A recent photo of Jordan Carver and her big guns reminds me that there are two sides to every story along with the fact that I need to go to the store and buy more milk.

Still, while this wicked little town is mostly corrupt, decaying and incapable of any real change . . . It's important to take it all in stride and have fun with the journey this town is taking down the toilet bowl of history. Also, maybe things aren't so bad.

Let's quickly cover a few facets of Kansas City life . . .



"The homicide rate appears to be accelerating as year progresses--we had 27 homicides in first four months of 2011, ten each in May and June, 14 in July and 13 so far in August. At the end of September 2010 we were at 82 homicides--we will likely be higher on Sept. 30, 2011 since we are now at 74 homicides for 2011."

That's not so encouraging . . . However, it's nice to know that there are people dedicated to fighting this problem and keeping the public aware of the deadly toll that impacts ALL of Kansas City.


Small market FAIL defines this town and both baseball and football season CONSISTENTLY end in disappointment. The stadiums in the NFL are getting increasingly nasty and only fools hope for any real success in the near future. However, that's not to say that I don't admire fans who keep constantly deluding themselves. Also, soccer seems reinvigorated in this town . . . Too bad it doesn't really matter.


Kansas City is in full giveaway mode again. However, all of the big deals have already been settled so it's really just a question of local politicos smiling and hoping nobody takes too much of an interest . . . As long as there's not another riot. Chances are good that the Kansas City Status quo stays intact.


Like some lonely fat lady, this town was embarrassed and dumped this week . . . AND NOW WE'RE READY TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!! This time the promises will have to be a little bit more snappy since the last plan failed so miserably. BUT there's hope that local politicos will convince people that things are going to change . . . THIS TIME.

Also, politicos always have kept reminding us that the failure of the KCMSD is just one disaster among other schools that aren't doing so bad.



Judge this fact through your own set of prejudices. I just think it's interesting in much the same way that exercising in Kansas City makes people angry.

To wit . . . Life in Kansas City really depends on your viewpoint and looking glasses. Obviously, life is wonderful for rich people no matter where they live and it seems that around the globe life in this epoch of human history is about a struggle between the haves and the have-nots. But it would be unfair to simply take one viewpoint over another without considering both . . . I guess.

So . . . Tonight's playlist is dedicated to both good and bad in Kansas City and how both sides keep spinning as life goes on virtually unchanged.

As always, thanks for reading this week and have a safe and fun weekend!!!


  1. Yeah, even the bloggers are substandard in Kansas City.

  2. Why do read this blog, Delmar?

    It was a great post, Tony. But its not just Kansas City. Its all cities. Most of you think of me as a cave dwelling hillbilly from West Virginia, but I've lived all over the country: Fairbanks, Alaska; Las Vegas, Nevada; Nashville, Tennessee; I've spent time in Springfield, Missouri; San Antonio, Texas; New York, New York & Orlando, Florida & a long list of small towns in West Virginia. I chose to live here because I'm intelligent. We are more prosperous then our reputation. We are experiencing an economic boom because of the Marcellus Shelf. We have low crime, low cost of living, & our class struggles are not confused by race because most of our black population moved to Detroit when the coal mines were automated. But, I digress ...

    All cities are terrible places for the poor, the working poor & the middle class. The cultural amenities that you are so proud of do not compensate for the crime, the poor schools, the uncommunity of your cities. Even those of you who make good money spend most of that money on the means to make the money, like a perpetual motion machine spinning around & going nowhere. If you get to take a vacation once a year, you think you've won.

    My advice to all of my friends in Kansas City is to leave. There are wonderful small towns all over the country to chose from. Quit the 'rat race' & save your hearts the stress. I watch your news casts over the internet, & like ANY city, the first order of business is the deaths. The only way you can be happy in a place like that is if you ignore your surroundings. Do you speak to each other when you pass on the street? No, you don't. Because you are not a community, you are strangers to each other.

    Tony tells the truth about your city, but I am telling you that he is telling the truth about all cities. Kansas City is simply the one he knows. It makes me sad, because I know how much happier & healthier you would be if you left & moved to a small town. You will not solve your problems because they are not solvable.

