Midweek and the quotient of Kansas City violence and HOMICIDE remains constant.
Check the links:
Updated . . . Two now dead . . .
WDAF: Police Investigate Triple Shooting in Kansas City
KSHB: One person is dead and two people have life-threatening injuries after a shooting late Wednesday afternoon in Kansas City.
KMBC: 2 Dead, 1 Critical After Parking Lot Shooting
The Star: Multiple shooting reported at KC tavern
KCTV5 . . . Police: 2 dead, 1 in critical condition after shooting
Alonzo Washington lacks the creativity to do anything other than copy Tony's blog to his own out dated MySpace page.
ReplyDeleteAlonzo? I read Tony's blog already. I don't need to read it again on your MySpace page.
Learn to come up with your own material Alonzo instead of copying other peoples material.
Until you do, you will continue to be a joke.
Information wants to be free. That's why Tony can't make any money.
that murder rate isn't going to stop itself Sly.
ReplyDeleteBut don't build that police station and crime lab at 26th and Prospect! There's no need for it in that neighborhood. No violent crime there at all!!!
ReplyDeleteWhats Sly's purpose there? Bet they don't even serve his pricey scotch.
ReplyDeleteIt was the GREEN DUCK for fuck sake! Hell, people get killed there all the time. They even name roads for people who get killed there!!!
Hell, HBO did a documentary about this area a few years ago. No big suprise.
Actually two of the three are dead. Get your stories right. And besides its just niggers killing niggers. No one cares.
ReplyDeleteAnd why the Fuck is sly who us black on the outside and white as Fuck on the inside there. If I was a cop I would arrest him for being in a crime scene
The second just died you racist fuck wad. Your dick is so small nobody cares about what y9ou think. .
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Tony: Thanks for posting this info. We are now up to 86 homicides in KCMO so far in 2011--at this point in 2010 we were at 81. And, Mayor James, please be realistic: This violence surge in the city's black neighborhoods is not due to the recession--the young men killing people in large numbers on the East Side are not a bunch of recently unemployed fathers desperate to feed hungry children--that is a nonsensical, if politically ocrrect, explanation for the tragedy that has befallen the city's black neighborhoods since the spring of 2008. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans
ReplyDelete8:54, Tony posted this story several hours before the second person was reported dead.
ReplyDeleteLook at the time stamp genius.
Who the hell is Ernest Evans?
ReplyDeleteAlonzo toolbag quoted this person a few days ago.
Dr Evans is right, its the culture, not the recession.
ReplyDeleteThis from the Star, -- Mayor Sly James, who went to the scene, expressed frustration over the city’s latest homicides.
“People always say, ‘You need to do something about this,’ as if there’s a magic wand that I or somebody can wave,” the mayor said.
End the war on drugs, and free up prison space for violent offenders.
Lock them up forever.
There is no fixing the African American Hip/Hop/Holocaust of death.
Glorification of violence, misogyny, rape, theft and murder, are all basic tenants of the sub culture of racial hate and violence.
Stop Federal and Stae funding for women who choose to have children and no means to support them.
Baby Mama's, Baby Daddy's and the entire structure, that supports these cretins, and in turn, breeds more and more violence, must end.
In the mean time, arm yourself and prepare to defend yourself.
900 and 912 don't post news if its not correct . And 900 you are just as bad as niggers by being a nigger loving mud shark . Niggers are not human and if you defend them then you to are a worthless Fuck. There is a huge difference between niggers and black people. So go Fuck your self . I hate niggers get over it.
ReplyDelete9:20 - You are a real nigger.
ReplyDelete2 dead 3 dead, homicide, suicide , who gives a shit anyway? after all its Kansas city what more do you expect? quit bitching and move if you dont like it, after all it is what it is!!!
ReplyDeletefuck this city.
ReplyDelete9:20 genius.
ReplyDeleteWhen Tony posted the blog, he WAS correct. At that time, One was dead, and two were reported critical according to the police department.
The second person didnt die until later.
And how do you know the races of the suspects and victims?
ReplyDeleteYou didn't answer my question. Who is Ernest Evans?
I believe he (E Evans) has refered to himself as a doctor in the past. If I made a mistake with his name, I apologise, it was not intentional.
ReplyDeleteChuck and Earnest Evans make a good point about culture.
ReplyDeleteBut they never seems to understand that cultures can change and some of that change will be in very subtle switches from gangsta rap to more artistic rap from stop snitching to people willing to who are not afraid to cooperate with police and call bs when it's appropriate.
