WDAF: MLB Looking For 2,000 Volunteers for Kansas City All-Star Festivities . . . TKC QUESTION . . . If this thing is soooooooooooooo profitable then why do they need a small army of people to work for free??? Wondering if baseball fans in KC have the wisdom to spend their time some place more rewarding. Probably not.
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- The Management
Is it legal to not-pay volunteers if it is a for-profit company?
ReplyDeleteWell Tony?
ReplyDeleteI've offered to voulunteer because I love the game of baseball and am excited to have the All Star Game in Kansas City.
I hope I get selected and get to help make the players and fans feel welcome in Kansas City.
4:28, don't be stupid.
ReplyDeleteThose volunteers at the hospitals? They don't get paid.
Those volunteers at the weekly PGA Tour events? They don't get paid.
Think about it.
Think about this then:
ReplyDeleteDavid Glass gets 2000 workers, free of charge. Wal-Mart hasn't given me chit for free.
4:29 you are as dumb as your post!!! volunteer to do something that will help someone, you are volunteering because you are selfish and there is something in it for you!!! however you are not alone this country is where it is today because of self serving a-holes such as yourself!! Who gives a shit about baseball when people are jobless, homeless, etc - who ever you are you are a piece of work un amerian and probably have a red dot on your forehead and own the local BP gas station!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is really bad form, in my opinion, for a team that is owned by David Glass, one of the richest men in the US, and one of the most niggardly professional sports team owners in sports, to ask for volunteers, for anything.
ReplyDeleteClark Glass and Clark Hunt are interested in money, not our identification with our local sports teams.
They both live out of town, and the top priority for both owners, in my opinion, based on their actions and the results of their efforts, is to make a profit.
Thats fine.
It is sure dissapointing for all of us hoi polloi here in the hinterland, trying to latch on to some vicarious victories in some pretty tough times, but, it ain't illegal.
Disingenuous, misleading ledgerdemain is part and parcel of our local owners advertising efforts, and that in turn sucks in morons like me, ever hopeful, for a few home town victories.
Glass makes 25 million a year off of over a decade of the busted dreams and hopes for our local teams.
He can pony up the fuckin cash himself.
4:50. I DO volunteer because I WANT to. There is nothing "in it" for me other than maybe seeing some of the MLB All Stars in person and being able to attend the game, depending on what volunteer position I get selected for.
ReplyDeleteI "give a shit" about baseball and football and golf. It gives me enjoyment.
I work two jobs in the medical profession, one full time, and one part time. I work hard, and with the money I earn, I like to play hard and enjoy sports.
I'm sorry you have such hatered for people who like to voulunteer their time with activities that they happen to enjoy.
You must live a very shallow and bitter life 4:50.
Clark Hunt is 32 million UNDER the salary cap this year.
ReplyDeleteThe Chiefs have been either at the bottom or next to the bottom in terms of cash spent to bring a quality entertainment product for the last 7 years.
They are rich as shit, thats cool, but me, I just can't work for those guys for free.
Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you giving your opinion about the Kansas City Chiefs, when this story is about the Kansas City Royals and BASEBALL?
Hey you uneducated fools.
ReplyDeleteIt's the Kansas City Sports Commission & Foundation that is asking for the volunteers, NOT David Glass or the Royals.
I just love how people blog and post things without doing even the least bit of research.
Now I gotta be an uneducated fool?
ReplyDeleteI resemble that remark!
David Glass owns the team, and everything that takes place at Royals Stadium, should, I would think, fall under his auspices.
I mention Clark Hunt, because they are so similar, and I am a pissed off Chiefs fan, so I wanted to get a dig in.
I am petty and small like that.
Ya know, its just the general malaise and maloderous humors that seem to eminate every year from the sports complex.
ReplyDeleteIt never gets better.
I am a grumpy old man, and I am sick of it,
ReplyDeleteQuit your bitching and take your entertainment dollars elsewhere then.
I persoanlly get sick and fucking tired of hearing people bith about the Royals and Chiefs.
Remember, they provide elective "entertainment". NOBODY is forcing you to follow or be fans of these teams.
They know that there are plenty of jocksniffing brainwashed idiots who will gladly give up their time to volunteer for free, while MLB makes millions on this game.
ReplyDeleteI doubt they even for a second considered paying these rubes.
Why would they have to pay the volunteers 5:46? Have you looked up the definition of volunteer lately?
ReplyDeleteThe stadium workers and team employees will still get their wages.
They are looking for the extra staffing needed, through volunteers to assist with the "Fan Fest" activities and such, which cannot be handled by the regular staff.
Since when is volunteering for "rubes"?
It just reinforces a corporate sports culture of handouts.
ReplyDeleteStadium handouts or we'll move the team from your city.
And by volunteering your time, you're just more grist in their mill.
The thing is, you're so indoctrinated in professional sports worship that you don't even see it.
I don't "worship" professional sports, I ENJOY them.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy college sports also also. So what?
