Today's KCMSD Aftermath Compilation

Let's take a breath before we start lamenting so much bad news about the Kansas City, Missouri School District.

It's important to realize that there are quite a few good people who volunteer their time TIRELESSLY.

To wit . . . Let's remember that the EVEN MORE hard work is ahead as Kansas City hopes to avoid repeating some of the same mistakes.


KC school leaders work with state on Covington's impending departure

KC schools 'pretty close' to new leader

School Board Meets to Discuss Next Move

JimmyCSays: Volcano at 12th and McGee could help clear the air

TKC lesson for today: Cameron Diaz celebrates a birthday today. She's 39 years-old.


  1. That stupid assed school board will again decide to place some over-rated nigger in the superintendent's office and once again, KC schools will fall another notch until they are completely off the scale of acceptability.

  2. What if they found an acceptably-rated nigger?

  3. Airick whas mah moneys?

  4. ok tony the n- word is getting out of hand Hombre... shape it up or bean slurs cometh...

  5. Airick where is the money? What about the emails is anyone going to address this?

  6. Leave my pimp alone8/30/11, 11:24 AM

    Robyne Stevenson Turner posted on FB begging folks to help her Airick, is she out of her mind?

    Rock solid leaders are those who have the skill to get through a crisis, are unfailingly honest and transparent, and keep their eyes on the organization's prize, not their own gain. Airick Leonard West is that leader for the KC School District. I urge all my FB friends to call their board members and let them know you agree. This is the time that constituents must be heard and that we listen to our proven leader not the lies of others.
    Board members at

  7. Leave my pimp alone8/30/11, 11:24 AM

    Robyne Stevenson Turner posted on FB begging folks to help her Airick, is she out of her mind?

    Rock solid leaders are those who have the skill to get through a crisis, are unfailingly honest and transparent, and keep their eyes on the organization's prize, not their own gain. Airick Leonard West is that leader for the KC School District. I urge all my FB friends to call their board members and let them know you agree. This is the time that constituents must be heard and that we listen to our proven leader not the lies of others.
    Board members at


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