Take A Look @ The Mayor Speaking On Behalf Of The Prez Obama Plan: Kansas City Mayor Sly James Supports the American Jobs Act

Impressive . . . A White House Clip Features Our Cowtown Mayor talking about Jobs:

Kansas City Mayor Sly James Supports the American Jobs Act

This is exceptionally relevant given that job losses in KC are among the nation's worst.


  1. He just supports anything that's "black". Just like the rest of the race baiters, like Sharpton, et al...

  2. I think he kid will have a job soon too.

    Makin license plates.

    I'm very bullish, on the local economy.

  3. just woke up--HIS kid. :)

  4. And if any federal money comes to KCMO, it will all disappear through the Full Employment Council and all the other usual suspects and never find its way to any real training or sustainable jobs for folks who need them.
    If the folks at city hall just had the guts to give some of these long-time grifters their walking papers and work with people who really want to make a difference and contribute to their community, we might actually make some progress.
    But Gwen Grant would then say "BOO" and the crowd at city hall would have to go change their shorts.
    We've seen the end of this story 100 times, in fact, every time you spend any time on the east side.
    The extortion- blackmail-scare whitey crowd, and they've ridden that horse to personal riches for decades, even as their neighborhoods fail.

  5. stupid nigger. nothing changes with these fools.

  6. This stuff is really getting to be a bit much...WE ARE FOOLS! There have been jobs that need to be done in Kansas City FOR YEARS! CLEAN UP THE LEEDS PLANT(it will take years) and what you find will tell you volumes...CLEAN UP THE BANNISTER WEAPONS COMPLEX,what you find will send some people to jail, where are all the LANDFILLS used by that complex over the 61 years for their work(HOPE NONE ARE IN JOHNSON COUNTY)...These jobs and the work will take decades to do, some people will HAVE TO BE RELOCATED...CORPORATION WILL HAVE TO BE CONFRONTED...FEDERAL AGENCIES WILL HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS...POLITICIANS WILL HAVE TO MAN UP AND REPRESENT THE PEOPLE AND THEIR OFFICE...OH, NOW I SEE WHY NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE...THOSE RESPONSIBILE FOR (job creation) DON'T WANT TO DO THE WORK TO GET THE JOBS DONE...THEY ARE GETTING PAID TO STAY AWAY FROM THE MESS.

  7. The Obama plan is a con job.

  8. All that Hope and Change really paying off....citizens pay more taxes all the time and the government gets fatter...to no one's benefit but the politician's...

  9. “In my wildest dreams, I never thought it would work this well," VP Biden said about the government stimulus.

  10. If he's not careful he could have just one term like Obama.

  11. KC politikal niggas9/30/11, 4:03 PM

    Oooga Booga Booga boo!!!cause we niggas gots to stay togetha! Booga Boooo!!!

  12. So then why aren't you making sure the employees being laid off in the Health Dept's air quality program have jobs. Not their fault they lost the state funding.

  13. Sly will form a committee to look at this, then hire 10 more people for the mayor's staff.


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