And everyone in town now hopes the School Board isn't repeating what might have been a mistake:

According To The Star: "Airick Leonard West has regained the votes he needs to return to his former seat as Kansas City school board president, several board members said today."

Just in time to pick a new Superintendent . . . Mr. West wins the power struggle on the board by all accounts . . . But the reality check is that none of these political moves are important in raising test scores, stopping violence in the district or running schools more effectively.



  1. How pathetic.

  2. sigh. That doesn't speak so well for the board, does it?

  3. Airick! Bring da moneys!

  4. Maybe it's time for the media to stop going to the 'president' to be the front spokesperson for this system. Maybe if the media had ALL the board members in their rollodexes, and built relationships with "ALL OF THEM", then the focus on this loser would diminish.

    Is he really the main guy, or just the presider of the meetings?

  5. So is did he meddle with the contract or not?

  6. Quitters always win

  7. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    Or sending your kids to Kansas City, Missouri Schools.

  8. The only option is to leave.

  9. I think insane wins here over pathetic.

  10. So what's the plan?

  11. Radioman--good point. On last week's Ruckus, Mary O said she didn't know the acting president--had never had a conversation with him--couldn't remember his name, etc.

    Not to imply that she is typical (thank heavens), but it wouldn't hurt ALL of the board members to become more acquainted with the media.

  12. EGO GAMES, what the hell!

  13. The plan is that he is using the votes that Kim Carlos and Theresa Garza provided to him to regain the leadership.

  14. Airick! Wah da moneys?

  15. Ah means wha BE da moneys?

  16. If you want to support low-income kids in KC who are educationally at risk, check out JumpStart. This group annually recruits close to 100 Rockhurst and UMKC students to actively mentor over 300 kids who suffer from this political mess of a school district. Contact them and volunteer if you want to help kids.

  17. Not to insert facts into these comments, but the Star, after reviewing the emails, reported that all West did was accept an email from a vendor, tell that vendor he couldn't be involved, and forward their questions to the administration. John Covington, who was already looking for leverage to get out of his contract, used the email to sway public attention toward Airick as the issue and away from his own plans. It's amazing that people are still taking the word of that POS Covington over a guy who has really done nothing accept try to fight on behalf of the kids in our schools.

  18. Stupid, stinking, fucking nigger is back as prez of the school board. Do ya hear that noise? It's the sound of kc going right down the toilet......Fuck you, kc.

  19. Why not break up this district into 4 smaller districts and make it about education again? Make it more manageable.

  20. That's it; I'm pulling my kids OUT!

    I am so fed up with this District.

    My kids are NOT going to pay the price for these jerks,

  21. We don't need another hero, we just want to know the way hooewow-home9/28/11, 2:21 PM

    n troubled times the survivors of this barren and scorched land called out for a hero, and one day that man rode over the horizon. A man named AIRWICK, who roamed the highways in the name of the law, who became a lover, husband, father, in the roar of an engine he lost everything, his woman, his child, his world. He wandered out into the wastelands. And here he would learn, that beyond the world of savages and machines, hope in AIRWICK'S YOUNG SCHOLARS SURVIVES.

  22. 1:56: Wow! That way we could have four times the fun. Four school Boards, four administrative staffs, etc.

    Why not consider breaking it up into four parts and allocating those parts to the Independence, Lees Summit, Center, and Raytown school districts?

    Less is more.

  23. Why not break Airwick up into four parts???? Each would stink just as bad as the whole...

  24. The emails I read Airick was clearly involved. West has embazzed millons of dollars. Sinful that he black mailed the 3 that he brought on board. Ritchie was the right fit.

  25. Same old Niggers running KC shit hole .

  26. enough with the n-word. it's not like you care about anybody in the kc schools.

    fucking disgusting racist.

  27. Dumbass school board. Same dumbasses get recycled all over again. A-holes deserve what they get. Problem is it doesn't cost them a thing. The kids and parents who can't afford to leave are the ones who pay the price.

  28. Musical Chairs

  29. The curupt man-child cried and got what he wanted. The state GOP should Lynch the democratic party with this corrupt asshole and his interfering on behalf demo donors. Airick is no different than Marylyn only his masters are white
    . lyn

  30. I want the state to take over asap.

  31. agreed. something has to change and not just the speeches.

  32. This is exactly the problem with the KC school board. AND the saga continues!!

  33. Theresa Garza and Kim Carlos need to pay for this crime.

  34. Gosh, maybe Airick can get a college degree and be an example to the schools' dedicated "skollers."

  35. West likes little boys!!!

  36. You don't need a degree to be president of a large metropolitan school board?

    Another reason the KCMO school district is, and always will be a FAIL.

    At least until is is taken over by the state or dissolved.

  37. Ok, you use the word "fucking" in a post but condemn the word "nigger". Well, they just go sooo well together that it's hard not to combine them into FUCKING NIGGER.

  38. We can't break up the district into four because that would break the number one rule of the community:

    "Thou shalt not leave our community"

    What would happen if they met other people, even white people, and decided to live outside the 3rd or 5th district? The old has- been's who control them would lose their power.

    What if that happened and they ignored their accusations of being an Uncle Tom or House N---er?

    They might escape the culture of death in their community and realize that it's not because they're black, its because they have not escaped this self emposed entrapment.

  39. 6:30: Maybe that's the reason Alvin Brooks goes around saying people are "confined" to the ghetto because of race.

    The old has-beens can't live forever.


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