Even More Occupy KC "Mic Checks"

A metaphor for X-Mas 2011 . . . A small cadre of angry people yell at the public during at inopportune moments: Occupy KC - Black Friday Mic Checks

Take a good look at The 99% challenging the vast global capitalist conspiracy OR just making life a bit more miserable for Wal-Mart Security.


  1. You people crack my ass up. Let's think about the type of person who shows up to walmart on black friday: they stand in line for hours, they fight over xbox systems, they are crazed lunatics for deals. Do you REALLY think you are going to have an impact on someone who is that obsessed with shopping? I was at the Shawnee store and all I saw after you idiots were "escorted" out was people laughing their ass off at you. Yes, laughing AT you. Why? Because you and your movement is a joke.

  2. So let's boycot all these places Occupy wants us to and when they start laying off people because of low sales we will see just how hypocritical a group this really is.

  3. bunch of fucking idiots.


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