In much the same way I'm mad loyal to Brit Babe Model Sophie Howard . . . TV newsies are sticking to their guns when it comes to protecting their source material.

We've already heard about subpoenas regarding Missing Baby video footage and an effort to make sure the content is not destroyed . . . But this link from Mediabistro puts the move in a better perspective than local media is willing to do:

Kansas City Stations Refuse to Share Raw Footage with Investigators in Lisa Irwin Case

Way back in the later half of last century . . . A Kansas City TV news station was actually raided because they didn't give up footage to authorities. So this could be a big deal.

Money quote . . .

While KCTV and KSHB, as well as KMBC, have so far declined to comment publicly on the matter, WDAF news director Bryan McGruder has been pointed in his response to the subpoenas.

“We comply with all subpoenas,” McGruder said, “but we do not release raw material.”

So I put it to TKC news enthusiasts . . .

You decide: Is this an example of Kansas City Journalistic ethics at work OR a just a lack of cooperation by local newsies???


  1. WTF!? Give them the fucking tapes or live with this missing baby on your conscience. Tony - please start a local network news protest. When their ad revenue is in jeopardy I'm sure they will be more than happy to comply.


  3. The local newsies are assholes plain and simple. If you have ever had to deal with them you would know. They don't give a damn about their impact on the community.

    Whenever they call don't talk to them. Whenever they park on your property, deny them access.

  4. Hey Morons, What country do you live in? One of the basic foundations of America is Freedom of the Press, they are protected from the government. The work product, much like a lawyers is protected from the government. The Press is, as Tony's shows everyday, is the watchdog, the protector of freedom.

  5. I can see it now - the KCPD rolling in with their armored vehicles and swat teams to raid a TV station.

  6. Alien Abduction. Those UFO's that been flying around.

  7. 8:10,

    Where in the Constitution does it give anyone the right to withold evidence in a felony criminal investigation?

    The first amendment gives the press the right to freely report information. It does not give them the right to withold information from a court subpeona.

  8. Local newsies gotta stay relevant somehow since they can no longer get interviews with the family. In the end, I tend to agree with some of you. Why not hand over the footage that possibly helps the prosecution build their case? You know they'd love to be able to say how their footage was the stuff that broke the case wide open. If they're worried about their footage being destroyed, make a copy. Duh.

    I'll bet the mother sure is glad that the local newsies aren't cooperating. First a failed polygraph, then surveillance video of her and and unknown man buying wine together shortly before the "abduction", now the possibility of behavioral experts examining and analyzing her interviews on the raw footage.

    But no let's protect the mother and not release the footage. I mean she seems innocent. Right??

  9. The release of footage has nothing to do with this case, it has to do with basic constitutional rights of the press, all your whining about this little girl does nothing. I would much rather err on the side of freedom rather than give the government a precedent to do this when a reporter has uncovered scandel in government.

    Remember Watergate?

  10. 11:00am--Again, where in the Constitution does it give anyone the right to withold evidence in a felony criminal investigation?

    The first amendment gives the press the right to freely report information. It does not give them the right to withold information from a court subpeona.

  11. The TV news says stop snitching.

  12. 11:08, you have picked a fantastic forum to flex your incredible legal wit. Do you browse TKC while taking a break from your supreme court cases?

    Obviously, because one fool on the internet said it's legal, it must be legal.

    This subponea of material is exactly as follows: there is incredible pressure from the public to pin this on SOMEONE. Anyone. So the fishing tackle is out, and we're not fishing with bobbers. We're fishing with dredging equipment. Scooping up every last grain of sand and hoping to find something. To wit, bulldozing houses, combing fields, draining wells, following people around.

    Remember Kara Kopetzky? She was clearly abducted and her search and investigation got maybe 1/100th the amount of press and work that this has gotten in one week.

    This case will get solved, but it won't be on a time frame that satisfies a public that wants the Missing Child Theater every night from 5-7.

  13. harvey wireman10/13/11, 1:53 PM

    Missing Child Theater, lolz.
    Sadly true.
    This nation of clowns watches this like a fucking soap opera and lapps it up.
    Just another reality show to the cheetos, jean shorts and boob tube crowd, which is to say most of this shithole burg.

  14. 1:04pm--

    Ah glad to see Lisa's aunt took a break from her many TV interviews to post a comment on TKC...

    Because apparently according to you, no one cares about finding the baby. We all just need the closure that comes with "pinning it on someone".

  15. 11:08

    See that's where you lose, many journalists have gone to jail rather than give up work product. It's a matter of ethics, the protection of source material, that may not want the publicity, this is one of the foundations of keeping the government on the straight and narrow. Read the code of ethics that graduates of real journalism schools ask their graduates to sign, most of the major news organizations have the same policy, you have to sue us in court to get the work product, and if a judge says yes we appeal. Fishing for work product is reprehensible, and shows how the police have nothing of import in this case. And you quoting the constitution, big whoop, many states have press shield laws, there is an understanding of the importance of keeping a free press, you don't.

  16. I'd give it a sniff

  17. Nice crotch

  18. 5:47pm--

    Wow, going to jail to protect footage that could help the police with the case. How honorable. Can't wait til a judge signs a search warrant to raid the news station. Though somehow I doubt they'll report on that...

  19. 9:38a

    Small minds only think of small solutions, next time when a local news organization has the dirt on corruption at city hall involving fruad, stealing, and violations of the civil rights of individuals and the police raid the stations and take the footage on the orders of the corrupt person, who will you turn to? You have allowed the police to bully the protector of your freedom, you have given up the freedom of all for the footage of a mother and family grieving, you are a moron with little understanding of America, only the weepy heart of someone content with the state owning their life.


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