Kansas City political players are set to honor themselves once again . . . I thought the image of these Victoria's Secret models was apropos even though it doesn't really apply to this circumstance . . . Check the info . . .

"Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus

20th Annual Torch Dinner
Our Theme for 2011 - 40 Years Strong!

The Details
Thursday, September 15, 2011
5:30 p.m. - Social, Networking and Silent Auction
7:00 p.m. – Parade of Politicians
7:15 p.m. – Dinner Followed by Live Auction and Awards Presentation

Nice digs: "On the stunning 25th floor of the Town Pavilion with a beautiful panoramic view of Kansas City 1111 Main Street, KCMO"

These winners are more important than you: "Announcing Our Award Recipients"

Monica Curls – Torch Award
Theresa Garza Ruiz – Community Service
Richard Rhyne – Mel Carnahan “Good Guy”
Sylvia Maria Gross – Excellence in Media
Barbara Womack – Guardian of the Flame
Jean Peters Baker – Erika S. Fox Pillar
Mamie Hughes – MO Hall of Fame
Kaye Cleaver – KS Hall of Fame

And Debuting Our “Good Guys” Recognition

Recipients will be announced the week of August 22, 2011"

The "Good Guy" award I find exceptionally interesting because in my opinion only a few people partying on this night have really done much to benefit women across the KC Area.

Still, a night of these broads cackling and pretending that they serve anyone outside Kansas City's political class is is exceptionally hilarious. It's especially funny given the fact that they pretty much work for the status quo and Kansas City has seen a downward spiral since the upward ascendancy of a few of the politically savvy ladies . . . So, I don't know what exactly there is to celebrate . . . Still, I'm all for women of every variety of a good time. If I can, I'd really like to scrape together the 75 to 100 BUCKS (!!!) so that I can see these Kansas City female leaders and maybe learn a few tricks . . . That hopefully don't completely disgust me.


  1. cunt convention.

  2. Once a meaningful organization, but not anymore--not in KC, at least. And for Goddess' sake, why are they honoring Louie Wright as a "Good Guy"?? Did they miss the pat about the sexism in the KCFD?

  3. Sexist group for sure. Turn the tables and there would be tons of media coverage demanding change of policies.

  4. This organization is a fucking joke filled with old sluts who would probably pay you to get a blow job.

    That's just my political opinion of course. You should hear me when I really get mad.

  5. They will host more candidates than attendees again8/29/11, 7:44 PM

    They have just about killed that organization through fascism.

  6. You mean we are supposed to pay money just to sit around and watch Theresa put on weight, which can be witnessed just by looking at her for a few moments.

  7. Where is the service?8/29/11, 10:13 PM

    Theresa Garza Ruiz – Community Service?

    Name something that she did without receiving pay.

  8. shhh. just pay her and genaro and everything will be just fine.

  9. Anon 6:41 PM

    Does this prove that Louie's reputation is ruined?

  10. Can't you get a blogger discount?

  11. Has Genaro move into KC boundies yet?

  12. Who would post at 3:33 am?


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