  3. Those of us who choose to fight for our city8/28/11, 1:01 AM

    Thanks for the lecture you can return to f*cking your sister, or is it your mom. Whatever dude. Sounds like you failed in the big city and ran away with your tail between your legs to inbred WV. Thanks but we will stay here and try to make OUR city better. FOAD.

  4. Foad,

    You can't make your city better, because your comment shows that you're an ignorant asshole. These stereotypes are walls that you build around yourself so you can believe that your okay, its everyone else that's fucked up. That's the way city dwellers deal. I know that you have to be this way if your going to live there, but you don't have to live there. Life isn't a contest to see who is better than who. Your hostility is a result of living in a big city.

    My advice to my friends in Kansas City is to leave.

  5. You got his number, dude.

  6. Kansas Traveller8/28/11, 2:13 AM

    Byron has a point, FOAD. Unfortunately, growing up in the big city sort of taints a person who finds themselves in adulthood living in a small town. There's still a hive mind in them towards outsiders, and can be pretty tough to break through if you're not born-n-bred in the little town (and/or naturally the gregarious and outgoing type).
    They both kinda suck, I guess. In my experience.
    Private islands, perhaps?

  7. Misery loves company.

  8. Bryon, you claim to live elsewhere. So find a local blog in whatever city you claim to live in and comment there. This is for REAL KC residents only.

  9. Don't kid yourselves KC cheerleaders...Kansas City IS a shithole cowtown! It will always guys belong here so be PROUD!

  10. Kansas City can be a shithole but there are very good parts as well. There are even parts of the east side that are doing better now than ever before. We need a blog that emphasizes the good aspects of KC and doesn't just complain.

    That's you're challenge Tony.

  11. Yea, Tony, become a part of the Chamber of Commerce rah rah crowd!

  12. Anon 11:33

    This isn't Kansas City, this is the internet. Also, as Tony points out, this is a 'free speech zone'. I'll comment if I want, just like you.

  13. You Go Byron. You are one of the only voices of reason here. We appreciate you!

  14. Crime in Kansas City has been out of control for years..... nothing new.
    And the Po Po can't stop it.

  15. What I don't understand is why a WV elite would give a darn about anything in little ol kc, just a pathetic city where only crazy, uninformed people live before they have seen the light and move to the country.

    Oh and by the way, fuck off bryon you hillbilly cunt. Isn't it about time to go slop the sister and fuck the hogs...or something like that...hey I could get used to this free speech thing...

  16. 74 homicides for 2011 and its still August.
    During the holidays it goes up even more.

  17. Crime isn't the most important topic in KCMO for ANY of the elected or appointed officials who have the responsibility to try to do anything about it. In fact, it isn't even on the radar screen.
    The last time the mayor had anything to say was just after he got pushed into the bushes in the Plaza while he was on a PR tour with Al Brooks. And most of the comments from the PD HQ have more to do with pay and benefits than with the safety of the residents.
    KCMO south of the river is going down the tubes and all the tax moeny in the world thrown into downtown isn't going to do a thing about it.

  18. Poor schools, small business failure, high crime, poorly run city services whats not to like about KCMO.

  19. 6:42 FTW!!!

  20. Sharp should have been the Pro-tem choice. Circo is a joke.

  21. City Hall Observer8/28/11, 9:58 PM

    I would agree. I don't like Sharp but I agree he at least knows what's going on and isn't there just to look pretty. Oh, gosh he is not looking pretty.

  22. Byron is the former mayor's brother just like I'm Jesus Christ. Tony's partner in slander.

  23. Let me mark 10:13 not "Like" but "Ignorant".

  24. true dat. Sometimes The Radio Man is right.

  25. Kansas City is NOT a city by any stretch of the imagination. It's one big sprawling suburb. The closest thing to a city here is St. Louis. Chicago is the closest city. New York is a city. Boston is a city. San Francisco is a city. Kansas City is NOT a city.

  26. Thanks to Radioman & 4:53!

  27. Good Lord! I don't know how Jordan is able to breathe with those babies. Let alone tie her shoes...

  28. Mark Funkhouser8/29/11, 4:37 PM

    Similarly, I don't know how my dear idiot chess playing brother can breathe with his head so far up his own turd cutter!


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