Justene Jaro & The TKC Overnight Workout

Keep your mind active during these early morning hours with some favorite TKC links that aren't specifically Kansas City related but important nonetheless. Check it:

The Tablet is your newspaper . . . Meet The iPad Killer: Amazon’s Tablet Leads To Its Store

Great minds . . . The Playboy blog is thinking something that TKC readers have been anticipating for quite awhile: Jordan Carver’s Guide to Oktoberfest

A modern day opus: "Being Elmo" Trailer 

Drug wars move online and past the digital divide: Mexican editor's death linked to work with social media

Long gone legacy . . . The Evil Empire could help save your life: Soviet-Era Pill From Bulgaria is a Cheap Way to Help Smokers Quit

Another reason for older white women to give up on love . . . And lower their standards to favor TKC: Demi Moore reportedly done with Ashton Kutcher’s cheating ways 

Another unproductive hobby and a threat to the nation: Man, 26, charged in plot to bomb Pentagon using model airplane

Justene Jaro and her kicks inspire us this evening

Hopefully, more local content, links, breaking news and all kinds of AWESOME coming up soon . . . STAY TUNED!!


  1. Tony, it's 10:16 PM.

    Why is the time stamp for this story two hours from now?

  2. Maybe because nobody gives a fuck.

  3. Calm down there Tony er, Sparky. Just your readers trying to keep you honest.

    Trying and failing. Haha.

  4. Him losing the lawsuit will keep him honest, and shut this blog down.

    Have you noticed Tony doesn't say ANYTHNG about Louie Wright anymore?

    Tony's a pussy.

  5. idiot. look at the sidebar.

    And if you're on this blog after 10 at night I would say Tony's doing alright keeping his audience of shitbags.

    I only come here for the tits and a few links to tits.

  6. stupid name.

    And I don't understand why people who hate TKC seem to read it and comment on it so much. Strange reverse psychology.

  7. 11:25 idiot.

    That "sidebar"? It is a post from August 19th.

  8. It's still on the front page.

    This whole fucking blog is full of idiots dancing to TKC's tune. Wish gawker would set up a local message board. That would be the best. Some of the pitch stuff is good. I guess that's why so many people read port.


  10. Tony @ 12:33? Forget to take your meds?


  11. 12:33, take a pill and chill out loser.

  12. Anon 11:34 PM

    I agree with you.

    TKC will be here long after the bully, Louie Wright is dead & buried. Even if Louie wins, no judge will order a blog to be shut down. Its absurd to think that any judge has the authority to do that. Don't call Tony a pussy for following his lawyer's advice.

    I'm looking forward to the posts of December 8.

  13. Tony might WANT a judge to shut down the blog.

    Instant local and maybe national fame?

    Parlay that into a new vehicle with more muscle and an even more liberal agenda.

    Maybe even monetize the thing to the point that there is R&D money for tech improvements.

    I envision a day, when white people reading this blog, will be struck by lasers shooting out of their monitors into their corneas for the egregious sins of the 19th century.

    Melanin detectors will permit only protected class readers from dangerous levels of nefarious and evil gasses that eminate out of modems and infect the destructive white race with poisens that will render them sensless and writhing on the floor at the sound of Hip/Hop/Rap music.



  14. The Byron Who Lives Here9/29/11, 8:42 AM

    I like Louie Wright. He's pleasant and nice to me.

  15. I am voting for Tony and Louie Wright for council next time around.

    It will be a blast!

  16. I'm Up For A Game9/29/11, 5:00 PM

    The great thing about recreational sex is that you don't need special shoes.


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