The Star Promotes Their Own iPad Demise

The Star's facebook promotion: Like The Star and you could win an iPad

The social media effort is sweet and cuddly but consider this . . .

KMBC has about 24k likes . . .

The Star has about 5k likes . . .

More importantly, last year people who liked a pickle more than Nickelback earned about 1 MILLION LIKES.

Consider that info with your useless local advertising dollar that TKC doesn't want . . . And has never been offered.


  1. We need a "Hate It" button to poke and click.

  2. Great comparison with Nickleback.
    My god this nation is retarded.

  3. You can't hate them for trying. The fact is their corporate overlords will not actually pay to hire people who are really talented and good at social media and promotions. Much less the actual reporting. Thus, you get this crap, dreamed up by poorly paid hacks you don't know what they are doing.

  4. TKC doesn't want your useless advertising dollars. He just wants what ever else people will give him. That way he doesn't have to report it as income.

  5. Tony you fudger, you are not too good to advertise me services. Maybe I can give you a sample?


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