Volunteering for an event that hasn't happened in Kansas City in almost 40 years will be fun. May never come to Kansas City again.
Sorry that someone who chooses to volunteer for something they enjoy is so offensive to you 5:59.
And again, educate yourself. The volunteers aren't for the stadium, the Royals or the game itself. It is volunteer opportunities for "Fan Fest" which is put on by MLB.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, both of your jobs are safe and you can afford to give away your labor. Good thing Glass hasn't figured out how to out-source medical treatment.
But watch it. Word gets out that you have two of something that someone else has none of.....and Obama will take one of your jobs away and give it to someone who has none.
Chuck: bravo
I do love this city, but you gotta wonder, really, at least I do, what the monetary efficacy of our two pro sports teams, with respect to the average Joe on the street actually is.
ReplyDelete5:37 is right, I should take my entertainment dollars and spend them somewhere else and stop bitching.
But hell, I am just a schmuck on the street, and I have been interested and emotionally involved with the Royals and Chiefs for 61 years.
Glass and Hunt don't owe KC shit. It is a product, and we can buy it, or not.
That said, there is little doubt, that the two pro teams, have a lcoal identity. That same local identity, and the tax dollars and money that the county and city (I am not an expert on this, but I think our local govt, is involved and monetarily supports these two teams to a certain extent.), entitle me to bitch about fuckin out of town owners and penny pinching, profit first, last place teams, that incessantly fail.
If the Royals and the Chiefs fail, then, it is my belief, that many in the city, feel as though they fail too.
Irrational, sure, but very human and very understandable, imo.
If in fact, a city's guidon, it's persona is dictated, by a pro team, that recieves benefits from that city's taxpayers, than I feel that it is ok, for me to say, Fuck the Cheap ass CLARKS.
Grow a fuckin sack you pussies and spend some of your daddy's money on a winner, or sell the team and go run a fuckin sweat shop in Guatemala.
Sell fuckin Amway, or cars, or buy a golf course and an internet company.
Pro sports, are for competative men with real balls, not bespeckled actuaries smothered in balance sheets.
Grow a fuckin pair, you are an embarrassment to the city, and to men all over America.
ReplyDeleteSpend your money elsewhere. The Chiefs and Royals are a business. The purpose of a business is to make a profit. The Jackson County sales tax (paid for by ANYONE in the world who spends money in Jackson County), NOT property tax, paid the renovations of the stadiums.
If you don't like it, root for someone else or go watch ballet.
Clark and David.
Dear Clark and David,
ReplyDeleteI think we can safely assume that most of the sales tax accrued in Jackson County, is from people who live in Jackson County and run business' in Jackson County.
We can therefore, imo, extrapolate a fiscal respnsibilty to succeed in a sports business, funded by those same people.
Your efforts to this point, are woefully inept, and your penchant for personal profit, at the expense of your customers, investors and shareholders is desultory, deleterious and disgraceful.
As did Charlemagne grab the crown out of the Pope's hands and declare himself emporer, I now, as a sales tax paying member of the Jackson County Proletariat, declare myself, GRAND SACHEM of Kansas City Pro Sports teams.
Clark, David, put down that fuckin coffee!!! Coffee is for closers!!
You two fuckin pussies, have got 12 months to field a winner, not a winter, a fuckin WINNER in KC, or you will be cleanin the fuckin sneeze shield at Waldo Pizza.
Glass, if I don't see some starting pitching that this city can hang its hat on in April, you will be dreaming your in a donkey suit on a hill in right field dodging orange base balls. Start cuttin some checks.
Hunt, if you are not right at the salary cap by next Sept First, you will be beltin out show tunes in fish net stockings and a Chiefs Jersey at the Oakland-Chiefs kick off, in the cheap seats.
I am not fuckin with you two, drop the Mohitos, pick up the burritos and get to fuckin work.
Until then, I remain,
Dead in your fuckin ass,
Uneducated chuck,
ReplyDeleteThere are no "share holders", we are NOT publically traded companies.
What business doesn't make a profit off of its customers? Do you expect us to lose money on OUR investment? You're a genius chuck.
The NFL Salary cap is $120 million. 6 NFL teams, including the Chiefs and the 3-0 Buffalo Bills are under $100 million. A total of 13 teams are under $110 million.
Green Bay? The defending Super Bowl champions and currently 3-0? Their salary is $109 (only 90% of the cap).
So chuck, don't think you can tell us how to run our for-profit businesses.
There's not a damn thing you can do about how we spend our money on these teams.
Clark and David.
Chuck is a lot more educated than jocksniffers.
ReplyDeleteMLB is a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR outfit.
They're asking for volunteers is shameful.
Chuck said as much.
It's not volunteering if you're doing it for a corporation who only works to make money.
Volunteer at a school, a hospital or to pick up trash on the highway. That helps people, that is appreciated.
Chuck called you out and made you look stupid because he knows this is nothing but a corporation looking for free work.
So they can make money. And they think "pride" in your town is payment.
