon revrands destroy the district?

  9. Tales from da Hood11/30/11, 11:57 AM

    11:42, it takes a lot of maintenance to be a fat ass such as Kiki Curls. I mean, you have to keep up with the schedule of eating seven or eight times a day as well as all the bowel movements that come with such a rigorous eating schedule.

    Then we have to deal with how in the hell do we reach all the way around that fat ass to wipe up all that mess.

    How can a girl think about fighting crime when keeping her ass clean is a big enough obstacle in and of itself???

  10. There is a reason why school district boundaries generally do not follow city limit lines. There is a reason there are autonomous school boards with elections. Mayor, worry about serving this city basic services. No new downtown hotel, no Kemper arena replacement, no new KCI terminal. Focus on roadways and water line repairs.


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