Unfortunately, some people just see black and get angry. With that kind of attitude things will never change.
So because this person calls himself a "doctor", means that his opinion holds any weight?
ReplyDeleteWho gives a fuck if this story broke here first, second, or whenever? The continuing dumb asses killing each other is the story. Anyone can keep saying the truth over and over but it will not change, because these people truly don't want change or they would do something about it. Stop having kids you can not afford or more important be a PARENT to. Pause here and go look up the definition of parent and then come back. You back? Good, ok second to the men be a fucking DAD and a role model to your kids!!! That starts by most of you going to school, paying attention, learning something and go out into the world and make something of yourself. I always hear the phrase, "he or she was disrespecting me!" Well respect yourself enough to get an education, stop taking handouts to survive on and go make something of yourself. If anyone wants to argue with me on that, try, but you know I am right. I know we all do not come from the same upbringing, but have the courage to be the one who stops the perpetual cycle that is leading to all of these kids (and yes most are kids) killing eachother over nothing (Absolutely Fucking nothing). That is why most people and this includes Police, Politicians, etc won't help, because when it is a shooting over nothing or something that does not make sense to a human being then how the fuck are we supposed to stop that? The black community wants this shit to stop? Then take responsibility for yourself first and then your kids for Christ sake!!
ReplyDelete11:32 windbag.
ReplyDeleteParent-a father or mother. That definition doesn't mean shit for your lame argument.
KCPD is down at the Capital Grille putting together a New and Improved Task Force.
ReplyDeleteBut first they need to spend more time on more important issue like trying to figure out how to get the "new" e-ticking system to work.
Boy that Public Safety Sales Tax and E-tax is sure paying off.
(Dripping with sarcastic drool).
The public safety sales tax was about funding buildings and equipment, nothing else 12:03 windbag.
ReplyDelete* Citywide radio system
* East Patrol Division and Crime Lab campus
* North Patrol Division
* Complete the renovation of Police Headquarters
* Police vehicles
* Police helicopters
* Police facility maintenance
* Police equipment modernization
* Emergency medical services and emergency management
957 I know the race cause there is NO white people at 26 and prospect . The green duck does not have white people. Obviously you don't know anything about the east side. So go Fuck your mom. Faggot Fuck.
ReplyDelete1:25, your lack of grammar and knowledge of how to form a correct sentence shows you must be a product of the KCMO School District.
ReplyDeleteWOW! I think I've seen it all now!
ReplyDeleteAlonzo Washington is so starved for media attention that he is pimping himself to get interviewed for the Michael Jackson trial!
How pathetic can you get Alonzo?!
12:15 AM
ReplyDeleteAnd a lot of good funding buildings and equipment, has done, in fighting crime, Windbag. All it's done is give the cops new air-condition buildings to sit around in surfing the internet. Windbag.
Well, at least at the Capitol Grill, the humans don't kill one another like the niggers do on Prospect. Niggers are interested in 1. How big their dick is and 2. How to get over on Whitey. Fuck a whole bunch of niggers! Just let them kill themselves and we won't have to.
ReplyDeleteSly complains that he doesn't know what to do? He's one of only 13 people out of the whole city who has been elected to run the place, and public safety is the most important priority of any level of government. If th checked with his council collegues, most of them doen't even care about the violence and murders.
ReplyDeleteHow often does the mayor, public safety committee, police board, command staff, and prosecutor meet to map strategy?
Does the city even have a collaborative public safety strategy?
Has there been any effort to analyze all the money and other resources that go into public safety and be sure it's being used most effectively?
What efforts are elected officials in KCMO making to help build some realtionships between the PD and the black community?
Why isn't the CStar informaiton used to identify the highest risk areas and focus resources on more police sweeps to roll up more of the thugs?
Why does the city spend all its time sucking up to developers instead of focusing on public safety?
What exactly is Aim4Peace spending all its money on and what impact have they had on violence?
Can Sly answer any of these questions?
Why not?
Hey fuck sticks stop killing each other, that is how you stop the murders on the east side!!! Again you ignorant dumb asses are trying to blame anyone but yourselves for this shit!! You always want to blame whitey for your fucking mess!! Own your own fucking problems and do something to solve them!! I can not believe how fucking stupid a group of people can be!!
ReplyDelete9/29/11 6:03 AM
ReplyDeleteYour right and while at the Capital Grille no one is doing any police work.
So it's a cause of no action.
It's the same in every city, ours is NO exception...young black males are killing themselves by the thousands.