There are no perks. No benefits if you get hurt on the job. If anything they are looking to indemnify themselves against their volunteers.
It's a ripoff.
Just like most sports.
Thank you Chuck.
You give us faith in Kansas City.
Glass and Hunt don't make a profit, without all the free stadium shit and perks provided for them at the expense of the tax payers.
ReplyDeleteThe only fire to their feet, is trepidation over where to take their next vacation on the cash they suck out of a pro sports machine, that seems to more and more often, present dimininsing returns on investment.
The Royals are historically, the worst team to ever take the field over the last 10 years.
You made my point about the salary cap.
Arizona $83 million
Atlanta $102.1 million
Baltimore $101.3 million
Buffalo $96.4 million
Carolina $73 million
Chicago $104.9 million
Cincinnati $90.7 million
Cleveland $99.2 million
Dallas $136.6 million
Denver $125 million
Detroit $113.8 million
Green Bay $129.8 million
Houston $118.4 million
Indianapolis $115.5 million
Jacksonville $78.1 million
Kansas City $74.7 million
Miami $103.1 million
Minnesota $108.4 million
New England $102.3 million
New Orleans $105.2 million
New York Giants $126.3 million
New York Jets $128.5 million
Oakland $85.8 million
Philadelphia $80.8 million
Pittsburgh $116 million
San Diego $85.8 million
San Francisco $100.9 million
Seattle $81.1 million
St. Louis $102.4 million
Tampa Bay $59.7 million
Tennessee $107.4 million
Washington $115.2 million
This is 2011, and as usual, teh Chiefs are at the BOTTOM in terms of money spent. They ALWAYS are.
Both of these owners are the amongst the worst in pro sports and have repeatedly been called out as such locally and nationally.
I admit, Mike Brown of the Bengals is even worse, but not as consistent as these two.
Your Green Bay Packers spent 42% more money (See above) than the Kansas City Cheifs.
They are contenders every year, the Cheifs and Royals are Jay Leno punch lines, kinda like your analysis.
This, like I said, doesn't even to begin to address, what you would think, would be some pride in their jobs.
Most of us, get up and go to work, and actualy like to think we can achive some success in our jobs.
I washed that car, its really clean, I cooked that burger, it is tasty, I fucked everyone out of their 401K's, I am rich (Oops, forget that one.), I just busted a coke dealer, I am a good cop, I just sold a nice car for a profit, I just installed that Furnace and it keeps folks warm and my company is profitable.
Dave and Clark just keep throwin shit up against the wall, and gettin a pass.
They suck at what they do, today, yesterday, for the last 10 or more years, and they will suck at what they do, for the forseeable future.
And I'll bet the house and the farm that the shitty MLB hat and tee shirt the volunteers given will say "Made in China(or some other shitty 3rd world country).
ReplyDeleteChuck is dead on with this.
And I do take my entertainment dollars elsewhere.
Glass may have made a good living all on his own, but we'll never know, now will we? SAMs SIL pretty much had it handed to him. And Clark was just fortunate enough to be born a Hunt. Just lucky to not be switched at birth.
And if I ever get asked to remove my hat at a Zroyals turnstile ever again(front office says to check us for controlled substances, a MLB policy), I'm prolly gonna punch that usher right in the pie hole.
But I will never have to make good on that promise, cuz I am so fucking done with the KC Boils. And I never followed the Chefs anyway.
ReplyDeleteYour salary figures are incorrect.
Chiefs payroll is $82 million.
Arizonas payroll is $111 million.
Green Bays payroll is $114 million.
Atlantas payroll is $95 million.
Minnesotas payroll is $99 million.
The list goes on and on, and your numbers that you provided are grossly incorrect.
C'mon chuck. If you can't provide ACCURATE information, you should leave this argument.
The numbers I got, are from John Clayton's website.
ReplyDeleteThat notwithstanding, I think it is fuckin hilarious, that you, 12:15 try and repudiate my premise, with stats that show the Chiefs are the lowest payroll in the NFL.
What the fuck???
I am LMAO.
Hey Chuck, your numbers that you get from your NFL guy, are not right, her is my NFL website, oh, yeah, I guess the Chiefs DO HAVE THE LOWEST PAYROLL.
YOUR FUCKIN NUMBERS, which I can assume are the best you can find, STILL show the CHIEFS as having the lowest payroll.
What is this? Some Orwellian dream?
Hey, thanks for makin my point.
One more time, my premise, that the Chiefs are cheap and don;t go for spit (As is evidenced by the product on the field.), is countered by YOUR claim, that the Chiefs, are not as cheap as I said they were, still the cheapest team in the NFL, but not as cheap as I said (Once again, my stats and quotes are solid, see 810, and 610 podcasts, see a jillion figures if you google them,).
ReplyDeleteSo, my premise is faulty because your figures show they are LESS cheap (STILL THE ABSOLUTE CHEAPEST!!) than I said.
Thanks for the info.